Windows Debugging Demystified Daniel Pearson Product Support Services Microsoft Corporation
Overview Windows architecture What causes a bugcheck? Causes of submitted bugchecks Memory dump configuration Analysis of memory dumps Using Driver Verifier Attaching a kernel debugger Questions?
Windows Architecture System processes User applications Windows services Environment subsystems Subsystem DLLs User mode Executive services Windowing and graphics Device drivers Microkernel Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) Kernel mode
What Causes a Bugcheck? A device driver or part of the operating system that incurs an unhandled exception A device driver or part of the operating system that explicitly crashes the system due to an unrecoverable condition A page fault that occurs at an interrupt request level of dispatch or higher A hardware error such as a nonmaskable interrupt or faulty memory, disk, etc.
Causes of Submitted Bugchecks
Memory Dump Configuration Small Memory Dump records the smallest set of useful information that will help identify why the system stopped unexpectedly Kernel Memory Dump records only kernel memory, which speeds up the process of recording information in a log when the system stops unexpectedly Complete Memory Dump records the entire contents of system memory when the system stops unexpectedly
Analysis of Memory Dumps Debuggers available for download from Configure the debugger to point to symbols !analyze –v is a great start!
Using Driver Verifier Useful for identifying code defects in drivers Performs more thorough checks on the system and device drivers as well as simulates failures Built into the operating system
Attaching a Kernel Debugger Useful for debugging initialization failures Requires that the system be started with the debugger enabled to work Support for using a null-modem, IEEE 1394 and USB 2.0 cable as well as virtual machines Limited support for local kernel debugging
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