Explorer and Innovator Parent Information Night Kathy Whitlock January 2015
Classes Explorers (Grades K-2, retested at the end of second grade) Innovators (TAG Grades 3-5) Challengers (Not pulled by me, receive enrichment through classroom teacher- Grades 3-5)
Schedule Every week Monday- 2 nd grade Explorers Tuesday- 3 rd grade TAG Wednesday- 4 th grade TAG Thursday- 5 th grade TAG Friday am-1 st grade Explorers, 2 ½ hours Friday pm- Kindergarten Explorers 1 ½ hours
Testing Once a year for each grade level No TAG Pull-out during testing weeks New referrals grades K-5 were tested December 1st-18th 2 nd Grade Explorer reassessment will be during class in May We use three criteria for testing- a cognitive abilities test, an academic achievement test, and referral rating scales from teachers and parents.
Curriculum Logic, critical and creative thinking, algebra readiness Word study (Grades 3-5- SAT words, Greek and Latin roots) Power Hour- students have the opportunity to demonstrate skills in self-directed learning, thinking, research and communication with the goal of development of advanced-level products and performances Habits of Mind- social/emotional skills (Instant Challenges, Common Thread) Humanities 1 st - Early American settlements 2 nd - Ancient Greece 3 rd - Settlement of Mexico 4 th - Ancient Rome 5 th - Feudal system and Renaissance
In my class Hard work is expected. Students do not receive grades for Explorers/TAG, but will bring home an Explorers/ TAG semester report. Students are not responsible for classwork missed during TAG time, but are responsible for tests and homework. Students are expected to complete classwork and assignments to leave for TAG (Students should not have missing work). Gifted students have the opportunity to work with other gifted students. One way students receive instruction is through using Sandra Kaplan’s Depth & Complexity strategies.
In the homeroom classes Students have the opportunity to receive gifted services in the four core subject areas (language arts, science, math, social studies) when needed through differentiation. Your child’s teacher documents differentiation in his/her lesson plans. You can ask your child’s teacher how your child is receiving differentiation.
Parent Center Your child may have an “E” listed for an assignment on their Explorer/TAG day. This means that the student has been excused from this assignment they missed. Your child’s grade book entries may be different from their classmates, because they may “test out of” an assignment or be given an alternate assignment.
Communication Pertinent information is shared on the class website “For Parents” section. Events are listed on the website calendar. Monthly newsletter Parent Advisory Council is the quickest mode of communication, but I will return phone calls as soon as possible. Join remind for updates! Code: 81010, text
Parents can be involved as… …Experts in your field Presenters Contacts for students …Parent Advisory Council members Campus level District level …Volunteers … participants in the annual program survey
JISD’s GT Program You can learn more about our services by reading “Gifted and Talented Education Program: Parent Guide to Program Options” found on my class website. The guide explains the nomination process, furloughs, reassessment, exit from services, transfers, appeals, non-English speaking services, and other important data. Nominations are open to all students.
Acceleration Your child can be tested to skip a grade. For information about this, contact our counselor, Janae Patterson, at Beyond elementary, acceleration options are available through Credit by Examination and Early High School Graduation.
Beyond Elementary Middle school offers Pre-AP classes and TAG classes. Both are advanced and offer higher grade points than regular academics. TAG classes offer more grade points than Pre-AP.
Q & A Do you have any questions, concerns?