Hosted by: Person of the day Created by: Zach Anderson
Water Pollution and legislation Types of Pollution Todays Water Quality Pollution Control
Row 1, Col 1 What is the difference between Point and nonpoint source pollution? Point-discharge at a specific Site Non-point- discharge over a Scattered area
1,2 Give an example of an infectious Agent and explain Where it comes from. Bacteria, virus, parasite. Animal waste
1,3 Who has worse problems with Water toxins, developing or developed Countries? Developing
1,4 What are two ways you can Reduce water pollution? Answers my vary.
2,1 What is atmospheric deposition? When contaminants are carried by air currents.
2,2 What is an oxygen sag? The place after a point source pollution where bacteria use much of the Oxygen and it creates a DO sag.
2,3 Why is groundwater hard to clean? It is mainly expensive to treat groundwater. It can be done however for it to be feasible it takes a lot of time and effort and money.
2,4 What can wetlands do to treat Sewage? Wetlands are great ways to get rid of excess chemicals in sewage that are left over from the normal sewage treatment process. Wetlands can also treat small quantities of sewage all by themselves.
3,1 What kind of chemicals can Atmospheric deposition deposit? PCBs and dioxins also granulated toxins
3,2 Explain a red tide. An algal bloom of deadly aquatic microorganisms that release a toxin that can kill entire ecosystems.
3,3 What is a TMDL? Total maximum daily load– the maximum amount of a chemical that a body of water can receive in a day.
3,4 What are two ways water can be Disinfected? Possible Answers: UV, Chlorine, and ozone
4,1 Why was the Clean Water Act So successful? It was a bipartisan act that made a great effort to make the nations waters cleaner and safer for the population.
4,2 What is the greatest threat with A metal pollutant? Where does it come from? Mercury…Draining mines and coal burning power plants
4,3 Why are plastics so dangerous to Marine ecosytems? Most plastics are not biodegradable. This means they can circulate the globe and reach even far away, remote islands which is hard to manage because of the widespread destruction.
4,4 What is the cheapest way to reduce Pollution? Why is that? Targeting the source is the easiest way. This is because only that small area is contaminated so it is much easier to clean up.
5,1 What are BPTs? Give examples Best practicable control technologies. Answers will vary.
5,2 How does erosion lead to water pollution? Fills lakes and streams. Sediment can also fill gravel beds where some fish lay their eggs.
5,3 Where does 75% of the pollution In the Us come from? Soil from surface runoff, particulate fallout, and soil erosion.
5,4 Explain the difference between Primary, secondary, and tertiary Steps of waste treatment. I will explain this if you can’t answer it.