1:1 iPad Program for Elementary Students Thursday, March 1, :00 – 11:00 A.M. Panelists: Doreen Oleson, Head of School Rick Harris, Assistant Head of Information Services and Innovation Tom DeClerk, Technology Coordinator Remi Silva, Computer Teacher/Writing Specialist 1:1 iPad Program for Elementary Students Thursday, March 1, :00 – 11:00 A.M. Panelists: Doreen Oleson, Head of School Rick Harris, Assistant Head of Information Services and Innovation Tom DeClerk, Technology Coordinator Remi Silva, Computer Teacher/Writing Specialist
Welcome Introduction of Panelists Saint Mark’s School: A Brief Overview Why iPad Technology for an Elementary School?
How we got started? Fundraising Parent Student Handbook and iPad Contract iPlants Student and Staff Training Current Resources Applications Used
PROS: ‘Anytime, Anywhere’ Learning Collaboration among and between grade levels Create work that demonstrates their understanding across all areas of the curriculum Allowing all students to access information quickly Connecting all students to local and global communities Assistive Technology Integration with Online Applications/Textbooks
iPad Integration – Drama, Technology, Art, Music and History
iPad - A Hands-On Approach How students are using iPads across our grade levels – Preschool – 6 th Grade
PaperDesk – PaperDesk is a simple, easy-to-use notebook replacement made specifically for the iPad. The entire design goal behind PaperDesk was to mimic, as closely as possible, a simple pad of paper with no unnecessary frills. Yet it still boasts features that enable quick and responsive note taking. Sample Projects: Science Journal – 6 th Grade (featured) Note Taking – 4 th – 6 th Grade English Assignments – All Grades
ShowMe – This virtual white board app allows you and students to contribute lessons drawn on your tablet with animation and narration. This inverted classroom maximizes collaboration and encourages a more self- directed student learning environment. Sample Projects: Gallon Gal – 4 th – 6 th Grade (featured) Spelling Words – All Grades (featured) Spanish – All Grades (featured)
Popplet – Popplet is a tool that allows users to visualize ideas. Teachers and students can create graphic organizers, timelines, and many other forms of visual organization. Popplet's strength as a collaborative brainstorming tool, however, should not lead teachers to overlook its usefulness as an effective presentation tool. Sample Projects: Story Mapping – All Grades (featured) Time Lines – All Grades (featured) Sequencing and Ordering – All Grades Mind Mapping/Brainstorming – All Grades
QuickOffice Pro HD – Easy to create and edit documents, slideshows, and presentations for students at all grade levels. QuickOffice connects with Google Docs, Dropbox, Evernote, and many other cloud-based services so students can work on projects from multiple locations. Sample Projects: Sentence Diagramming – 6 th Grade (featured) Teach Your Own Math Lesson – 6 th Grade (featured) Hindu Gods and Goddesses – 6 th Grade (featured)
iHomework – iHomework helps keep our students organized without the need for assignment books, which is a great cost savings each year. Students keep track of all the upcoming work and can view details about the assignments including deadlines, grades, partners, and local files. KidBlog.org – Kidblog.org is designed for elementary and middle school teachers who want to provide each student with an individual blog. Kidblog's simple, yet powerful tools allow students to publish posts and participate in discussions within a secure classroom blogging community.
Other Apps Used at Saint Mark’s Sums StackerLetter TraceSafariXtraMath.orgFlash Cards Khan AcademyMath BoardKindergarten & Preschool Coin Math
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