BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITY Schoolminis A projekt, to prepare children for the daily routine at school GRADES OR LEVELS OF THE STUDENTS WHO HAVE PARTICIPATED Special school/age: 6/7 ?General school/age: 6 Number of students: Group 1: 5 Group2: 4 Number of students: Group 1: 8 Group 2: 10 PROFESSIONALS INVOLVED Special schoolGeneral school Teachers: Norbert Lorenz Other professional :Sabine Hexel (speech therapist) Student: Antonia Brinkel Are any other members of the educational community involved? Mothers/Fathers: No Different assistants Teachers: Martin Sobanski Other professionals: Sabine Hexel (speech therapist) Are any other members of the educational community involved? Mothers/Fathers: No Different assistants DURATION AND PLACE 2 groups, each 1 1/2h once a week, STT/ PBS This inclusive activity started 2012
ORGANISATIONS INVOLVED Kindergarten of the Vorwerker Diakonie (Haus Barbara) Paul Burwick School School Tremser Teich OBJECTIVES Cognitive, emotional, social or psychomotive Cognitive: - strengthen and expand speaking skills - strengthen and name symbols, recognize syllables - recognize initial, medial and final sounds - recognize first letters - seasonal fine motor handicraft works - recognize forms and colours, differentiate sounds - seasonal topics - attribution games - sort sequence of pictures and retell - improve knowledge Emotional: - to get in contact - to get to know rituals - get used to a bigger group - reduce fear Psycho motive: - gross- and fine motor skills Social: - keep the group rules - rules, norms and values - accept other opinions - helpfulness - deal with requirements METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH Teaching method, organisation, strategies, differentiation - teamwork - circles, cinema circles - singing, clapping, rhymes - relevant games - differentiated exercises for group- or single work - a programme for phonological awareness (Würzburger trainings programme) EVALUATION Degree of student involvement Degree of student interaction Teachers intervention Degree of achievement of objectives High x MediumLowHigh x MediumLowConstant guidance x Medium guidance Subtle guidance HighMedium x Low OBSERVATIONS AND ASPECTS TO IMPROVE The collaboration between the involved organisations Evaluation of the project.
Education fields - language, signs/script and communication - math, science and technology - body, movement and health - design, dramatic arts, music, theatre and media - culture, society and politics - ethics, religion, philosophy - language and communicative skills - social skills - logic, recognize coherences - gross motor skills, fine motor skills - health and hygiene - topics - different possibility of solutions
Procedure of a ”Schoolmini” lesson (90 min) 1. The lessons always start with a ritual – some welcoming ceremonies or a song 2. Then there is a playful introduction into the new topic. 3. Followed by a phase of relaxation, for example: clapping to a rhyme or some swing exercises. 4. Then the topic gets intensified, the children get a worksheet and work independently, if possible. 5. The lessons always end with a ritual.