Feb. 18 th WARM UP 1.In lab book, figure out the schedule for the moon for the next month (new moon, 1 st quarter moon, full moon, last quarter moon) 1.Hint: Today is a new moon (Weds, Feb. 18 th and there are only 28 days in Feb) 2.Hint: We have a new moon every 28 days 2.Pull out Bill Nye worksheet and be ready to finish the video. 1.You’re turning this in at the end of the video ANNOUNCEMENTS: – Reading Assignment DUE FRIDAY – Chpt 19: Sections 1 & 3 only – SIN due Friday – No Quiz Friday – Test Weds, Feb. 25 th – Projects due Fri, Feb. 27 th
Planets to Scale rDo rDo
The Moon Why do we see the moon if it’s not giving off light?
Pull out your Notes
Moon Notes EQ: How does the moon influence the Earth? 1.Phases of the Moon 2.Tides 3.Seasons 4.Eclipses
Revolution – When an object orbits around another object – The moon is revolving around the earth either being closer or farther from the sun. Rotation – Turning on an axis Depending on where the moon is, determines how much of the moon we see, reflecting light from the sun. 1. Phases of the Moon
Phases n_phases/ n_phases/ Crescents Half Full Gibbous Waning Waxing
Oreo Moons Create a diagram that depicts all eight phases of the moon in the correct order – Waxing crescent – Waning crescent – Waxing gibbous – Waning gibbous – Full moon – New moon – First quarter – Third quarter Show where Earth and Sun are on diagram
What does the moon have to do with our tides?
2. Tides The gravitational pull of the moon influences At any point in time, there are two high tides and two low tides – High tides = the side the moon is closest to (and it’s opposite) – Low tides = the adjacent sides from the moon
Tides Low TideHigh Tide
Spring & Neap Tides Spring Tide = When the moon AND the Sun cause a gravitational pull combined – Occurs at a new moon and full moon Neap Tide = When the Sun’s pull is perpendicular to the moon’s pull – Occurs at the quarter moons
Tides Gtg Gtg
What causes the different seasons?
Seasons on a stick With your tables, try to explain why we have summer & winter using the materials provided. Playdough Popsicle stick Light source **Raise your hand when you have an explanation (5 minutes)
Seasons on a stick Playdough Popsicle stick Light source 1.Create your earth (make sure there is a northern & southern hemisphere) 2.Stick a popsicle stick through it 3.Using protractor, tilt earth so it is on 23.5° 4.Create light source
5. Show what 1 day represents 6. Show what 1 year represents 7. Why is there winter and summer? 8. What kind of orbit would the Earth need to make in order to get summer & winter? When you think you have it raise your hand
Why we have seasons W7QA W7QA
Misconceptions about the Earth & Moon qGeo qGeo See if you can identify the incorrect and correct concepts about the seasons and the moon