1 Open Sesame
2 Open Sesame Team Grant Apodaca Team Leader and Bluetooth Richie Agpaoa eCompass and power design Evin Sellin USB and embedded design integration Eric Taba Motor control and mechanical components Jeff Bolin Mobile app, WiFi and web server
3 Description Open Sesame is a portable, affordable, compact and easy- to-use door security accessory, that can unlock your door remotely through WiFi with an android or iOS app, or it can unlock your door through a Bluetooth proximity detector that discriminates between authorized users. It requires a very simple, non-invasive installation, and it is powered from a 9v battery.
4 Current Smart Lock Market August Smart Lock Kwikset KevoOpen Sesame BluetoothYes WiFiSeparate Device NoYes PlatformAll*iOS onlyAll InstallationPartial Lock Replacement Complete Lock Replacement Uses Existing Hardware Hands FreeiOS onlyNoYes Fits all doorsNoYes
5 Physical Device Design
7 PCB Layout - Size ●Our prototype is made larger than it needs to be to ensure success in our design. ●In a consumer design, the processor, wifi, bluetooth, SD card modules could be made smaller with different package types, like BGA. o Analog power regulation could be done off the board to free up space o Packages could be placed on the bottom of the plane. o More than 4 planes could be used for routing.
8 Top Level Block Diagram
9 Bluetooth ●Part used: RN42XV ●Allows device to be activated in close quarters, regardless of internet connectivity ●Device can be set such that it locks and unlocks automatically when bluetooth presence is detected ●Supports secure simple pairing ●Low power sleep mode
10 Application Main user interface Includes controls, settings, and automatic status updates Multi platform Android, iOS, Windows Smartphone, etc… Server communication Used for authentication and broadcasting/ receiving updates
11 Gear Assembly Specialized Bevel Gear ●Designed with screw- holes for mounting plate and slots for crank ●5 to 1 Gear Ratio ●Using Inventor 2015, force simulations proved required torque wouldn’t damage gears with iron material
12 Motor Control ●Motor driven by dual H Bridge chip ●Bipolar hybrid stepper motor operates bolt, locking and unlocking door ●Full-Step Motion: lower power consumption o Step Resolution: 1.8° steps ●Quadrature encoder provides feedback on the position of the motor axle
13 E-Compass ●Part used: LSM303D ●A digital 3-axis accelerometer and 3-axis magnetometer in a single package. ●Used to determine if the door is open, closed, or ajar ●Calibrated such that the magnetic field generated by the motor do not cause distorted measurements
14 Power Distribution
15 USB and Non-Volatile Memory SD ●Originally SD card was to be used for memory expansion ●Eventually was exchanged for USB USB Flash ●Opens possibility for future integration of peripherals such as cameras, or other sensors.
16 Challenges Faced ●PCB Design Validation o Grounding plane issue o Respin process ●Mechanical limitations o 3D printing flaws ●Bluetooth proximity o Standardizing distance measurements using bluetoooth connectivity
17 Future Improvements ●Camera/Video integration o Ability to see who’s knocking at the door ●GPS-based proximity detection ●Battery monitor ●Smaller size
18 Sage Advice ●Get started early! ●Plan ahead, include redundant paths ●Include as many test pins as possible ●Pin out as many GPIOs as possible ●Use debugging tools ●Listen to Professor Johnson!!! o Seriously though
19 Special Thanks ●John Johnson ●Wei Dai ●Ilan Ben-Yaacov and Vincent Radzicki ●NXP SemiConductors ●SunStone Circuits ●Rapid Prototypes ●The ECE Shop ●Department of Mechanical Engineering ●Aubrey Shanahan
20 Thank You! Questions? Comments? Concerns?