Mrs. Maher’s Class Glenwood Elementary School September 11, 2014 Welcome!
Meet Mrs. Maher Graduated from the Bloomsburg University with a BS in Elementary Education Currently working toward reading specialist certification from Cabrini College Taught first grade at Rose Tree Elementary School from Taught kindergarten at Media Elementary School from Taught kindergarten at Glenwood Elementary School from Currently teaching and loving first grade at Glenwood Elementary School! Married to my husband, Dan for twenty one years. Sent my first born, Danny, to college at The University of Pennsylvania two years ago and have a 18 year old daughter, Mary Kate living at home and attending Springfield High School. Madly in love with my seven year old cock-a-poo, Charlie Favorite places to visit are Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Atlantis and Disney World
Daily Routine 8:45-9:00 Children Arrive and Word Work 9:00-9:30 Opening Exercises and Morning Meeting 9:30-10:30 Reading Workshop 10:30-11:20 Snack, Daily Five, Core Extension 11:20-12:00 Encore Classes 12:00-12:30 Recess 12:30-1:00 Lunch 1:00-1:45 Math 1:45-2:15 Project Read/Phonics 2:15-3:00 Writing Workshop 3:00-3:25 Science/Social Studies/Handwriting 3:30 Dismissal
Children Arrive
Morning Meeting Daily ( promptly at 9:00) Responsive Classroom District wide initiative building community and self esteem Starts with greeting, sharing, and a game and morning message
Language Arts Teachers College Reading Workshop Whole group mini- lesson Independent reading practice with “Just Right Books” Partner reading Individual conference with teacher Small group instruction Guided reading groups Strategy lessons in small groups Targeted Skills-Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, Expanded Vocabulary (Popcorn and Phonics Words) Project Read- Phonemic Awareness and Phonics Handwriting-Handwriting Without Tears
Encore/ Specials Day 1 - Library Day 2- Music Day 3 - Gym Day 4 - Art Day 5- Music Day 6 - Gym Day 7 -Art Day 8 - Library Day 9- Gym Day 10- Music Day 11- Art Day 12- Gym Art – Mr. Sharp Gym - Mr. Lehan Library - Mr. Grisillo Music - Ms. Hong Guidance - Mrs. Vellios-Miller Enrichment- Mrs. Rigatti
Math Scott Foresman-Addison Wesley Math Investigations Hands-On math exploration with manipulatives Units are listed in your pamphlet Unit tests given at the end of each unit, Please sign and return
Phonics Project Read Start the year in class homeroom Weekly Wordlists Friday Dictation ( please note this is not a spelling test, but spelling concepts and spelling patterns) Switch with the other classes Miss Fizanno and Mrs. Imburgia
Writing Workshop Lucy Calkins Writing Workshop Method Mini Lesson taught daily Teacher teaches mini lesson, guided practice, student independent work, teach conference Exploring the writing process develops ideas for writing texts that carry meaning Encourage invented spelling at first then transition into conventional spelling Appropriate spelling, conventions, and grammar are applied when writing Writing Process-1 st Draft, Editing, Final Draft Journals
Social Studies Glenwood Goals for Positive Behavior Be Ready Be Respectful Be Responsible Social Studies Alive My school My family The world around me
Science Balancing and Weighing Organisms Enrichment with Mrs. Rigatti -Days 6 and 12
Classroom Management Positive Reinforcement Individual goals- Card movement Small group goals Whole class goals Earn special privileges Lose 5-10 minutes of recess Reflective component
Homework Please read with your child for 15 minutes every day and sign Book Log Reading Logs should be kept in Take Home Folders and initialed daily Book packs with independent level books will come home every day. Please return them daily- Students will not receive new books, until ALL books are returned. Homework Folder will come home on Monday and should be returned every Friday ( green)
Pond Pal of the Week- handout will come home with your child when they are chosen Folders ( take home and homework) Birthdays Mystery Readers Field Trips (Aquarium, Zoo, Play) Absentee Hotline (610 – ) Classroom Routines
Daily homework Open House ( November 20 th, 2014) Conferences November 24 th (evening) November 25 th (all day) Scholastic Book Club (periodically) Field Trip Chaperones Class Parties and Theme Days Parent Involvement
Class News will come home weekly Please check to see if your is correct on the list. I will use this to communicate quick updates or questions PLEASE DO NOT SEND BIRTHDAY PARTY INVITATIONS TO SCHOOL!!! I try to check before school and during Specials at the end of the day. Please call the office if you have a change of plan for end of the day procedure. Best time to call me at school during the day: 11:30 – 12:30 Snack- please send a healthy snack daily for snack time. ( ONE) Recess - Will go out as much as possible-dress for the weather (Dress in layers) A/C- Please bring a jacket for the classroom. (sometimes the classroom is chilly) A few more things…
Thank you! Questions? Phone Number (610)