Solid Applied Technologies GaugerGSM Training Course You can measure the benefits…
2 Mono-block ultrasonic level meter integrated with GSM modem Continuous measurement of distance and temperature Continuous calculation of level and volume and OCF Reports and alerts via SMS: Theft indication Refilling quantity Overflow Close to empty / full External trigger GaugerGSM
3 User Manuals GaugerGSM SMS Management Center Web Site User manuals & Data sheets Installation tips & PC Software Video Clips & YouTube Tools for users
4 System components and specifications Configuration with keypad Power supply GSM communications USB driver installation and configuration with PC Physical installation Serial data monitoring and firmware upgrade Course outline SMS management center Programmable timer switch Dry contact alert and temperature sensors
5 GaugerGSM With / without display & keypad Optional accessories Office power supply External thermistor Programmable Timer Switch (PTS) Battery enclosure Software SMS Management Center Firmware Upgrade Tool Log & Forward (priced option) System components
6 Specifications
7 Measurement range8 meter (liquids) Dead zone15 cm Accuracy15-60cm1.5 mm <5meter0.3% <8meter0.2% Display/SMS resolution1mm Process tracking rate10 meter/min Power supply8-33VDC Specifications (1/3) chapter I.4
8 Display64X128, 50X25 mm 2 USB port Virtual COM / 115,200 bps Cellular modem GSM, Quad band Display valuesLevel, distance, volume, flow, temperature, absolute,%, operating hours, status SMS alertsFull, empty, theft, refill, trigger level, external trigger Specifications (2/3) chapter I.4
9 Level sensorUltrasonic Frequency75 KHz (optional 50 KHz) MaterialPVDF Threads1.5”NPT/BSP Temperature -20⁰C (-30 ⁰C) to +70⁰C [*] Material PC/ABS+UV Sealing IP67 / IP68 CertificationsCE – EMC/Safety EX ia IIB T4 Ga ATEX/IECEx [*] -30 ⁰C for no display option Specifications (3/3) chapter I.4
10 Specification highlights - Measurement range For calm liquid targets – 8.0 meters Range for liquids will decrease for - Wavy and echo absorbing liquid targets Improper vertical installation For solids – 6.0 meters Range for solids will decrease for - Non reflecting solids Non planar target surface
11 Specification highlights - Sealing – IP67 / IP68 IP68 Tested by immersion in water for 96 hours Depth of 1.80 meter System was then tested for complete functionality Cable entries must be treated properly with cable glands Rubber O-Ring beneath turning cap must be intact
12 Specification highlights - Materials PVDF (sensor) Non reactive Fluoropolymer thermoplastic Polyvinylidene Fluoride Highly resistant to solvents, acids, bases Designed with no vulnerable interface and boundaries PC/ABS+UV (body) Most widely used industrial thermoplastic Polycarbonate blended with ABS Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene Excellent strength and heat resistivity Treated to withstand UV sunlight (UV stabilization)
13 Specification highlights – Cellular Modem TypeGSM BandsQuad band 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 MHz PowerClass 4 (33dBm for 850/900 Class 1 (30dBm for 1800/1900) SMS Point-to-point GPRS (NG)Multi-slot class 10 / Coding schemes 1-4 AntennaInternal stick antenna (external optional) SIM holderAccessible on electrical panel
14 Specification highlights – USB interface Mini-USB port Supporting virtual COM port up to 115,200 baud rate Wide range of functionalities: Configuration and cloning Wired local monitoring and debugging Firmware upgrade for new features Model selection
15 Parts chapter I.2
16 Keypad Display Power terminals IO ports SIM card USB port Cable entry (glands) Electrical panel
17 Configuration with display/keypad
18 Navigation Keys Execution Keys (increase digit, decrease digit, Enter) Keypad chapter III.1
19 Measurement Screen ContrastSetupT⁰dBID Advanced setup Basic setup Algorithm Block distance FAR Block distance Near Filling rate Temperature units Temperature sensor Full level Empty level Value to display False echo scan Device state Set factory defaults Operating hours GSM Destination phone SMS periodic reports Application SMS theft reports SMS refill reports Configuration with display chapter IV
20 Sub Menu Style chapter III.2 Navigate up/down between line items Select an item with Enter key Navigate down for additional items Select **back** to return to previous sub-menu
21 Numeric value Style chapter III.2 Navigate right/left/up/down to each of the digits then next then back Modify each digit with + / - keys Navigate to Next and press Enter Next for following menu Back for previous menu Note: some entries are stored only after returning to measurement screen !
