Building an International Student Fellowship David Khi (University of Kentucky) Ard Louis (Cambridge University)
Why reach I-students? From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out to him and find him, though he is not far from each of us. Acts 17:26,27
Why reach I-students? Who are I-students –586,000 –51% Asian; 13%Europe; 12% Latin America ;7% Africa; 6% Middle East –1) India 2) China 3) Korea (Original data Source: Institute of International Education (IIE) online Global Impact Away from home more open This phenomenon is an act of God
Types of Fellowships Mono-cultural American Fellowships –Ethos that of the dominant culture –Asian-American, African-American, Anglo- American etc…. Mono-cultural International Fellowships –Korean, Indonesian, Mandarin, etc… Multi-Cultural International Fellowships –No one culture dominates
Ard and David’s stories
How to start Prayer and fasting Assemble committed team/task force START somewhere
How to build Leadership team –Should be majority international –(cultural ice-bergs) –Turnover/training –“permanent” people Develop a long term strategy –Mission statement –Articulate your vision regularly Implement in stages
How to build Relationships are key Oikos
How to build Relationships are key David Zac – Welcome, they participate in proclaiming the gospel Food
Maintaining balance Time management Pray before saying yes –Good idea/God idea Be intentional – priority management Now is the best time to learn Budi Setiamarga
Contact details: David Khi (University of Kentucky) Ard Louis (Cambridge University)