C.E.S. TEAM TECH Playbook Created for CAT533 by Sandie Rainey and Ann Mayhall Kindergarten through Second Grade
WELCOME Welcome to C.E.S. Team Tech! You are part of the Team Tech Minors. Your teacher is your computer coach. You and your teammates will enjoy an exciting year of technology fun.
The Computer I am the computer. I am the brains, but you will be able to tell me what to do by using the mouse, keyboard, and monitor. We work together as a team and you can be part of our team. I am the monitor. I show you what the computer is thinking. You should sit where your eyes are even with me and it is easy to read what is on my screen.
Computer Items You will use me to type in words for your text and give commands to the computer. I like for you to press my keys and not hit them. I am the keyboard. I am the mouse. I work with the cursor ( ) on the monitor to help you give commands to the computer. You will use your right hand to click the left button to move the cursor or the right button to choose different functions for the computer.
As part of our team you will also need to take proper care of the computer equipment as well as yourself. Work Area Make sure your hands are clean Make sure the work area around you is clean Do not have food or drinks near the work area Computer Posture Sit up straight with your shoulders down and arms relaxed Elbows should be level with the keyboard and your fingers curved Sit in a comfortable chair with your feet on the floor or supported Posture Example
As part of our team you will use input, output, and storage devices to successfully operate the computer. INPUT DEVICE When you give the computer a command you will “put in” information by using an input device Input devices are: a mouse, keyboard, CD, floppy disk, and flash drive OUTPUT DEVICE When the computer “puts out” information it uses an output device Output devices are: a monitor, printer, headphones and speakers STORAGE DEVICE When you have information you want to keep or store, you will need to use a storage device. Storage devices hold information that you put in a computer. The hard drive is the storage device that is inside the computer. Storage devices that you can take with you from one computer to another computer are: CD, floppy disk, and flash drive.
As a team member you will have access to many resources and activities that are available on most computers. Music Paint Word ProcessingGamesLearning Software
The Internet The most widely used outside resource is the Internet. Using this resource you can study or learn about anything in the world. A good place to start is the Alabama Virtual Library (AVL). The AVL is a website that allows you to safely check out materials for all grade levels. It contains articles written by experts, activities and resources written in Spanish, and contains no advertising or promotions. You will need to see your school or public librarian for your personal username and password. While the internet can be a fun and a useful resource, you must be careful when using it. Always ask an adult for permission before using the internet.
Rules Just as there are rules in your classroom there are rules when using the computer. The rules are specific ways that you should behave when using the computer or when using information from the resources offered by a computer or internet source. “Copyright laws and fair use policy“ is a rule that says that you cannot copy anyone else’s work and say that it is your own. When a person does this it is called plagiarism and it is illegal. It is like cheating or stealing. When using the computer, it is wrong to download or copy certain songs, music, or movies. This is also illegal and the same as cheating or stealing. You should not ever use another person's codes or passwords to read things that they have written or to change work that they may have done. Again, this is just like cheating or stealing. Another rule to using the computer is to NOT share personal information with another person or business over the internet. Some people may ask for information about you such as how old you are and where you live. It is NEVER okay to share this information while using the computer.
Which of the following shows what the computer is “thinking”? A. MonitorMonitor B. KeyboardKeyboard C. MouseMouse D. CursorCursor
Smart thinking, that’s using your brain!! Click to continue
Try again, think, think! Click to continue
Which of the following is a storage device? A. Flash DriveFlash B. MouseMouse C. HeadphonesHeadphones D. SpeakersSpeakers
Flashy!! You are in the spotlight! Click to continue
Don’t stay in the dark, try again. Click to continue
Which of the following is okay to do near the computer? A. Eat a snackEat a snack B. Enjoy a drinkEnjoy a drink C. Dust off your handsDust off your hands D. Read a bookRead a book
You deserve a break!! Good job! Click to continue
Don’t take a break now, keep working. Click to continue
What must be done before using the internet? A. Check with your parentsCheck with your parents B. Make sure your homework is doneMake sure your homework is done C. Sign up for a computer classSign up for a computer class D. Check out a library bookCheck out a library book
Great! Your parents would be proud! Click to continue
One more time now, let’s make your parents proud! Click to continue
Which of the following defines plagiarism? A. Not brushing your teethNot brushing your teeth B. Copying someone’s work as your ownCopying someone’s work as your own C. A shape with six sidesA shape with six sides D. A type of illnessA type of illness
You did it on your own!! Good job Click to continue
Don’t try to copy, you can do it!! Click to continue
Congratulations! You have just completed your Team Tech Minor training. You are now ready to use your skills to exercise your mind and enjoy being a part of Team Tech Minors. GO TECH!