We will… Discuss the Diet Devil & Your “Why”. Discover the 4 Macronutrients. Delve into Food Categories. Learn the Healthiest Food Combinations.
You have received a form that looks like this:
The Diet Devil is that inner voice that says “YOU CAN’T! ” In order to conquer the Diet Devil, you’ll need an arsenal of defense starting with a “WHY?”.
FIRST You Need A “Why” SECOND You Need A “Why” PLEASURABLEPAINFUL “Once you discover your ‘why’, the ‘how’ takes care of itself.”
The pain of daily self-discipline weighs ounces, but the pain of regret weighs a ton!
In Words: _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _______________ In Words:____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
A Calorie Is __________________________ When We Consume Foods, They Break Down Into Four Macronutrients: ENERGY 1._____________ 2._____________ 3._____________ 4._____________ PROTEIN CARBOHYDRATES FAT WATER 4 Cal./Gram 9 Cal. Gram WATER IN, FAT OUT!
Category I = Lean Proteins Category II = Fibrous Carbs Category III = Complex Carbs Category IV = Protein + Fat Category V = Fruit Let’s look at Categories I, II and IV, as these are the BEST food combinations for losing weight.
Category I = Lean Proteins Category II = Fibrous Carbs Category IV = Protein + Fat We’re going to teach you how to put a meal together using these categories. But until you learn, we’ve included in your binder a “Meal Plan.” This plan utilizes all categories for you. Use the “Meal Plan” as your aid until you learn food combinations.
Category I is 10% Calories From Fat Category I: Lean Protein Protein Breaks Down Into Amino Acids & Has 4 Calories Per Gram Egg Whites Low Fat Cottage Cheese Chicken and Turkey Breast 99% FF Turkey Franks 99% FF Ground Turkey/Chicken Deer (Unprocessed) Flounder, Cod Haddock, Sea Bass Grouper, Red Snapper Other White Fish Tuna in Water Tofu in Water Protein Breaks Down Into Amino Acids & Has 4 Calories Per Gram
Category IV is 50% Calories From Fat Category IV: Protein + Fat Fat Breaks Down Into Fat Lipids & Has 9 Calories Per Gram New York Strip Filet Mignon 93% Lean Ground Beef FF Beef Hot Dogs 97% Ground Turkey/Chicken Pork Loin, Lean Pork Wild Game in General Lean Ham Whole Eggs Catfish Scallops, Shrimp Lobster, Crab Shark, Salmon
Category II: Fibrous Carbs (Brakes on the Bus) 4 calories per gram Broccoli, Asparagus Green Beans, Okra Spinach Bell Peppers, Squash Celery, Beets, Mushrooms Cauliflower Snap Peas (in pod) Brussels Sprouts Cucumber Catabolic Brancrisps Tortillas Nature’s Own DFWB “ Broccoli Is Exercise On A Stalk” Best Better Good
III III Chicken: Category I: Lean Protein Broccoli: Category II: Fibrous Carb
½ Cup scrambled Egg Whites and a Slice of Thrive Approved Bread Kashi Go Lean with ¼ Cup of Skim Milk 1 Cup of Low Fat Cottage Cheese and a Palm Full of Berries Grilled Chicken Salad with a Thrive Approved Dressing Grilled Fish with Squash, Broccoli, or Asparagus 2 Fat Free Turkey Franks with a La Banderita Extreme Fiber Tortilla Laura’s Lean Hamburger Steak with Green Beans Grilled Chicken Breast with Squash, Broccoli, Asparagus, or Salad 99% Fat Free Ground Turkey Patty with green beans Up to 2 Spark = 1Spark= ½ Snack 1 Power Crunch Choklat Bar 1 Protein Wheyfer Bar 1 Healthwise Chips ¼ cup of guacamole with Brancrisp Bread ¼ cup of fat free cottage cheese mixed with Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing 5 pieces of Thrive- approved Biscotti
600 CALORIES You have defined your “Why”? You have discovered what a calorie is, and what is a calorie? A calorie is You have learned about the four macronutrients, and the five food categories, especially: Category I = Lean Protein Category IV = Protein + Fat Category II = Fibrous Carbs energy.
600 CALORIES Next week we will discuss the…. FAT BUS We will discuss the categories of foods that cause the FAT BUS. We will also look at the three negative effects of the FAT BUS.
Begin With The End In Mind