Content Objectives & Language Objective Be able to identify and perform addition of single-digit numbers. Learn and enhance their vocabulary. Identify the word “addition”.
Standards & ELL Standards Benchmarks Next Generation Standards. MA.1.A.1.4 ELL Standard 5: Determine and use applicable teaching methods and strategies. Physical Verbal Cues, Modeling Examples, Verbal or Written Instructions, and Vocabulary Discussion.
LEARNING STRATEGIES Solve problems in addition with manipulatives Interactive Teaching Comprehensive Input Physical Verbal Cues Hands-on activity Verbal and written instructions Speak Slowly and clearly
Key vocabulary one two three four five six seven eight nine ten addition
Supplementary Materials Plastic teddy bears Number Flashcard ( in English and Spanish) Pencils Paper
Single addition lesson 1.Content/Language Objective. Post them on board before students come inside the class. 2.Review numbers from 1 to 9 using an English flashcard. Determine students who are ELLs and as to how any of them know their numbers in English. Display the English flashcards together with the Spanish flashcards right next to each other. 3.Present the vocabulary by teaching the numbers’ name to those students who are not familiar with. 4.Show the students a word wall that contain the numbers 1 to 9 and the word “addition”. 5.Indicate on the board a plus sign (+) and explain addition. 6.Show how addition works with teddy bears and arrange the digits vertically. Example: 1 teddy bear + 1 teddy bear 2 teddy bears 7.Demonstrate several examples by writing them on the board and represent them with teddy bears.
Single addition lesson 8.Team up children in pairs. EL students must be paired with students who are fluent in their English. 9.Distribute nine (9) pieces of plastic teddy bears, pencils, and paper to each pair. 10. Allow the pairs to work with each other so that they can create many problems in addition as they can with the 9 teddy bears. Clarify that they may or may not use all of their teddy bears in each problem that they make. Allow the children to discover addition on their own. 11. Let the pairs demonstrate verbally in front of the class and make them showcase the addition problems they made using the teddy bears. It should be done while writing the examples on the board.
Reflection Some ELLs do not know any of their numbers. Extra time is needed to review the lesson for ELLs Majority understood lesson. Excited about working with Teddy bears. Helped them understand addition of single digits. More time needed for this lesson.
Motivation Review numbers from 1 to 9 which they learned in Kindergarten. Strengthen their knowledge on the numbers and introduce vocabulary to them. For ELs students, determine how much they know in English, if any. Near the class end, group the class into boys and girls. Then, let them line up and take turns of solving problems on addition of single digit numbers. Each group gets a point when they have a correct answer. Finally, the group with higher numbers of points gets a prize.
Refernces Norman Herr. (2007). The Source Book for Teaching. Retrievedfrom, ng-ell.html USF College of Education (2009). ESOL Performance Standards. Retrieved rds.html