22 Measurement screen chapter III.3 Measurement line: Distance = meter GSM and Ultrasonic status lines Toolbar: Contrast – Setup – Temperature – Echo – ID/version Measurement screen appears at equipment Turn ON and following 30 seconds of no activity in setup sub-menus
23 Power supply
24 Use proper cable gland to preserve IP rating Voltage on terminals must always be higher than 8VDC (8.7VDC on PTS ports) Current rating for 24VDC: Continuous - 10mA SMS transmission - 40mA Spikes -160mA Consider environmental conditions when Selecting the power supply. Power connection chapter II.6 For battery based operations see PTS chapter
25 GSM Communications
26 SIM Card chapter II.8 SIM slot SIM Is fit with any standard local SIM Requires SMS or GPRS package
27 GSM status reports Turn On “GSM Initializing” seconds “Periodic Active” “Destination Assigned” “SMS Sent” “Periodic Active”-Until next SMS Failure or halt in any status report indicates network or SIM or hardware problem
28 StatusDescription 0Good measurement and in range 1Full level 2Empty level 3No signal found (performing echo search) 4Theft indication 5Tank filling identified 6Tank filling ended 7 8Contact alert is short (version 1.94 or later) 9Contact alert is open (version 1.94 or later) Distance, Level, D1, Volume, Tint, Text, Status D1 – Refill start or quantity Tint – Internal temperature Text – External temperature SMS format chapter IX
29 Theft and refill alerts chapter IX Theft alert Initiated by sudden drop in liquid level Threshold defined by user to avoid false alarms Alert sent once per minute if theft persist Refill alert Initiated by continuous increase in liquid level 1 st alert sent at initiation - 2 nd alert sent when refill completed Second alert reports refill quantity
30 USB driver installation
31 USB driver installation chapter VIII USB Cable USB Drivers Enabling: Configuration with PC Serial data monitoring Firmware upgrade
32 Configuration with a PC
33 USB Cable HyperTerminal application Configuration with a PC chapter V
34 Manual setup or file download chapter V Manual setup: Reset Distance to empty level Distance to full level File download: Distance to empty level Distance to full level Cylindrical vertical tank Value to display (volume)
35 SMST ( 10 )SMS periodic interval0No periodic reports Interval in seconds AFE ( 11 )Full / Empty alerts0No alerts 1Alerts activate ATF ( 12 ) Theft alert for VAL=1,2,4,5 0, 0No alerts 4-99, 0 Normal consumption in mm/minute ATF ( 12 ) Theft alerts for VAL=3,6 0, 0No alerts 4-99, 0 Normal consumption in mm/minute 0, 5-500Normal consumption in liter/minute Configuration command list chapter V.5
36 Note #See detailed information in Reference guide chapter… (1)(1)Section: “Application type” (2)(2)Section: “Application dimensions and constraints” (3)(3)Section: “Distance units and value to display“ (4)(4)Section: “Filling rate” …… (8)(8)See chapter: “Serial data monitoring” (9)(9)Section: “Destination phone number” ( 10 )Section: “GSM reporting interval” ( 11 )Section: “Full and Empty alerts” ( 12 )Section: “Theft alerts” ( 13 )Section: “Refill alerts” ( 14 )Section: “PTS configuration” Index to reference guide chapter IX
37 Theft alerts GaugerGSM supports theft detection alerts by examining the rate of liquid consumption. Determine the rate which would be considered as inappropriate in units of level per minute (e.g. mm/min) or volume per minute (e.g. liter/min) and modify the deviation number accordingly. Limits are defined in the chapter: “Configuration with PC”. Rates lower than 4mm/min may cause excessive false alerts. Therefore, entries lower then 4mm/min will automatically be converted to 4mm/min. It is recommended to experiment with the specific tank and environment with this figure until no false alarms are transmitted. Alert SMS will be transmitted within a minute following detection of an inappropriate consumption rate. Alert SMS will be sent once a minute as long as the excessive consumption rate is detected. This may aid the user in determining the duration and persistence of the implied theft. Theft alerts co-exist with periodic alerts and with Full and Empty alerts. Item in reference guide chapter IX
38 Physical installation
39 Application dimensions chapter IX
40 Diameter Distance to empty level = Distance to bottom Length For odd-shaped tanks: empty level = bottom of tank
41 Minimal horizontal distances chapter II.1 Minimum of 30 cm + 10 cm per each meter Total of 50 cm Example 2 meter tank
42 Physical installation options chapter II.4
43 Extension pipe and dead zone chapter II.3 Near blocking distance dead zone Topmost level Extension pipe Sensor face dead zone Topmost level Extension pipe
44 Field installations (1/2)
45 Field installations (2/2)
46 Silo installation chapter II.1
47 Volume support Distance is always measured Level is always computed Measured level = distance to empty level – measured distance Volume is computed if tank dimensions are configured GaugerGSM supports - Cubical shaped tank Cylindrical horizontal with / without curved sides Cylindrical vertical with / without curved bottom
48 Cylindrical horizontal tank chapter V.5 Configuration with PC: $CYLH 5.2, 1.5, 0.3 $ CommandLengthDiameterBreadth meter CYLH
