Adaptive Automation for Human Performance in Large-Scale Networked Systems Raja Parasuraman Ewart de Visser George Mason University Kickoff Meeting, Carnegie Mellon University, August 26, AFOSR MURI: Modeling Synergies in Large-Scale Human-Machine Networked Systems
2 Research Goals Develop validated theories and techniques to predict behavior of large-scale, networked human-machine systems involving unmanned vehicles Model human decision making efficiency in such networked systems Investigate the efficacy of adaptive automation to enhance human-system performance
3 Collaborations with MURI Team Members Cornell/ MIT/Pitt GMU CMU All Human-Robot Team Performance and Modeling Human-Agent Collaboration Scaling up to Large Networks
4 George Mason University Approach Conduct empirical and modeling studies of human decision making performance with multiple robotic assets Examine human-system performance using the Distributed Decision Making simulation (DDD Version 4) –(with Mark Campbell of Cornell) Examine efficacy of Adaptive Delegation Interface (ADI) with Machinetta for Human-Agent collaboration –(with Paul Scerri of CMU) Develop human-robot performance metrics for use in large networks
5 Joint GMU-Cornell Approach Examine human-system performance (1-4 person teams, multiple unmanned vehicles, using DDD) in simulated reconnaissance missions (GMU) Model human decision-making performance (Cornell) Identify and quantify human “cognitive bottlenecks” (GMU and Cornell) Identify points for “adaptive tasking” or adaptive automation (GMU and Cornell) Scale up to larger networks (more UVs and agents)
Proxy Teamwork Proxies playbook Adaptable Automation Invocation method Adaptive Automation Performance Based Event Based Model Based Parasuraman (2000); Kaber & Endsley (2004); Scerri et al. (2006); Miller & Parasuraman (2007)) Adaptable/Adaptive Automation
Playbook Interface for RoboFlag Playbook: Enables human-automation communication about plans, goals, and methods—akin to calling “plays” from a sports team’s playbook (Miller & Parasuraman, 2007) Validation experiments with RoboFlag (Parasuraman et al., IEEE SMC-Part A, 2005) Human operator supervises multiple Blue Team robots using a delegation interface (Playbook) Adapted from Cornell University Work done under DARPA MICA Program
Methods Single operator sends a team of 4-8 robots (blue team) into opponent territory (populated by red team robots) to locate a specified target and return home as quickly as possible User has Playbook of automated tools to direct robots Waypoint (point and click) control (“Manual”) Automated plays (Circle offense; Circle defense; Patrol border) User selects number of robot(s) to which plays are assigned User can intervene in robot execution of a play and apply corrective measures if necessary Red team robot tactics predictable (always offensive or defensive) or unpredictable (either offensive or defensive)
9 Hypotheses for Efficacy of Playbook Interface Use of automated plays at times of user’s choosing enhances mission success rate and reduces mission completion time Flexible use or either automated plays or manual control allows user to compensate for “brittleness” of automation –particularly when opponent tactics are unpredictable Management workload associated with delegation is only low to moderate
10 Flexible Delegation Enhances System Performance without Increasing User Workload Parasuraman et al., IEEE-SMC Part A, 2005
11 Playbook for Pre-Mission UCAV Planning User can call high-end play— e.g., Airfield Denial, or Stipulate the method and procedure for doing Airfield Denial by –filling in specific variable values (i.e., which airfield to be attacked) –what UAVs to be used – where they should rendezvous –stipulate –which sub-methods and optional task path branches to be used –Etc. Miller & Parasuraman, Human Factors, 2007
Simulation Platforms at GMU DDD 4.0 –1-4 person teams –Large numbers of UVs/agents Adaptive Delegation Interface (ADI) –Designed for planning, executing, and monitoring UV movements –Adaptable: High level plans can be proposed by the user and modified by the automation –Adaptive: UVs can autonomously adjust to certain events in the scenario 12
13 Adaptive Delegation For Planning Delegation Interfaces: Execution –Many Human-Robot interfaces are primarily execution based –RoboFlag is an example of an execution-based delegation interface Delegation Interfaces: Planning –Little prior work on real-time planning with robotic vehicles –Related work on route planning for pilots: Layton et al. (1994) Preliminary research under DARPA's Multiagent Adjustable Autonomy Framework (MAAF) for Multi-Robot, Multi-Human Teams (with Amos Freedy).
