BadgeBuilder ® Offering a Complete Line of Superior ID Badge Creation Products
This presentation consists of two sections. 1. BadgeBuilder ® family of software ID products. 2.Hardware (card printers, camera systems, cards, ribbons, etc)
Section I BadgeBuilder ® family of software ID products
BadgeBuilder ® Features and Benefits n Extensive standard feature list n Support for all 32- and 64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows® including Windows 2000, XP and Vista. n BadgeBuilder ® applications include government (Army, Navy, FAA, NASA, FBI, prisons here and abroad), industry (GE, Volkswagen, BBC, British Airways), educational (numerous colleges and schools), and many more.
BadgeBuilder ® Standard Features (Continued) n OBDC – this standard interface provides support for all major database formats with the ability to easily link to your existing data. Full data import and export capabilities are available as well. n XMLRPC allows for seamless interaction with other programs such as access control, time and attendance, human resources, and parking management n Unlimited badge template designs are created using comprehensive WYSIWYG graphic manipulation tools n Superior documentation, including context-sensitive help and a complete on-line manual
n Ease of use. Easily enter your data, take a picture and print to the printer of your choice. n Multiple photo support (parents matched to kids for daycare, etc.). n Multiple image acquisition methods (Capture from a live video source via TWAIN or Video For Windows, capture from an image file saved in one of several popular formats such as JPG) n Ghost imaging (additional security) BadgeBuilder ® Standard Features (Continued)
n Barcode generation - twenty symbologies supplied with multiple densities including PDF-417 n Transparent images n Auto-sizing text fields n Counter fields – auto-incrementing for control purposes n Advanced database search features n Multiple operator security levels
BadgeBuilder ® Modules n Magnetic encoding as part of the printing process (requires appropriate printer) n Signature capture facility (hardware/software option) n Dossier functionality (number of fields limited only by the database being used) - includes ability to generate rosters and directories n Credential Verification provides automatic record display based on card read or manual data entry
BadgeBuilder ® Modules (Continued) n Double sided printing - also expands dossiers to two pages n Advanced Reporting module (detailed reporting formats which may be tailored to accommodate specific user requirements) n Contact-less Smart Card Encoding module – advanced card technology, MIFARE ® is a well-proven RF communication technology for transmitting data between a card and reader device
BadgeBuilder ® Line of Products n Small organizations n Medium-size organizations – best combination of features per cost n Large multi-user networked organizations n ID Verification and Personnel Accountability n Visitor Management
BadgeBuilder ® Software n Standalone system or integrated with other software packages. n Typically used by the smaller organization n Includes all standard BadgeBuilder features, plus n Security Modules n Dossiers n Magnetic Encoding n Field Upgradeable
BadgeBuilder ® Software n Our most popular software package n All the features of BadgeBuilder ® Classic, plus n Security Modules n Double-sided printing n Credential verification n Contact-less Smart card encoding n Field Upgradeable
BadgeBuilder ® Software n Our most powerful software package n Includes all features of BadgeBuilder ® Classic and Select, plus n Security Modules n Advanced Program Use Reporting n Signature Capture n Fingerprint Capture
TeamTracer ® n TeamTracer® offers powerful and affordable accountability tracking for emergency responders, public health departments, construction sites and anywhere that personnel accountability and verification is essential for security and safety. n Use your technology of choice for quickly reading cards – barcode, magnetic stripe and proximity are all supported. n Full network capabilities provide seamless multiple- station support for card production and verification. n TeamTracer® is based on BadgeBuilder®. All of the capabilities of BadgeBuilder® are a native part of TeamTracer®
BadgeBuilder ® Visitor Features and Benefits n Streamlined, network-ready and easy-to-learn, BadgeBuilder ® Visitor provides an affordable entry-point security solution for an sized company n Utilizing the powerful BadgeBuilder ® photo ID software engine, BadgeBuilder ® Visitor enhances corporate image while increasing visitor accountability and employee safety. n Multiple user levels and flexible user licensing allow you to easily setup and tailor BadgeBuilder ® Visitor to your company's specific requirements.
BadgeBuilder ® Visitor Features and Benefits (Cont) n Add appointments, log visitors in and run reports quickly and easily with straightforward, wizard-driven interface n Taking visitor pictures and printing I.D.'s and parking passes is a simple point and click procedure n Print temporary badges on a variety of media, including plastic, cardboard and standard or adhesive-backed paper
BadgeBuilder ® Packages Personal Identification Systems Simplified n Complete Plug and Play Photo ID Systems, including: n BadgeBuilder ® software n Video Capture System (Industrial Digital Camera with tripod and cables) n Color card printer with up to a 3-year hot-swap warranty n PVC cards with or without embedded technology n Color printer ribbon n Slot punch n Badge Clips n Options n Customized PC’s with preloaded BadgeBuilder® software n Double-sided printer or encoder options n Fingerprint and / or Signature Capture n Card hologram security devices n PC warranties
BadgeBuilder ® Advantages n Powerful ID tool integrating the most advanced technology n Cost – feature for feature, lowest on market n Superior, committed support n Straightforward WYSIWYG card design, data entry and photo capture n Flexible - multiple photos, signatures, barcodes, fingerprints, magnetic encoding, broad database support, Smart Cards, etc... n Mature - A solid Windows ® product since 1994 n Acceptance – Armed Forces, government, public & private institutions, educational facilities n Prints to virtually any Windows ® printer, including laser, inkjet and PVC n Extremely well documented – extensive online help
Section II BadgeBuilder ® Hardware Products
Card Printing Systems n n BadgeBuilder® products support all Windows® driven printers, including those from Magicard Evolis, Zebra, Fargo, DataCard & Nisca n n We sell and recommend the complete line of Magicard PVC Card Printers and peripherals. n n We stock card printers, printer ribbons and many supplies for a wide variety of ID applications.
Camera Systems n n High-quality, high-resolution industrial digital camera systems are available. These systems include a flash and high-speed USB connectivity for easy installation and use. n n Low-cost, USB web-cam video cameras are also available.
Peripherals & Expendables n We offer a large array of plastic card stock including plain PVC, peel-and-stick adhesive cards, high- and low- coercivity magnetic stripe cards and smart cards. n We carry the full line of HID proximity and Wiegand cards n We have a wide offering of peripherals including card holders, neck lanyards, card punches, badge clips n All products are available to you at low everyday pricing.
For More Information Please contact us or visit our website for more information about our wide range of products New England Security & Communications 9 Main Street, Suite 4B Manchaug, MA Toll Free: Phone: Fax: Website: