W ELCOME TO C URRICULUM N IGHT Mrs. Baucom’s First Grade Class
W ELCOME & I NTRODUCTIONS Mrs. Baucom Ms. Anderson Please make sure you signed in on one of the computers.
C LASS S CHEDULE 9:00 – 9:05 = Morning Work 9:05 – 9:15 = Calendar/ Number of the Day 9:15 – 10:15 = Math 10:15 – 10:45 = Writing 10:45 – 12:00 = Literacy: Guided Reading Groups/Centers/Word Work & Spelling 12:00 – 12:30 = Lunch/ Bathroom 12:30 – 1:00 = Recess 1:00 – 1:50 = Literacy: Whole Group 1:50 – 2:30 = Specials 2:30 – 2:45 = Snack 2:45 – 3:15 = Science 3:15 – 3:30 = End of Day Routine/Dismissal
S PECIALS Art – Mr. Woolard Music – Ms. Wright PE – Mrs. Isgett Media – Mr. George Computer – Mr. Daniels
D IFFERENTIATION Quick activity Giving each child what he/she needs Based on pre-tests Morning Work, some Class Work, and Homework is differentiated
E XPECTATIONS : B EHAVIOR 1. Raise your hand. 2. Follow all school rules. (A copy went home in Welcome Packet on 1 st day.) 3. Respect everyone and all property. 4. Do your best! 5. Keep hands & feet to yourself. 6. No tattling. 7. Be polite! 8. Listen! 9. Be safe at all times. Dress Code Daily Progress Report home on Fridays
E XPECTATIONS : W ORK Morning Work Literacy Math
H OMEWORK P OLICY Spelling/Vocabulary Packets One page each night; don’t forget to study on Thursdays Due on Friday Spelling/Vocabulary Tests on Fridays Math 2-sided page each night Due next day Goes with lesson from the day Read for 20 minutes “Extras” Introduce WOLF Binders
H OMEWORK T IPS Allow child to do it by themselves; then check & circle/star incorrect ones; guide as needed; look back at math classwork We check to see that homework is completed; used to see who may need reinforcement of concepts.
C ONFERENCES Parent Involvement is essential. Teachers & parents work together as a team to ensure success of students. Conferences Appropriate Times At least 2 per year (fall & spring) Sign up sheet going home in a couple of weeks
S TANDARD C OURSE OF S TUDY : L ITERACY Literacy Block Whole Group Guided Reading – groups based on ability Centers – groups of students at different levels Assessment of most/all students every 9 weeks DRAs End of Kindergarten – level 6 End of 1 st – level 20 Includes writing Emergent coming into 1 st Early Developing mid-year Developing at end of year 4 Writing Days (2 District; 2 local)
S TANDARD C OURSE OF S TUDY : M ATH Number Sense (even/odd; group & count by 2’s, 5’s, & 10’s; place value; ordering; comparing) Addition & Subtraction (single digits) Measurement Time to hour & half hour Geometry Graphs Probability Sorting & Classifying
S TANDARD C OURSE OF S TUDY : S OCIAL S TUDIES Families & Groups Citizenship Changing People & Places Special Days Where People Live The Marketplace Technology We Use Today
S TANDARD C OURSE OF S TUDY : S CIENCE 4 units: Organisms Sand, Silt, & Pebbles Balance & Motion Properties of Solids & Liquids Use kits for each unit Very hands on and interactive Full SCOS: See Overview in handout
I NTEGRATION Integration is a large part of my classroom. This means that we’ll read math stories, talk about science and social studies in other subjects. None of the subjects are in their own “box”.
R EPORT C ARDS Not letter grades Proficiency Levels (1, 2, 3, 4) 1 = Performing well below grade level most of the time 2 = Performing below grade level most of the time 3 = Performing on grade level most of the time 4 = Performing above grade level most of the time Behavior N = Needs Improvement S = Satisfactory O = Outstanding Also used for Science, S. S., & Specials
P ARENT I NVOLVMENT Thank you for filling out volunteer forms! Will contact volunteers as needed. Chaperones are first come…money sent in or note with permission slip. Usually only allowed about 2 or 3 parents per trip. (Chaperones are not allowed to ride the buses.) Room parent(s): Usually used to contact other parents and be in charge of getting items, organizing events, etc. Don’t worry! It’s not that stressful! Please join PTA!
R EMINDERS & T IPS Packet has some tips and reminders. Remember to send a note when your child will be going home a different way than usual. I prefer notes for this. Remember to send a note for any absences. ( s also work.) ing everything this year!! Website should be up by Monday (will instructions/link) Any questions or concerns PLEASE talk to me. is great!
Q UESTIONS As time allows
T HANK Y OU FOR C OMING !! It’s going to be a great year!!