Life Skills
Physical Science K.1 Observe, manipulate, sort and generate questions about objects and their physical properties. K.1.1 Use all senses as appropriate to observe, sort and describe objects according to their composition and physical properties, such as size, color and shape. Explain these choices to others and generate questions about the objects. K.1.2 Identify and explain possible uses for an object based on its properties and compare these uses with other students ideas.
Earth Science K.2 Observe, record, and recognize patterns and generate questions about night and day and the seasons. K.2.1 Observe and record during sunny days when the sun shines on different parts of the school building. K.2.2 Describe and compare objects seen in the night and day sky. K.2.3 Describe in words and pictures the changes in weather from month to month and season to season.
Life Science K.3 Observe living organisms, compare and contrast their characteristics, and ask questions about them. K.3.1 Observe and draw physical features of common plants and animals. K.3.2 Describe and compare living animals in terms of shape, texture of body covering, size, weight, color and the way they move. K.3.3 Describe and compare living plants in terms of growth, parts, shape, size, color, and texture.
Students will be able to identify the difference in liquids and solids with one on one assistance from staff using the five senses of smelling, touching, tasting, sight, and sound in the classroom in creating and handling the slime.
Hand over hand participation. Cognizant of those with Sensory issues. Behavioral issues. Allergy issues. Safety issues. Toxic or Non-Toxic. * Put it in mouth. *** Make sure you communicate properly and appropriately to best of their ability. *** Make sure their behavior is proper in a safe and appropriate manner.
Science StationsPoor (1 point)Fair (2 points)Good (3 points) GlueDid not want to participate. Participated, but showed very little interest. Tried hard and had fun. WaterDid not want to participate. Participated, but showed very little interest. Tried hard and had fun. Food ColoringDid not want to participate. Participated, but showed very little interest. Tried hard and had fun. Borax PowderDid not want to participate. Participated, but showed very little interest. Tried hard and had fun. KneadDid not want to participate. Participated, but showed very little interest. Tried hard and had fun. IdentifyDid not want to participate. Participated, but showed very little interest. Tried hard and had fun.
5-E Phases Engage Phase The “hook” for this phase will be a demonstration by the teacher and assistant. Students will complete worksheets based upon individual needs after demonstration with individual assistance. Explore Phase Students will conduct the “Slime” activity with individual assistance based on their needs. Students can use touch screen computers and other devices based upon individual needs after completing this experiment. Explain Phase Students will discover their findings with individual needs and individual assistance. (What is the state of matter for Slime?) Elaborate Phase Students will, complete a packet with individual assistance to demonstrate what data was gathered and research information made a conclusion for the state of matter for Slime demonstrated. The packets will be displayed in their individual files and also be taken home to show what progress has been made within the classroom. Evaluate Phase An alternate assessment (rubric) will be used to determine specific information about what students learned during the activity based upon their individual needs.