CSE430/830 Course Project Tutorial Instructor: Dr. Hong Jiang TA: Dongyuan Zhan Project Duration: 01/26/11 – 04/29/11
Objectives Get familiar with the fundamental ideas of computer architecture Finish a semester-long project: building a pipelined 32-bit RISC processor with –HW-based data hazard resolution mechanisms –a static branch predictor –instruction/data caches –assembler & bubble-sort application Practice efficient teamwork that makes your work splendid. 8/25/2015CSE430/830 Course Project Tutorial 2
Teams Since there are exactly 30 students, each team is required to have 3 (or 4) members A team would better have a member who has taken CSE230 and its Lab Each team is required to have a team leader who coordinates the group’s project events Each team needs to maintain a project wiki to update the group’s progress 8/25/2015CSE430/830 Course Project Tutorial 3
Tasks Task 1: determine the ISA –tailor the ISA that is targeted at the bubble-sort application –write the bubble-sort program and compile it with your own designed assembler Task 2: pipeline the processor –add pipeline stage registers –add HW-based data hazard resolution mechanisms Task 3: add a static branch predictor –move the branch decision and branch address calculation to the “instruction decode” stage –“always-not-taken ” is the easiest –performance counters are required to monitor the prediction accuracy 8/25/2015CSE430/830 Course Project Tutorial 4
Tasks Task 1: determine the ISA –tailor the ISA that is targeted at the bubble-sort application –write the bubble-sort program and compile it with your own designed assembler Task 2: pipeline the processor –add pipeline stage registers –add HW-based data hazard resolution mechanisms Task 3: add a static branch predictor –move the branch decision and branch address calculation to the “instruction decode” stage –“always-not-taken ” is the easiest –performance counters are required to monitor the prediction accuracy 8/25/2015CSE430/830 Course Project Tutorial 5
Tasks Task 4: incorporate instruction/data caches –both are directly mapped –#(sets), block size, write policy are critical design parameters –performance counters are required to monitor the hit rates of the caches Project Wiki –a log of weekly meeting –the high-level/architectural view of your design –the verification of the correctness & efficiency of individual components and the entire system –a summary of the work that you have done and that lags behind 8/25/2015CSE430/830 Course Project Tutorial 6
Expected Demonstration Results 8/25/2015CSE430/830 Course Project Tutorial 7
Milestones Milestone 1:team formed —Jan. 28, 2011 Milestone 2: Task 1 finished — Feb. 23, 2011 Milestone 3: Task 2 finished — Mar. 16, 2011 Milestone 4: Task 3 finished — Mar. 30, 2011 Milestone 5: Task 4 finished — Apr. 20, 2011 Milestone 6: project designs & report submitted —Apr. 27, 2011 Milestone 7: project demonstration — Apr , /25/ CSE430/830 Course Project Tutorial
Grading Criteria completeness and correctness of the implementation –60 points for all of the 4 specific tasks well-designed and informative project wiki –15 points project demonstration –5 points project report –20 points 8/25/2015CSE430/830 Course Project Tutorial 9
Tools Hardware –Altera DE-2 board with a Cyclone-II FPGA Software –Quartus-II Web Edition 10.1 »synthesize your FPGA design –USB Blaster Driver »enable DE-2 to communicate with Quartus-II. –USB-to-Serial Driver »Virtualize a USB port as a RS232 port –Putty »a free implementation of Telnet, SSH and Hyperterminal 8/25/ CSE430/830 Course Project Tutorial
Altera DE-2 Development Board 8/25/2015CSE430/830 Course Project Tutorial 11 FPGA Power Button USB Blaster Port RS232 LCD Panel Slide Switches Press Buttons 50MHz Clock Generator
Software How to use Quartus-II IDE –very detailed tutorials are in “$PATH\Project Documents\DE2_System_v1.6\DE2_tutorials\” –some important memos: »open an existing project by double clicking a “*.qpf” file »specify the FPGA when creating a project Cyclone-II EP2C35F672C6 »connect the inputs and outputs of your design to FPGA’s pins in Quartus-II Assignment Pins »download an “*.sof” file to DE2 via Quartus- II Tools Programmer 8/25/2015CSE430/830 Course Project Tutorial 12
Software 8/25/2015CSE430/830 Course Project Tutorial 13 »differentiate functional and timing simulations in Quartus-II Assigment Settings Simulation Settings Simulation Mode How to utilize the USB-to-Serial communication –Prerequisites »install Putty & the USB-to-Serial driver »download “uart_example.sof” to DE2 –Steps »connect DE2 to a laptop with a USB-to-Serial cable »in “Device Manager Port(COM & LPT)”, check out the COM number, which may change when you connect to a different USB port on your laptop
Software 8/25/2015CSE430/830 Course Project Tutorial 14
Software 8/25/2015CSE430/830 Course Project Tutorial 15 check the “serial” box specify the “serial line” with the COM # specify the “Speed” to be specify the “flow control” to be “None” click “Open”
Software 8/25/2015CSE430/830 Course Project Tutorial 16 The Hyperterminal used to demonstrate the uart-to-usb communication content
Suggestions for a Good Project Carry out efficient teamwork Plan well and make steady progress Keep project wiki well-organized Use version control system, such as SVN, to manage your source code Deploy effective and efficient debugging strategy Be active in discussing with the TA 8/25/2015CSE430/830 Course Project Tutorial 17
Resources IDE – Project Documents –containing almost everything you need for the project – Project Discussion Board – Altera Documents & Forum – – 8/25/2015CSE430/830 Course Project Tutorial 18