Math RtI Kickoff Meeting
Welcome/Introductions Mike Klavon K-12 Math Consultant Robyn Lucas K-5 Math Consultant Sara Gortsema Early Intervention Project Coordinator Bill Dinkelmann K-12 Science Consultant/ELAR Expert
Purpose of Screeners To identify children who need extra support in number sense and computational fluency.
Agenda All (8:30 am – 10:30 am) General RtI Overview OAISD Math RtI Project Overview Team Leaders/Technology Support (10:40 am – 11:30 am) Student Account Logistics Computer Lab Set-up Guided Website Exploration
Team Introductions Team Leader Please help us get to know your team by introducing Yourself Your district Your team that is present Are you new to the Math RtI project? Please circulate the “Contact” list so that we can update our files.
General RtI Overview
RtI in 6 “easy” steps 1. Implement scientifically based general education instructional methods 2. Collect benchmarks of all student performance 3 times a year (“school-wide or universal screening”) 3. Identify students below benchmark 4. Provide scientifically based small-group instruction to students below benchmark (“tiered model of instruction”) 5. Monitor student progress (“progress monitoring”) 6. Review, revise or discontinue small group instruction based on progress (“data-based decision making”)
8 A Prerequisite for RtI Before effective systems of intervention can be created, team must first be able to agree upon: Essential knowledge, skills, and dispositions Common pacing guides or curriculum maps Common formative assessments Common standard of proficiency Students who need additional time and support based upon analysis of common assessment data A designation grade-level block of time for intervention or enrichment in addition to new direct instruction in all subject areas. DeFour, DuFour, Eaker, 2008
Staff Activity 1 Find six colleagues and have them fill in and initial one of your blank cells.
Staff Activity 2 Work in pairs to match each word to its definition pdf
OAISD Math RtI Project Overview
Screening Cycle Create student accounts and activate screeners Students take screeners online (Part 1 in Classroom) Team leader downloads reports online Teams analyze student data to create flexible groups Teams plan and deliver targeted interventions
Account Management (Roles and Responsibilities) SIS Manager Creates Data File UIC Name Grade Building OAISD Creates Student Accounts and links them to team leaders Team Leader Finds and activates the Fall, Winter, and Spring Screeners
Screener Expectations Indicators of number sense and computational fluency. Please take 10 minutes to look at the expectations to be screened and discuss how they build on each other.
Screener Timeline Grade Level Participants Fall (September) Winter (January) Spring (May) Kindergarten None Kindergarten – Spring (Optional) (Based on K-GLCEs) 1 st Grade 1 st Grade - Fall (Based on K-GLCEs) 1 st Grade - Winter (Based on K-GLCEs) 1 st Grade - Spring (Based on 1 st GLCEs) 2 nd Grade 2 nd Grade - Fall (Based on 1 st GLCEs) 2 nd Grade - Winter (Based on 1 st GLCEs) 2 nd Grade - Spring (Based on 2 nd GLCEs) 3 rd Grade 3 rd Grade - Fall (Based on 2 nd -GLCEs) 3 rd Grade - Winter (Based on 2 nd -GLCEs) 3 rd Grade - Spring (Based on 3 rd GLCEs) 4 th Grade 4 th Grade - Spring (Based on 3 rd -GLCEs) 4 th Grade - Spring (Based on 3 rd -GLCEs) 4 th Grade - Spring (Based on 4 th GLCEs) 5 th Grade 5 th Grade - Fall (Based on 4 th GLCEs) 5 th Grade - Winter (Based on 4 th GLCEs) 5 th Grade - Spring (Based on 5 th GLCEs) 6 th Grade 6 th Grade - Fall (Based on 5 th GLCEs) 6 th Grade - Winter (Based on 5 th GLCEs) 6 th Grade - Spring (Based on 6 th GLCEs)
Accessing the Screeners
Screeners Components
Screener Vocabulary Each table has been assigned a grade level to review. Take five minutes to highlight the important academic and content vocabulary on the screener. Write the grade level at the top of the chart paper and record the highlighted vocabulary. Do a gallery walk to make yourself aware of the academic and content vocabulary in the other grade levels.
Screener Analysis At your table, please explore the grade levels of your choice. If you have specific questions, please check our FAQ document for answers. If our answers are not specific, or clear enough, please write what you would like clarified on a sticky-notes. If your question does not appear on our FAQ, please write your question on a sticky-note to be added to our FAQ document.
Online Reports
Suggested Intervention Protocol All Identified Students Set Goal Review/Practice Progress Monitor Reflect All Identified Students Set Goal Review/Practice Progress Monitor Reflect Analyze Data and Create Flexible Groups Analyze Data and Create Flexible Groups Targeted Games Targeted Intervention Lesson Goal Achieved
Math RtI Resources
Future Support Data retrieval and analysis 9/17/09 (8:30 am – 11:00 am) Intervention protocol and support 9/23/09, Grades 1 and 2 (9:00 am – 11:30 am) 9/23/09, Grades 3 and 4 (1:00 pm – 3:30 pm) 9/24/09, Grades 5 and 6 (1:00 pm – 3:30 pm) Site visits By scheduled appointment Contact Robyn Lucas
Thank You! We look forward to supporting your Math RtI projects. Team leaders and technology support people will begin at 10:40 am in the computer lab. Have a wonderful start to your school year!