Welcome Parents K3 Curriculum Night Sharon Nutt Kindergart en
All About Mrs. Nutt… *Background *Family *Interests
Experience and Philosophy *Students should enjoy learning through a variety of activities. *High expectations for achievement and behavior. *Students must feel safe and know that I care about them. *Partnership with parents. I have been a first grade teacher for twenty years and a kindergarten teacher for two years. This is my thirteenth year at Austin Elementary. My education degrees are from the University of Texas and the University of North Texas.
Great Expectations Eight Expectations for Living…. We will value one another as unique and special individuals. We will not laugh at or make fun of a person's mistakes nor use sarcasm or putdowns. We will use good manners, saying "please," "thank you," and "excuse me" and allow others to go first. We will cheer each other to success. We will help one another whenever possible. We will recognize every effort and applaud it. We will encourage each other to do our best. We will practice virtuous living, using the Life Principles. 27 Life Principles – Character Traits
School Motto We are respectful We are responsible We are safe We are prepared Because we are Austin Mustangs On a mission to Excellence!
Discipline Philosophy *school wide expectations for common areas *Mutual trust and respect *Logical consequences *Structure and high expectations *Positive reinforcement *Practice Academies *Individual Behavior Plans *Communication to parents: calendar (remember to sign the calendar daily) *Class Meetings *Rewards
School Procedures Arrival and Dismissal *Doors are unlocked at 7:30 a.m. *If you arrive at 7:50 a.m. or later, go to the office to get a tardy slip. *If your child is going home a different way, call the office or Mrs. Nutt before 2:00 p.m. *If your child is absent, please send a written note stating why your child was absent. This note must be turned in within three days.
Kindergarten: Learning Responsibility *Lunch: payments in the morning, send any money to school in an envelope or baggie, print outs, blocks, guest table *Backpack, lunch, snack, water bottle *Take Home Folder *Reading Folder *Homework-reading and occasional home projects *Learn to tie shoes
7:40- 7:45Welcome/Announcements 7:45-9:00Calendar/Math 9:00–10:10Language Arts/Reading/Word Work 10:05-10:15Restroom Break 10:15-10:45Lunch 10:45-11:15Recess 11:15-11:40Language Arts/DEAR Time 11:40-12:40Science/Social Studies 12:40-1:10Language Arts/Writing/Snack 1:10-2:00Specials 2:00-2:30Language Arts/Handwriting 2:30-2:50WIBA 2:50-3:05Pack up/Dismissal Daily Schedule
Weekly Schedule *Specials: P.E. – Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Art – Wednesday Music – Monday *Computer Lab * Library: Thursday *Counselor: once a month *Snack - afternoon
Language Arts *Mini Lessons *Guided Reading: strategies *Phonemic awareness *Word families *Comprehension making connections to self, text and world *Home Readers
Writing *Daily Journal *Stages of Writing (See handout in packet.) *Handwriting Without Tears
Math *Go-Texas! *Hands on math *Math Stations *Counting *Patterning *Graphing *Number sense: composing and decomposing numbers *Measurement / time / geometry / coins
Science – Discovery Education * FOSS Kits -Animals -Fabric -Wood/Paper -Trees *Thinking Maps *Digital resources *Science Journals
PBL – Project Based Learning *Project Based Learning *District lesson design that integrates curriculum and encourages collaboration, creativity and communication *Student research/teacher guided *Modified for developmental appropriateness at the kindergarten level
SEM – School Wide Enrichment Model *Overview Liz Malone *Interest Surveys *Ways to volunteer (yellow sheet)
Grading System / Progress Reports Standards Based District Assessments Formative Assessment Teacher Observation Conferences: October 10 MSmeeting AS approaching IPS Insufficient progress on standards
Special Information 1.Parents entering the building 2.Picking up children during the day 3.Dismissal procedures/Yellow cards 4.Birthday celebrations 5.Invitations 6.Box Tops 7.Nurse Remember: Volunteers must complete a criminal back ground check.
Special Days *Rise and Shine Assembly: first Friday of the month school spirit rally student recognition wear your Austin t-shirt *College Day Wear a college t-shirt each Wednesday
Volunteer Opportunities Room Parents Guest Readers Special Events Computer Lab Lunch/Recess
Ways to contact me: * *Telephone: (school) (classroom) *Note in red folder. Odds and Ends Access “Mrs. Nutt’ Newsletter” at: