Welcome to Kindergarten Beech Tree ES
Beech Tree Elementary School Fairfax Early Childhood Program (FECEP) Enhanced Autism (Kindergarten-5th) English as A Second Language (ESOL) Special Education Advanced Academic Program (AAP) Foreign Language in Elementary Schools (FLES) Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) Literacy Lab (Reading Intervention) Instructional Coaches (Embedded professional development) Quarterly Saturday Morning Family Field Trips
Our Kindergarten Team Ms. Cholewinski, Ms. Demartini, Ms. DePeralta, and Ms. LaRussa
Kindergarten IA’s Ms. Sabah, Ms. Womack, and Ms. Kaffa
Morning Meeting Responsive Classroom and Morning Meeting Greeting Activity Message Share
Language Arts Language Arts Mini Lesson Daily 5 Literacy Stations: Listen to Reading, Read to Self, Read with Someone, Work on Writing, Word Work Guided Reading
Math Math Mini Lesson Daily 5 Math Stations: Listen to Math, Manipulative Based Learning, Problem Solving, Partner Games, Intervention and Enrichment Use of technology in the classroom (Smartboard, iPads, laptops, etc.)
Curriculum At a Glance (Science) Year at a Glance by Grade and Content Area
Curriculum At a Glance (Social Studies) Year at a Glance by Grade and Content Area
Recess and Quiet Time 40 minutes daily
Specials Classes Music with Mr. Natalie P.E. with Mr. Jenkins Arabic with Mrs. Bacha Art with Mr. Skrtic Library with Mrs. Valentine Guidance with Mrs. Glick STEM with Dr. Schudmak
For more information…. FCPS Website: http://www.fcps.edu FCPS Kindergarten Orientation Video: http://www.ebmcdn.net/fcps/fcps_video_viewer.php?viewnode=1b0220837fc20 FCPS Website: http://www.fcps.edu Beech Tree Website: http://www.fcps.edu/BeechTreeES/
Breakout Sessions 2:45-2:55 Session 1 2:55-3:05 Session 2 3:15-3:30 Wrap Up in Cafeteria Location 1: (Red Group Starts Here) Rm. 141- LA Manipulatives/Daily Schedule with Ms. Cholewinski Location 2: (Green Group Starts Here) Rm. 142- Math Manipulatives/FAQ's with Ms. Demartini Location 3: (Blue Group Starts Here) Rm. 143- Tour of the School with Ms. DePeralta *Red group rotates to Location 2, Green group rotates to Location 3, Blue group rotates to Location 1*