Preparing Career Ready Graduates Day 2 Common Core Classrooms ELA 3 rd Grade.


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Presentation transcript:

Preparing Career Ready Graduates Day 2 Common Core Classrooms ELA 3 rd Grade

Welcome 2

Agenda  E ngage  X -Plore  C ommunicate  E mpower  L aunch

Engage 4

Discuss As a table group, please discuss what you implemented from Day 1 to engage students in reading, writing and speaking grounded in evidence. Be prepared to share out.

Share Artifacts What changed in your planning? What changed in your teaching? What changes did you see in students? What would you do differently? Complete page 1 in resource packet. Concerns Questions Success RP pg 1

Explore 7

Learning Objectives  Participants will discuss implementation of DAY 1 learning and will demonstrate this by completing a graphic organizer and sharing out.  Participants will be able to design lessons reflective of Shift #2 and will demonstrate this by developing a unit using multiple texts around a big idea.  Each teacher will deliver the unit before session three and will demonstrate this by bringing back artifacts.

To Create a Collaborative Supportive Environment……. Leaders Support teachers in taking risks when planning and teaching units that require students to read, write, and speak grounded in evidence Coaches Support teachers with planning and teaching units that require students to read, write, and speak grounded in evidence Teachers Commit to planning and teaching units that require students to read, write, and speak grounded in evidence Students Reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence

Professional Meeting Norms 10  Value the opportunity to learn by coming prepared and by being willing to participate with an open mind.  Keep side-bar conversations to a minimum. Put all questions on the parking lot.  Silence all cell phones. Refrain from texting during the meeting.  Close laptops until collaboration work time.  Start and end on time. Honor break and lunch times.  Stay for the entire meeting

Communicate 11

ELA Shifts Read, write, and speak grounded in evidence Text complexity & vocabulary Informational Text

FUSD Common Core Classrooms College and Career Ready Anchor Standards Mathematical Practices Instructional Shifts -ELA/Literacy -Mathematics Common Core Standards CC Training

12 K 14 Less Complex CCSS Reading Anchor Standard Key Ideas and Details 2. Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas. Kindergarten CCSS Reading Informational Text #2 With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of a text. 4 th grade CCSS Reading Informational Text #2 Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text. 7 th grade CCSS Reading Informational Text #2 Determine two or more central ideas in a text and analyze their development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text th grade CCSS Reading Informational Text #2 Determine two or more central ideas in a text and analyze their development over the course of the text; include how they interact and build on one another to provide a complex analysis; provide an objective summary of the text. More Complex

What are Text Dependent Questions?  Questions that can only be answered with evidence from the text  Can be literal but can also involve analysis, synthesis, evaluation  Focus on a word, sentences, phrases, and/or paragraphs as well as larger ideas, themes or events  Focus on difficult portions of text in order to enhance reading proficiency

Types of Text-Dependent Questions When you're writing or reviewing a set of questions, consider the following categories: Questions that assess themes and big ideas Questions that assess knowledge of vocabulary Questions that assess syntax and structure 16

Non-Examples and Examples  In “Casey at the Bat,” Casey strikes out. Describe a time when you failed at something.  In “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” Dr. King discusses nonviolent protest. Discuss, in writing, a time when you wanted to fight against something that you felt was unfair.  In “The Gettysburg Address” Lincoln says the nation is dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Why is equality an important value to promote? What makes Casey’s experiences at bat humorous? What can you infer from King’s letter about the letter that he received? “The Gettysburg Address” mentions the year According to Lincoln’s speech, why is this year significant to the events described in the speech? Not Text-DependentText-Dependent

Application FOCUS ON: Making Meaning from the Text Purpose: Reading & Student Meaning How will we help our students make meaning from the text? C a u s e a n d E f f e c t C o m p a r e a n d C o n t r a s t A u t h o r ’ s P u r p o s e P r e d i c t M a k i n g G e n e r a l i z a t i o n s THEME/Big Idea with Culminating Task I n f e r e n c e V o c a b u l a r y C o n n e c t i o n t o t h e m e S y n t a x G r a m m a r Text Dependent Question

Theme/ Big Idea Comprehension Skills Reading, speaking & writing grounded in evidence Reading for Meaning Text Dependent Questions Culminating Task

Where are we going?  Using a Big Idea to teach standards in context within a unit.  Utilizing resources that best support the Big Idea and standards.  Balance between literature and informational text.  Teaching within context for student to make meaning and think critically.  Multiple opportunities for students to read, write and speak grounded in evidence.

