A comprehensive curriculum alignment program that helps us avoid “re-inventing” the “Curriculum Alignment Wheel!” Curriculum Leadership Cooperative CLC
Region 5 ESCRegion 9 ESC
The Curriculum Leadership Cooperative (CLC) offers schools a comprehensive curriculum alignment program for kindergarten through 12 th grade. WHAT IS THE CLC PROGRAM?
CLC Curriculum Areas English Language Arts K-12 –Reading –Writing Math K-12 Science K-12 PE/Wellness K-12 Social Studies K-12 –Spindletop History Grades 4,7 –US History Manual Grades 8, 11 PPCD / PK –Guidelines aligned to Kindergarten TEKS Technology K-8
CLC Supplementary Materials ESL –Integrated Materials –Grades 1- 8 Principal’s Monitoring Tool –Grades K – 12 (Foundational Areas) TAKS Vocabulary –Grades K-12 (Foundational Areas) Curriculum Integration Project
Research-based The CLC has been developed from the guidance and research of experts in the field of curriculum alignment.
Data - Driven Region 5’s TAKS scores are consistently above the state average with several subject area making great gains.
English/LA TAKS Score Comparison CLC to State
Writing TAKS Score Comparison CLC to State
Math TAKS Score Comparison CLC to State
Social Studies TAKS Score Comparison CLC to State
Science TAKS Score Comparison CLC to State
Provides Resources The CLC has the following curriculum alignment resources: Scope & Sequence documents Alignment of the TEKS to the appropriate TAKS objectives Essential vocabulary lists – aligned to TAKS Lesson Activities Vertical alignment mastery – Master, Reinforce, or Introduce Level of thinking – aligned to TAKS Suggested time Alignment to National standards Alignment to SAT, ACT and THEA (high school courses)
Let’s Compare the OLD CLC to the New WEB-BASED CLC!
OLD CLC CONTENT PAGE The various subject areas offered in the CLC are listed as separate links.
NEW CLC WELCOME PAGE The various subjects areas offered on the CLC “Welcome Page.” Just click on the subject of your choice. Currently math and ELA are in the web-based program with social studies and science to be added by December 2007.
OLD CLC SUBJECT PAGE Various grade levels and course titles are offered as resource links within each subject page.
NEW CLC SUBJECT PAGE Various grade levels and course titles are offered as resource links within each subject page.
OLD CLC GRADE LEVEL RESOURCE PAGE Various resources are offered within each grade/subject link. These are documents you must open separately and then download to your computer. Let’s look at the old spreadsheet format
OLD CLC GRADE LEVEL SPREADSHEET Knowledge & Skills Statement Student Expectations SE aligned to its correlating TAKS Objective…if it is tested Aligned among grades as either a skill to MASTER, REINFORCE, or INTRODUCE Level of thinking aligned to how it is tested on TAKS Suggested amount of time Aligned to National Standards Page #s for lesson activities found in the “Lesson Activities” Resource link The 6 weeks period in which each SE should be taught
With the new web-based CLC, there is no need to open resource links separately as we did in the OLD CLC. All the resources are simply a “click” away! Downloading time is eliminated because all the resources are now web-based!
NEW CLC GRADE LEVEL SPREADSHEET After clicking on the grade level you prefer, this screen pops up…it is similar to the OLD CLC spreadsheet
NEW CLC GRADE LEVEL SPREADSHEET Click here to view ALL the lesson activities in this grade level subject area
NEW CLC GRADE LEVEL SPREADSHEET Click here to see this lesson activity. (Note…not every SE will have a lesson activity associated with it. All lesson activities that are added to the CLC will be in individual WORD format so you can modify, edit, or change the lesson activity to meet your students’ needs. However, the older lesson activities may be in PDF format.
NEW CLC GRADE LESSON ACTIVITY UNIT: Measurement (capacity) TEKS: 3.11E, F MATERIALS: large container of rice for each group measuring cup for each group containers of different sizes for each group TEACHER STRATEGY: Introduce capacity by using containers of different sizes to fill bigger containers with water continue to do this several times. Explain to students that capacity is the amount that it takes to fill other containers. STUDENT ACTIVITY: Put students in groups of two and have the students use the measuring cup and rice to fill the containers counting the number of cups used to fill each container. Also have students observe the capacity of other containers by pouring the contents from one container to another. After students have worked with filling containers have them order from the container that holds the most to the container that holds the least. ASSESSMENT: Teacher observation of groups filling containers with rice.
