HIT Standards Committee Implementation Workgroup Judy Murphy, Aurora Health Care, Co-Chair Liz Johnson, Tenet Healthcare, Co-Chair September 21, 2010
Implementation Workgroup Member List Co-Chairs Judy Murphy Aurora Health Care Liz Johnson Tenet Healthcare Corporation Members Rob Anthony Centers for Medicare & Medicaid/CMS [new] Lisa Carnahan National Institute of Standards and Technology/NIST Anne Castro BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Simon P. Cohn Kaiser Permanente [new] John Derr Golden Living, LLC Carol Diamond Markle Foundation Timothy Gutshall Iowa HIT Regional Extension Center [new] Joseph Heyman Whittier IPA [new] Kevin Hutchinson Prematics, Inc. Lisa McDermott Cerner Corporation [new] Nancy Orvis Dept. of Defense Wes Rishel Gartner, Inc. Cris Ross Lab Hub Kenneth Tarkoff RelayHealth [new] Micky Tripathi MA eHealth Collaborative TBD Veterans Affairs/VA (Gregg Seppala will monitor) [new] TBD Office of the National Coordinator/ONC [new] Ex Officio Aneesh Chopra Chief Technology Officer, OSPT
Broad Charge To bring forward “real-world” implementation experience into the HIT Standards Committee recommendations, with a special emphasis on strategies to accelerate the adoption of proposed standards, or mitigate barriers, if any. Meeting held: September 15, 2010, 12:00 to 2:00 pm/ET Future Meetings – first Thursday of the month, 2-3:30pm ET October 7, 2010, 2:00 to 3:30 pm/ET November 4, 2010, 2:00 to 3:30 pm/ET December 2, 2010, 2:00 to 3:30 pm/ET
Preliminary List of Potential Activities Recommend that ONC create a publicly accessible online report/dashboard to track implementation progress (MU qualification, Regional Extension Centers, State Programs, Beacon Communities, and NHIN) –Don’t duplicate existing; post in one place what is already being done through the various programs –Specifically for MU, provide access to lists of: Vendors who completed certification Providers/hospitals who have registered with CMS Providers/hospitals who have attested to MU with CMS Providers/hospitals who have successfully achieved MU qualification and will be receiving incentive payments –Goal is to provide situational awareness and transparency, as well as access to potential resources
Preliminary List of Potential Activities Provide feedback/”reality test” to HITPC and HITSC’s recommendations – does this make sense from an implementation standpoint? –Synergies –Concerns Encourage/advertise use of existing resources such as –Health IT Buzz Blog –Federal Advisory Committee Blog –Health IT Journey - Stories from the Road –ONC FAQ’s –CMS FAQ’s
Preliminary List of Potential Activities Evaluate and consider use of social networking tools to connect people and learn form each others’ implementation efforts Provide clarity on MU specifications and resolve any confusion on available resources (source of truth) –Create a “Playbook” for MU –Provide guidance on NHIN and NHIN Direct –Help providers/hospitals determine how to bridge efforts re: MU performance, quality measures and NHIN Clarify consumer expectations of EHR vendor certification – what can they actually expect from a “certified EHR product”?
Preliminary List of Potential Activities Consider a home for the questions that NIST is not able to answer and a place to publish “lessons learned” Ascertain if it would make sense to create a version of the NIST test scenarios for consumers to use in evaluating their implementation/adoption of the EHR Determine what drives our Workgroup agenda –Our understanding –Input from others –HITPC and HITSC’s policies and programs feedback
Next Steps Find out what ONC and CMS already have planned and what they need our input or feedback on Prioritize activities Create a roadmap to begin work on the highest priority items Add a member from public health to the Workgroup Determine metrics to measure our success as a Workgroup - are we helpful / successful ?