14 Battle Space Robotic Operator Adaptive Interface Automated Planning Assistant Doctrine Checker Machinetta plan instructions planning feedback planning feedback Plan verification with doctrine automated plan generationSending instructions to vehicles plan execution monitoring Adaptive Delegation Concept Shared task model
15 Automated Route Planning - Task ordering goes through all possible permutations of the given tasks (if requested) and submits to Machinetta a specific task order to be followed. - Machinetta generates the optimized path plan to reach target locations - Post processing makes use of Machinetta generated paths (for the SEARCH task type) and introduces loading/unloading time (for the EXTRACT task type) into plans. Machinetta Post Processing Task Ordering UV1 Time Steps Regions UV2 Time Steps - Given target location, current location of vehicle and time, fuel, task importance and risk avoidance importance; Machinetta iterates through all possible region traversal options and converges on the best (in terms of time, fuel and risk) trajectory possible. (one such trajectory for a vehicle, 4 time steps and 9 regions is shown in figure above) - Machinetta takes into account both user specified parameters (such as task and risk importance), as well as vehicle capabilities (such as speed and fuel), and generates plans that can implement such complex behaviors as delayed action and risk avoidance.
Plan Instantiation Plan is given to UVs UVs carry out plan Autonomous Behavior Obstacle on Path UGV 1 avoids obstacle 2 Dynamic Reallocation UGV 2 Camera Failure UGV 1 then provides view ! 1 2 Adjustable Autonomy UGV 2 asks to confirm Human responds by confirming IED presence 5 Multiagent Adjustable Autonomy Framework Dynamic Reallocation UGV 1 loses comms UAV assists and functions as relay station
17 The Adaptive Delegation Interface Mission wizard & compose Mission map Task library Automated planning assistant
18 Mission Planning & Execution Task Library Mission Execution Mission Compose Mission Wizard Mission Map Automated Planning Assistant Compose View Rescue & Extract Reconnaissance Plays Tasks Super Plays move search wait avoid extract stop go home UAV Recon clockwise UAV Recon counter- clockwise UAV Recon UGV Recon & Extract Reactions Execute plan Finish plan Time Damage Victims Overall Plan ID Iter Type Assets Plan A 2 R&E 1 UAV, 2 UGV Submit plan Modify plan Type Message Content Plan B 2 R&E 1 UAV, 2 UGV Standing By Review You should include a UAV in the plan before submission Status New plans have been generated Review plan UAV 1 vehicle parameters tasks UAV Recon G1 Move G1 UAV Recon B5 - + Search G1 UGV 1,2 vehicle parameters tasks UGV Recon & Extract G1, B5 Move G1 Search G1 Extract G1 Move B5 - - UAV Recon counterclockwise add asset delete asset + 2:00 Mission Parameters + Finish plan Submit planCheck plan
2 1 3 Agent Status Panel Task Status RoleAction Provide Camera support TimeIssues Re-defining role… unknown Camera Failure Disarm IED Moving to IED location ~10 min. None Recon & clear area of IEDs unknown Task Message Center Cannot see IEDRole-reallocation… Vehicle Timeline Sensors Talon 1 Talon 3 UnitsAssets Talon Unit Alpha (2/3) MI Company Agent Control Panel Talon 2 3 Talon Unit Alpha 3 3 STOP 1 T1 T2 14:05 Options Pop-out
20 Advantages of using the Adaptive Delegation Interface Users can give high-level commands to a set of vehicles –No need to input each task individually –Automation can generate and finish plans –Humans can adjust plans as needed Users can monitor executed plans and intervene if necessary Minimal training needed (20-30 min.)