Click here to get to the Essential Vocabulary link
NEW CLC GRADE LEVEL SPREADSHEET Click here to view The Essential Vocabulary List in English and Spanish – aligned to the TAKS
Click here to view the complete TEKS Knowledge & Skills Statement Click on the Student Expectation (SE) number to view a DETAILED resource page for this specific skill Notice the SE’s are analyzed with the verbs in bold to help guide your instructional planning Notice the suggested amount of time for teaching each SE Vertical connectivity among grade levels as either a skill to MASTER, REINFORCE, or INTRODUCE Horizontal connectivity is indicated with this information as it provides a sequence for WHEN each SE should be taught within each 6 weeks period
NEW CLC GRADE LEVEL SPREADSHEET Click on “SEQUENCE OF TEKS” and a drop down menu will appear to help you sort your TEKS by 6 weeks period Click here to view all the SE’s that should be on-going…taught throughout the year Click here to view all the SE’s that should taught during the 1 st 6 weeks Click here to view all the SE’s that should taught during the 2 nd 6 weeks Click here to view all the SE’s that should taught during the 3 rd 6 weeks Click here to view all the SE’s that should taught during the 4 th 6 weeks … get the idea?
NEW CLC GRADE LEVEL SPREADSHEET After clicking on the link for 1 st 6 weeks from the drop down menu on “SEQUENCE OF SKILLS,” this list appears with all the SE’s I should teach during this grading period. When I print this screen out, and have my 1 st six weeks “syllabus.” …but don’t forget about your “on-going SE’s!
Click on the Student Expectation #, and it will take you to an individual DETAILED SE page. NEW CLC GRADE LEVEL SPREADSHEET
NEW CLC GRADE LEVEL SPREADSHEETNEW CLC INDIVIDUAL SE PAGE Click here to view the complete “Knowledge & Skills Statement.” Analysis of the SE with the verbs in BOLD to help guide your instruction planning Reminder of the SE # Suggested amount of time you should spend teaching this SE Level of thinking, aligned to the TAKS…click on this link, and additional action words will appear to help guide your instruction planning
NEW CLC GRADE LEVEL SPREADSHEETNEW CLC INDIVIDUAL SE PAGE Aligned to National Standards (SCANS – Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills) Suggested 6 weeks period(s) in which you should teach this SE Click here to view a lesson activity or activities associated with this SE Vertical connectivity among grade levels as either a skill to MASTER, REINFORCE, or INTRODUCE Click here to view the complete TAKS Objective this SE falls under To come spring 2008…a link to TEA’s TAKS Information Booklet for this grade & subject
Moving Forward… Capacity for individual “teacher notes” within the web-based system New accommodation links –GT –Sp. Ed. –Technology Integration
Moving Forward… Additional “search” options for Scope & Sequence documents –By 3 weeks –By 6 weeks –By 9 weeks
Moving Forward… As new information becomes available, I will create a short PowerPoint or instructional video to help guide you through the new component.
Moving Forward… Next lesson will be… How to upload your own lesson ideas, resources & activities into your personal web-based CLC folder!
To Access the OLD CLC 1.Go to 2.Click on the “Curriculum Leadership Cooperative” link on the left side of the home page. 3.Once you are on the CLC home page, click on the left side link “CLC For Members Only” 4.Enter the following login information: USERNAME: region9escUSERNAME: region9esc PASSWORD: PASSWORD:
To Access the NEW CLC Once you have created your web-based CLC username and password, all you will have to do is… 1.Go to 2.Click on the “LOG IN” button on the right 3.Enter your username 4.Enter your password
1.Go to 2.Select “REGISTRATION” button from the right side of the screen 3.Select “EDUCATOR” 4.Select the red area for “REGION 9” on the map 5.Select your DISTRICT from the pull down menu / Click “NEXT” 6.Type your school account / Click “NEXT” DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO CREATE A WEB-BASED USERNAME & PASSWORD * Any field that does NOT have a red asterisk by it can be left blank!
7.Log-in Information –Username (type in a user name that you will remember) –Password (must have at least 1 number and 1 special character )_+)in addition to letters 8.Personal Information –First Name –Middle Initial –Last Name –Display Name (will pre-populate for you) –Description (your job title) –Office (your building or campus, such as “elementary campus” –Phone (your school office phone number – no hyphens – can be the same as number in #6) –Web-page (your school web page address) –Click “NEXT” DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO CREATE A WEB-BASED USERNAME & PASSWORD * Any field that does NOT have a red asterisk by it can be left blank!
9.Personal Information Continued –Home Phone –Pager –Mobile –Fax –IP Phone –Reminder Phrase 10.Professional Information –Title –Department –Company (will pre-populate for you) DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO CREATE A WEB-BASED USERNAME & PASSWORD * Any field that does NOT have a red asterisk by it can be left blank!
11.District Log-In Key –Enter your district license “KEY" will be a number with capital letters “ED9” at the end; get this from your campus administrator –Select “Create Account” –*Screen will reset with the message “User Created Successfully” 12.After step #11 is completed… –Go to and select “User Login” from the right side of the screen. –Login with your username and password that you created during step #7. DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO CREATE A WEB-BASED USERNAME & PASSWORD * Any field that does NOT have a red asterisk by it can be left blank!
For more information, contact… Telephone: Wes Pierce, Director Shelby Waller, Educational Specialist