HOMEWORK: STUDY THE PHASES OF THE MOON 1.New Moon – the point when the Moon is closest to being between Earth and the Sun It is during the day so we can’t see it 2.Waxing crescent – “waxing” means it is getting larger 3.First Quarter – around 7 days old 4.Waxing gibbous – “gibbous” = “humpbacked” Graphic: Keith’s Moon Page –
HOMEWORK: STUDY THE PHASES OF THE MOON 5.Full Moon – the Earth is between the Moon and the Sun Rises at the same time the Sun sets 6.Waning gibbous – “waning” means that it is getting smaller 7.Last Quarter – around 22 days 8.Waning crescent Graphic: Keith’s Moon Page –
LOGGING THE PHASES OF THE MOON Example: While Moon is going through its New to Full phases
SKY MOTIONS – ANNUAL We see different constellations during the different seasons of the year because we are looking at different parts of the universe as we rotate around the Sun. We see stars only at night, when we are looking away from the Sun NightWatch, p. 29