This is my Kindergarten Electronic Portfolio From ~ Gardner Math, Science, Technology Magnet School Click Here To Begin
Cover Letter from Mr. Miller This portfolio is a collection of the student’s work during their studies at Gardner Math, Science, and Technology Magnet School. We hope you will enjoy seeing the following samples of their work and learning more about them from the selections they have chosen for you. Each student has worked hard to design and develop a portfolio all their own with a personal sense of style. We welcome and invite you to take a journey into the student’s world. Join us for a look at what they have selected as their best examples of accomplishment. Thank you! Paul R. Miller Technology Coordinator/Instructor Go to the Next Page
Visit My Portfolio from…. 3rd Grade 4th Grade Kindergarten 2nd Grade 1st Grade 1st Grade
Gardner Magnet School Kindergarten Grade Menu My Kindergarten Year
MAIN MENU Keri Gardner Math, Science, Technology Magnet School Kindergarten ~ About Me: MY PROJECTS Grade Menu Next Year in 1 st Grade
About Me in Kindergarten: Keri Teacher: Milroy My Web Page My Web Page You can learn more about me by visiting my “Kindergarten Web Page.” Simply click on this link to see my page!
English Math TechnologyReading My Kindergarten Subject Menu: Main Menu Teacher: Milroy Grade Menu Science Art ProjectsHealth/ P.E.MusicCounselingLibrary
Math Project-K Project 1
Math Project 1 Kindergarten Projects Keri is having fun with shapes.
Science – Project-K Project 1
Science Project #1 Kindergarten Projects Keri enjoys visiting the W.I.L.D. Center.
Technology Lab - K Project 2 Project 2 Project 1 Project 1 Project 3 Project 3 Unit Skills Checklist Unit Assessment Kindergarten Projects
Unit Skills Checklist ~ K-2 These are the Technology Skill Categories Students explore in the Technology Lab: 1. Basic operations and concepts 2. Social, ethical, and human issues 3. Technology productivity tools 4. Technology communications tools 5. Technology research tools 6. Technology problem-solving and decision-making tools
Unit Assessment ~ K-2 Performance Indicators: Prior to completion of Grade 2 students will: 1. Use input devices (e.g., mouse, keyboard, remote control) and output devices (e.g., monitor, printer) to successfully operate computers, VCRs, audiotapes, and other technologies. (1) 2. Use a variety of media and technology resources for directed and independent learning activities. (1, 3) 3. Communicate about technology using developmentally appropriate and accurate terminology. (1) 4. Use developmentally appropriate multimedia resources (e.g., interactive books, educational software, elementary multimedia encyclopedias) to support learning. (1) 5. Work cooperatively and collaboratively with peers, family members, and others when using technology in the classroom. (2) Page Two
Unit Assessment ~ K-2 (continued) Performance Indicators: Prior to completion of Grade 2 students will: 6. Demonstrate positive social and ethical behaviors when using technology. (2) 7. Practice responsible use of technology systems and software. (2) 8. Create developmentally appropriate multimedia products with support from teachers, family members, or student partners. (3) 9. Use technology resources (e.g., puzzles, logical thinking programs, writing tools, digital cameras, drawing tools) for problem solving, communication, and illustration of thoughts, ideas, and stories. (3, 4, 5, 6) 10. Gather information and communicate with others using telecommunications, with support from teachers, family members, or student partners. (4) Technology Projects Page
K-Technology Project 1 Assignment Description Click to view: Technology Projects Page Keri’s Web Page Keri’s Web Page
K-Technology Project 1 Description The students worked very hard to create their own personal web site. Students in Kindergarten created a web site consisting of ONE page. The page contained their answer to five questions. The questions generated a message similar to that of an introductory pen-pal letter. Students also worked to select graphics they wished to leave on their web site. Each student deleted the graphics they didn’t wish to keep as a part of their web site. The web site was then linked from their teacher’s web site on the Gardner Kindergarten Teachers’ Web Site:
K-Technology Project 2 Assignment Description Click to view: Technology Projects Page EasyTech is a proven, Web-delivered K-8 technology literacy curriculum. This program allows students to work at their own pace through interactive technology skills lessons. You can see a sample lesson and learn more about EasyTech by going to the link below:
K-Technology Project 2 Description EasyTech is a web-delivered K-8 technology literacy curriculum which allows students to work at their own pace through the interactive lessons. As students master one lesson, they continue to the next. Topics include: Computer Basics Beginning Graphics Visual Mapping Basics Word Processing Basics Database Basics Keyboarding Visual Mapping Computer Navigation Spreadsheet Basics Graphing in Spreadsheets Web Browsing Basics
K-Technology Project 3 Assignment Description Click to view: Technology Projects Page Watch me grow during the year in my…. “Memories of Kindergarten” video! By clicking on the link below: My Project
K-Technology Project 3 Description Mr. Miller took the students pictures each month during the school year. Those pictures were used to create a PhotoStory3 short video of each child showing how they had grown and changed during the year. Mr. Miller worked to complete each child’s Photo Memory Video for them and link it to their Electronic Portfolio.
English Project-K Project 1
English Project 1 Kindergarten Projects Keri is working hard during Writer’s Workshop.
Reading - K Project 1 Project 1
Reading Project 1 Kindergarten Projects Click here to listen to Keri read.
Fine Arts Project- K Photo of Project
Fine Arts Project 1 Kindergarten Projects
Health / P.E. – Kindergarten Photo of Project
Health & P.E. Photo 1 Kindergarten Projects
Music – Kindergarten Click Here for Project 1 The Gardner Song ABC Rock Time To Graduate
Music – Project #1 Kindergarten Projects KEYBOARD PATTERNS AND MUSIC SYMBOLS
Counseling – Kindergarten Photo Of Project
Counseling Photo 1 Kindergarten Projects
Library – Kindergarten Photo of Project
Library Photo 1 Kindergarten Projects
Now I must say farewell to Kindergarten and look toward First Grade at Gardner Math, Science, and Technology Magnet School…. Our Mission Statement: The staff of Gardner Math, Science, and Technology Magnet School provides students with an innovative technology - rich learning environment in which they experience and communicate literacy, mathematics and science as an integral part of everyday life. Thoughts for 1 st Grade
What I look forward to for 1 st Grade…. I look forward to a new desk. Main MenuGrade Menu