Dan Galorath - JPL Softcost 1 The JPL Softcost method originally developed for NASA's Jet Propulsion laboratory is recognized as one of the earliest software estimation models. As the model's name suggests, it worked well at estimation cost and time, but was eventually replaced by JPL for its lack of risk estimation.
Btrieve - SoftCraft years 1 The product was launched in February 1982 by SoftCraft, a firm located in Austin, Texas|Austin, Texas, by Doug and Nancy Woodward
Softcam 1 :Softcam can also refer to a software conditional- access module|CAM emulator.
Softcam 1 Softcams are computer software (that technically do not replace webcams) that allows one to stream or Broadcasting|broadcast image, video, and/or audio files through a virtual webcam device. This allows the video stream to be used in place of a normal webcam stream in video conferencing applications like MSN Messenger, NetMeeting, Skype etc. or any other programs that use webcam devices.
Softcam 1 Some softcam software such as Magic Camera and ManyCam allows the user to apply graphics and effects to the video as well, making the software more analogous to a video switcher. In effect, softcam software allows the user to project media files as though it were live over a webcam. Video from normal webcams can also be passed through softcam software to allow the same graphics and effects to be overlaid onto normal webcam video.
Softcam - History 1 The historical origins of softcam type software is unclear, but image sensor emulation may have been used by the US and USSR space programs as part of camera integration on spacecraft. In the modern era, physical teleconferencing systems (as opposed to ones dependant on a personal computer) may have been tested with softcam technology in the late 1980s.
Softcore pornography 1 Softcore pornography typically does not contain explicit depictions of vaginal penetration|vaginal or anal sex|anal penetration, cunnilingus, fellatio and ejaculation
Softcore pornography 1 In most cases sexual acts depicted in softcore pornography are simulated by the actor(s) and/or actress(es) with no actual penetration occurring. The actors may wear latex genital covers to prevent physical contact. Film directors go to great lengths to obscure such covers on screen, but often fail to hide them completely.
Softcore pornography 1 In some countries, broadcasting of softcore films is widespread on cable television networks, with some such as Cinemax producing their own in-house softcore films and television series.
Softcore pornography 1 Pornographic film makers sometimes make both hardcore and softcore versions of a film, with the softcore version using less explicit angles of sex scenes, or using the other techniques to tone down any objectionable feature. The softcore version may, for example, be edited for the in- house hotel pay-per-view market.
Softcore pornography - History 1 Originally, softcore pornography was presented mainly in the form of men's magazines, when it was barely acceptable to show a glimpse of nipple in the 1950s. By the 1970s, in such mainstream magazines as Playboy and Hustler, no region of the body was considered off limits.
Softcore pornography - History 1 After the formation of the Motion Picture Association of America film rating system|MPAA rating system in the United States and prior to the 1980s, numerous softcore films, with a wide range of production costs, were released to mainstream movie theatres, especially drive- in theater|drive-ins. Some, such as Emmanuelle and Alice in Wonderland (1976 film)|Alice in Wonderland, received positive reviews from noted critics such as Roger Ebert.
Softcore pornography - History 1 In recent years, relaxed standards for cable television production has allowed for the production of a number of sexually explicit television series containing content that would have been restricted to the softcore movie market in the past. Examples include Game of Thrones, Boardwalk Empire, True Blood, The L Word, and Spartacus (TV series)|Spartacus and its spin-offs.
Erin Brown - Softcore 1 From 1997 to 2002, Brown worked for pornographic film production company Factory She signed an exclusive contract with E.I. Independent Cinema, performing mainly in softcore pornography under the stage name Misty Mundae.
Softcard 1 The Softcard mobile system has partnered with the Discover card|Discover network and Barclaycard US.
Softcard 1 On July 7, 2014, CEO Michael Abbott announced that they would be rebranding the company in order to avoid association with the identically named Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant|militant group. The new name Softcard was announced on September 3, 2014, with newly branded apps to be rolled out in the subsequent weeks.
Softcard - Technologies 1 Softcard uses several underlying technologies:
Softcard - Competition 1 * Google has a product called Google Wallet (previously known as Google Checkout) with which Softcard aims to compete directly.
A.D. Vision - SoftCel Pictures 1 SoftCel Pictures was the branch of the company that specialized in the release of hentai anime titles on VHS and DVD. The first product released was Legend of Lyon Flare. This division was shut down in 2005, and most of its titles were acquired by Critical Mass, the hentai division of Right Stuf Inc.|The Right Stuf International.
Softcover 1 A 'paperback' (also known as 'softback' or 'softcover') is a type of book characterized by a thick paper or paperboard cover, and often held together with adhesive|glue rather than stitch (textile arts)|stitches or Staple (fastener)|staples
Softcover - Trade paperback 1 If it is a softcover edition of a previous hardcover edition, and if published by the same publishing house as the hardcover, the text pages are normally identical to the text pages in the hardcover edition, and the book is essentially the same size as the hardcover edition
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