Art Teacher
Focus on student-centered teaching Teach every child With different learning styles With different learning abilities With different interests/dislikes Use brain-based learning ideas in class Belief that every child can learn! Collaborative teaching is important Integrated lesson plans are key An engaged student is a learning student
Integrated lesson plans Multiple subjects (Math, science, social studies, English language arts) Multiple disciplines and medias studied Abstract to Portraits and 2-D to 3-D Acrylic to watercolor and oil crayon to tissue paper Project wall(s) Students can work at their own pace and still have direction Various teaching techniques used Visual, kinesthetic, auditory Technology used and explored Smart boards, MS Publisher, Photoshop, Anime Studio, GIF creators, etc.
Behavior rubric Set up expectations up front, then… Practice, practice, practice Art (“Mona”) Money Use as an incentive Students learn they have ultimate control Positive behavior acknowledgement Verbally in class Positive notes/calls home Students can use their “Mona” money to “buy” a fun project of their choosing Follow through on consequence Follow through is absolutely necessary
$10 $16 $24 $21 $14
Rubric based projects Clear expectations Impartial grading Parents kept aware how student is being graded Copy of completed rubric sent home with project for parental review Informal assessments Quick checks for understanding Observation while they are working Formal assessment Test(s) on subject matter
Offer volunteer opportunities Classroom assistant Taking pictures for Artsonia Distribute monthly newsletter Highlights of all the grades and what they are working on in a fun-to-read format Participate in Art shows Madison (Capitol) Milwaukee (Art Museum) Local (Banks, Library, Front Lawn, etc.) Ask for/receive business donations for supplies Post students’ artwork on Artsonia
Another way to stay in contact with Parents Highlight projects from all grade levels Pictures showing students in action or their finished artwork
Builds student self esteem Gets parents/family involved Possible fundraiser Time consuming, but worth it!
Families can purchase items with students’ artwork on it 15% of all purchases donated back to the school for art supplies!
Working hands-on finger- painting color wheels “Where the Wild Things Are” Shape Animals
Clay Self PortraitBalance and Symmetry
“Walk Through My Neighborhood” Picasso Faces
Thaumatrope/Basic AnimationFelt Family Flag
State Symbols in PointillismStory Quilts
TessellationsArt in Advertising
2008 – Racing Colors ($1200)2009 – Fit for a Princess ($600)
Coil Pot – Lamp Base Slab Pot – Log Cabin Planter Pinch Pot - Dragon
Black & White Macro Sport (High Speed) Nature Architectural Candid Portrait
Paper Mache Mask - AphroditeMixed Media – Dancing Shoes