Webcast August 16,
Webcast Topics: Agency Updates KBE Update PGES Update College and Career Readiness Forecasts Standards Update CIITS Update School Readiness Update 2 Send questions to
3 Agency Updates Superintendent Summit –Sept. 5 Stakeholder Meeting – Sept. 6 Restraint and Seclusion Updated list of ISN Points of Contact
4 KBE Update Final Approval 704 KAR 3:303, Required Core Academic Standards (Science Standards) 704 KAR 3:390, Extended School Services *Effective *Revises the funding formula to align with new Accountability System and gives equal weight to ADA, ED, and Overall Score First Reading 704 KAR 3:305 that responds to the mandate from SB 61 for the Kentucky Board of Education to set the criteria for early graduation.
5 PGES Update August 2013
All districts will participate during Each district will select a minimum of 10% of their schools to participate (minimum of 1 school) Within each participating school, the minimum number of teachers participating will be ELA: 1-2 Math: 1-2 ELL/SWD: 1-2 Non-Assessed: 2-3 Minimum total number of participating teachers per participating school: PGES Statewide Implementation Participation
7 PGES Statewide Implementation Participant Web Collector PGES web-based data collection tool is now open until August 16 th. All districts must verify participants for the statewide implementation by clicking “submit” in the web collector.
8 Principal Observation Certification Principals participating in the pilot are required to complete Teachscape Proficiency on-line certification in order to be able to observe teachers in the pilot. To date, there is no requirement that every principal in a district take the Teachscape Proficiency training. Overall, 1,341 educators have passed the proficiency exam across the state (includes principals, superintendents, and district staff)
9 PGES Supports PGES Co-op Consultants Each coop has hired a PGES consultant to provide intensive just-in-time support for district implementation Webcasts The next Professional Growth and Effectiveness System webcast will air on August 28 at 3:00 ET. The topic will be the PGES Statewide Implementation Expectations. PGES Newsletters and KY Teacher PGES newsletter: Published on the 1 st and 3 rd Wednesday KY Teacher series on PGES Resource Documents Month-by-month role group implementation activity document Coming soon: Model district evaluation plan
10 Principal Professional Growth and Effectiveness System (PPGES) PPGES web page with resources Professional-Growth-and-Effectiveness-System.aspx PD 360 Training for PPGES instruction sheet at the PPGES web page KLA/KDE Partnership for year-round support -68 districts participated in the launch on July 10, Year-round support to match the implementation activities
11 For more information contact: Cathy White Branch Manager Teacher & Leader Effectiveness Next Generation Professionals
12 College and Career Readiness Forecast
13 Standards Update August 2013
14 Next Generation Science Standards Science Leadership Networks launch – September 2013 –Areas of Focus: interpretation of the Performance Expectations and translating them into practice explicit connections to ELA/Literacy in Science and Mathematics KCAS designing/selecting congruent instructional and assessment resources *NGSS are NOT required to be implemented in 13-14
15 Social Studies Standards Development C3 Framework expected early September Writing team met 5 days over summer INITIAL DRAFT available in late September for focused feedback Leadership Networks for Social Studies launch in January 2014 (Jan, Feb, Mar meetings); Areas of Focus: C3 Framework Literacy in History Feedback on DRAFT standards
16 Common Kindergarten Screen Student Data uploaded weekly to OMS Each student should have the following information: – Core Assessment (Basic Screen) – Self Help/Social Emotional Scale – Prior Setting Data Blended Preschool Entry Implementation Agreement Resources: – –
17 CIITS News: Detailed CIITS Lync Session August 22, 2013 Two new permission roles are available in the Educator Development Suite (EDS) to use in the PGES pilot. These new roles include: EDS – CIITS Manager CIITS School Roster Manager A Leadership assignment role will be added to Campus within the next few weeks for EDS. This may be assigned to Vice Principals and other District Staff as needed Multi-dimensional rubrics Assessment manipulatives My CIITS Home Page for Students!
18 CIITS News Continued: Quality Core EOC standards and Items New KPIs based on K-PREP iPad compatible assessments Improved instructional materials search Enhanced student profile item, passage and rubric submission for sharing, if approved Race to the Top measure progress maps
19 Accessing CIITS News :
20 Metcalfe County: CIITS SPOTLIGHT New Superintendent Benny Lile has restructured their elementary schools to include a Primary Center and an Intermediate School. The High School Principal sets clear expectations for CIITS usage and the teachers created 3,361 lesson plans and 3,515 materials. The district will building capacity at the elementary and middle school levels by using the teacher team leads and process they have established at the high school to drive usage across the district.
21 Kentucky PD 360 Usage Since August, 2012 Kentucky has now surpassed 1/2 million viewing minutes! Over 14,000 users have accessed PD ,000 video segments have been viewed Forums viewed, forum posts, files downloaded, files uploaded, links viewed and links uploaded all increased—the most substantial growth coming from a 1,643 forums viewed increase to a total of 15,735!