Objects in the Sky
Sun and Moon Objects in the sky, such as the sun and moon, appear to change appearance at different times of the day.
Things we might see in the sky at NIGHT Moon Stars Clouds
Moon We can observe and record how the moon appears to change its shape during the month. We can record these changes on a calendar to see the moon phase patterns. The moon does not create its own light The moon looks lit up because of the reflection of the Suns light The moon is a large rock with many craters The part of the moon facing the sun looks lit up The part of the moon facing AWAY from the sun is dark
Moon Phase There are 8 phases of the moon Moon phase is what the moon looks like at different times of the month It takes the moon about 28-30 days to go through all its phases, so about a months time We use a calendar to record these phases
Moon Phases
Moon Phase Name *You do not need to know the following by memory (we did these in class) New Moon “No Moon” Waxing Crescent “backwards C” 1st Quarter Moon “Right-side Lit” Waxing Gibbous “Almost Full Moon” Full Moon “All Lit” Waning Gibbous “Almost Full” Last Quarter Moon “Left-side Lit” Waning Crescent “Forward C”
Sun We can observe and record how the sun appears to change position at different times of the day.
Sun The Sun seems to move across the sky The sun seems to begin to rise low to the ground The Sun rises in the East The sun sets in the West We can use a sun dial to tell time The Sun is the center of the universe
Shadows An area without light Our shadow is the longest in the morning and afternoon hours Our shadow is the shortest at Noon/Midday/12:00P.M. The sun is directly over our heads noon.
Sunrise When the sun first appears on the horizon The sun seems to rise in the East
Sunset When the sun is no longer visible on the horizon The sun seems to set in the west
Horizon The line far away that separates the Earth from the sky.
Star A ball or globe of hot glowing gases The sun is also a star
Astronomer Studies objects in the sky, such as the stars and the moon
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