49 Volume for advanced users = For odd shaped but straight tanks configure with – An equivalent vertical cylindrical or cubical tank Of the same height Of the same area cross section
50 MUST BE (1) chapter II.9 Distance to tank walls MUST BE at least 30cm +10cm/1meter Flange MUST BE fixed on horizontal surface Acoustic noises MUST BE far away and isolated Electrical interference MUST BE shielded away from cables Sensor installation MUST BE far from inlets /outlet pipes Sensor MUST BE perpendicular to target surface External thermistor MUST BE in a shaded location
51 MUST BE (2) chapter II.9 SIM card +SMS service MUST BE inserted in the SIM slot Destination phone # MUST BE formatted correctly SMS alerts MUST BE defined using correct limits Voltage MUST BE at least 8VDC on the terminals (8.7VDC on PTS) Battery MUST BE rated higher than 8VDC due to voltage drop Ripple MUST BE less than 100mV including any noise TypeMUST BE regulated switched power supply USBMUST BE accompanied by power source in the field
52 MUST BE (3) chapter II.9 Extension pipe MUST BE at least 3” internal diameter Extension pipe MUST BE with smooth interior surface Extension pipe MUST BE non protruding into the tank Empty / Full MUST BE configured correctly Filling rate MUST BE defined correctly NBD MUST BE configured in extension pipe installations
53 Serial data monitoring
54 USB Cable HyperTerminal application Serial data monitoring chapter VII
55 HyperTerminal Setup chapter V
56 HyperTerminal Setup chapter V
V1.93P V1.93P V1.93P V1.93P V1.93P V1.93P V1.93P V1.93P V1.93P V1.93P Enabling, interpreting and disabling Distance Temperature
58 Firmware upgrade
59 USB Cable Firmware upgrade tool Firmware upgrade chapter VI
60 Current firmware version Select new firmware Selecting new firmware to download
61 WAIT! Upgrade in process Upgrade in process chapter VI
62 Warning ! Never halt upgrade process until completed Upgrade completed chapter VI
63 SMS Management Center
64 SMS Management Center see user manual PC Application for receiving SMS messages Supports many fielded GaugerGSM remote stations Display supported in table and graphic views Logging of SMS messages Pop-up alerts
65 Communication architecture
66 Monitoring Center USB Cable or RS232 Cable External / Internal / USB Cellular GSM modem This modem is the destination for GaugerGSM systems
67 SMS Management Center Project 1Project 2 Site 2ASite 2B Remote station 2B-1 Remote station 2B-2 Remote Station 2B-3 Site 2C Project 3 Field Hierarchy
68 Projects and Sites
69 Remote stations GaugerGSM SIM card numbers need to be registered here
70 Status messages Graphical viewExcel file
71 Alarm messages
72 Graphical and detailed view
73 Third party web based monitoring GaugerGSM protocol is publicly open - allowing 3 rd party solutions Standard business models of third parties involve: Small or no one-time fee On going fees (per month per fielded system)
74 Programmable Timer Switch
75 Programmable Timer Switch chapter II.7 Low power mode for use with batteries For applications that do not require continuous measurement One life cycle: Turn On and take Measurement Send SMS and turn off for programmable time interval
76 SolidAT external battery packs 3-cell or 4-cell packs of size D-Type Enclosure rated IP67 Certified for use in EX hazardous locations under constraints: Must use PTS between battery pack and Gauger Must use Tadiran cells TL-5930 individually EX certified
77 Battery VDC PTS 3-wire cable 5-wire cable PTS – Installation chapter II.7 Rated IP67
78 PTS – Installation in Ex hazardous areas Certified battery pack PTS EX Zone 1 Certified battery pack PTS EX Zone 1
79 PTS Configuration chapter V.5 FromToStandby mode High levelFull levelContinuous measurement Low levelHigh levelShort sleeping interval Empty levelLow levelLong sleeping interval CommandLong interval Low level Short Interval High level Disable Enable SMS in long interval minutemeterminutemeter0-1 LPST $LPST 240, 3.5, 60, 1.6, 1, 1 $
80 Sewer system Battery box PTS Installation Arm
81 Field installation
82 Theft alert
83 Theft alert chapter IX SMS is sent when sudden decrease in level is detected User defines a threshold rate using ATF command: Rate should be higher than random fluctuations Consider temperature variations Consider liquid ripples and tank vibrations Consider noises Alerts will be sent once per minute as long as theft persists
84 Contact alert
85 Contact Alert chapter II.6 SMS sent when contact state changes and persists for 10 sec Change to OPEN - status digit 8 Change to SHORT – status bit 9 May be applied for generator On/Off indication
86 Temperature sensors
87 External temperature sensor chapter II.6 Built-in (internal) temperature sensor is always present External temperature sensor is recommended for: High temperature gradients along the ultrasonic path Rapid temperature variations in time Configuration options: Internal temperature sensor only External temperature sensor only Average of both sensors
88 External temperature sensor chapter II.6 For additional information see application note: External temperature sensor connections:
89 Thank You ! You can measure the Solid benefits…