Making the Connections Linking Nutrition Education with Academic Standards NOTE: Add your name, title, phone number, and address.
Main Objectives n Discuss benefits of using food and nutrition as a teaching strategy n Brainstorm ideas for supporting core curricula through nutrition education n Review resources available for incorporating nutrition concepts and skills
The pressure is on!!!
I’m too busy to teach nutrition! Nutrition Math Health & P.E. Science Social Science Visual & Performing Arts Language Arts
Building a support network… n How can child nutrition staff support a lesson or thematic unit in the cafeteria? n How might a teacher work with child nutrition staff to support a lesson or thematic unit?
The benefits of teaching nutrition for... n Students n Teachers n Families n Communities
Process of Instructional Planning Standards Based Student-Centered Learning Oriented n Select standards n Design assessment n Determine learning opportunities n Plan instructional opportunities n Use data from assessment for feedback
Nutrition Competencies for California’s Children
n 10 competencies n Pre-kindergarten through grade 12 n Learning activities n Assessment tools n Curriculum links
Nutrition Competencies for California’s Children Learning Activity (Grades 1 - 3) Before lunch, guide students in sorting foods on the school lunch menu for the day into the Food Guide Pyramid groups.
Nutrition Competencies for California’s Children Assessment Tool (Grades 1 - 3) After lunch, students tally the number of Food Guide Pyramid groups represented by the foods they actually ate for lunch and compare with Food Guide Pyramid recommendations.
Nutrition Competencies for California’s Children Curriculum Links LA = California English-Language Arts Content Standards Math = Mathematics Content Standards ¤ CS = Challenge Standards for Student Success/Health Education
Nutrition Competencies for California’s Children uForm groups. uAssign competency to each group. uReview competency, learning activities, assessment tools, and curriculum links. uDiscuss and select one activity to share with entire group. uProvide overview of competency; share one activity; identify curriculum links.
Brain-based Learning
What drives learning and memory? emotional system attention system learning memory
Seven Intelligences n Verbal/Linguistic n Logical/Mathematical n Musical/Rhythmic n Visual/Spatial n Body/Kinesthetic n Interpersonal n Intrapersonal For additional information: Howard Gardner, Multiple Intelligences: The Theory in Practice (New York: Basic Books, 1993)
Memorable learning experiences... n “Hands on” experience n Personally relevant or interesting n Simulated a real-life experience -- “being there” experience n Tapped into emotions
Connecting Nutrition to... n Language Arts n Math n History/Social Science n Science
The Tortilla Factory written by Gary Paulsen n Grades K - 2 n Learn process for making homemade corn tortillas; practice listening, speaking, and sequencing skills. é Language Arts Content Standards (Listening & Speaking , 2.2) é Nutrition Competencies 1 and 5
Kids…Get Cookin’! Developed by Elk Grove Unified School District n Grades n Practice reading informational text n Based on question stems from “The Language of Instruction” (reading comprehension and vocabulary) é Nutrition Competencies 1 and 2
Everybody Cooks Rice Literacy Unit Developed by Healthy Kids Resource Center n Grades 5-6 n Practice language arts and math skills while learning about rice and nutrition é Language Arts Content Standards: Reading (1.0) é Nutrition Competencies 1 and 2
Nutrient Rate A Recipe Activity n Establish groups of four. n Each group member: u selects one of the four ingredients displayed at the table; and u graphs the amount of each nutrient (Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Iron, Calcium) found in their food item on the group graph.
Language Arts Primary Grades Healthy Choices, Healthy Me! Dairy Council of California Upper Elementary Grades Potato Patch Creation Station! CD-ROM Dairy Council of California
Pyramid Power Food Time: An Integrated Approach to Teaching Nutrition Developed by USDA Team Nutrition & Scholastic Inc. n Grades n Sort and count é Math Content Standards: Statistics, Data Analysis, & Probability (1.1) é Nutrition Competency 1
Finding Fat on Food Labels Changing the Course Developed by American Cancer Society n Grades n Students are introduced to the Nutrition Facts label with specific attention to grams of fat é Math Content Standards for Statistics, Data Analysis, & Probability ( ) and for Reasoning (2.3, 3.3) é Nutrition Competencies 1, 2, and 3
Finding Fat on Food Labels n Establish groups of four or five. n Each group member selects a dairy food model from the items provided. n Complete steps 5 and 6 of lesson plan provided.
Making the Connections n Science n History/Social Studies n Physical Education n Visual & Performing Arts
Strategies for Success II Enhancing Academic Performance and Health Through Nutrition Education Resource Manual for Educators and Child Nutrition Programs
Virtual Teacher’s Lounge n Staff development in technology n Personal web page n Post and share lesson plans and resources n Chat and post discussion questions on hot education topics n Sponsored by Dairy Council of California n
Nutrition Education: Success for Everyone!