Research  Read: pages 7-8.  Write: Why is it important to plan around a big idea?  Discuss at your tables and be ready to share out. RP pg 7-8

How 22

Unit Overview  Part 1 Unit Overview Part 2 Analyzing Text Brainstorm Part 3 Text Talk Part 4 Putting Thoughts on paper T-Chart: RP pg 2

Analyzing Text Brainstorm  Part 1 Unit Overview Part 2 Analyzing Text Brainstorm Part 3 Text Talk Part 4 Putting Thoughts on paper

Text Talk Time  Part 1 Unit Overview Part 2 Analyzing Text Brainstorm Part 3 Text Talk Part 4 Putting Thoughts on paper

Analyzing Texts: Putting Thoughts on Paper  Part 1 Unit Overview Part 2 Analyzing Text Brainstorm Part 3 Text Talk Part 4 Putting Thoughts on paper

“Thematic Units” vs “Big Ideas”  Based on a topic  Teach skills  Teacher choice based on their likes  Disconnected understanding  Conceptual understanding that fosters deep thinking and connections  Apply skills  Standards based and appropriate rigor  Learning progression of knowledge  Measurable Thematic Units Big Ideas

28 Common Core Learning and Application Learning and Application from Day 1 - Develop Text Dependent Questions - Provide structured opportunities for students to process questions Teachers will utilize the following planning processes to engage students in reading, writing and speaking grounded in evidence. Day 2 Stage 3 All of Stage 2 PLUS: Identify texts/resources to be used. Replace and/or supplement multiple pieces of text from HM theme. I.D. opportunities to reread for spelling and grammar - Develop Text Dependent Questions -Provide structured opportunities for students to process questions Day 2 Stage 2 All of Stage1 PLUS: Identify texts/resources to be used. Replace and/or supplement a minimum of two pieces of text from HM theme. Write culminating task for each piece of text - Develop Text Dependent Questions - Provide structured opportunities for students to process questions Day 2 Stage 1 Identify Standards Identify texts/resources to be used. Replace and/or supplement a minimum of one piece of text from HM theme. Identify a Big Idea Write a culminating task for the Unit - Develop Text Dependent Questions - Provide structured opportunities for students to process questions RP pg 4

Process for Planning a Unit RP pg 3

The Thinking Behind the Unit What curriculum are we all familiar with? What is the Theme/Big Idea identified in HM?

The Thinking Behind the Unit Does the theme/Big Idea work? Does it tie in with any science or social studies standards? Animals coexist with people in a variety of habitats.

The Thinking Behind the Unit What standards are taught during this Instructional Period? Human impact on the environment affects animals’ survival.

The Thinking Behind the Unit Keeping in mind the standards that need to be taught, and the Big Idea of the unit, what text is the best fit for the unit? Human impact on the environment affects animals’ survival.

The Thinking Behind the Unit What text is the best fit for the unit? Human impact on the environment affects animals’ survival. How will we know our students made the connection to the big idea at the end of the unit AND after each text? Unit Culminating Task after selection 3 Culminating Task after selection 2 Culminating Task after selection1

Selection Culminating Tasks Selection: Could a Polar Bear Survive in the Desert? Jigsaw Activity: Students will use the graphic organizer to create an encyclopedia page that describes the animal’s environment and adaptations to survive. Selection: Harcourt Science Text Unit 3 Lesson 4 Write a paragraph that describes a change in an environment that helps some animals but harms others. Selection: Helping Giant Pandas Internet Article In groups create and present a poster that illustrates a Panda Bear issue or problem with evidence about how humans impact the problem. Independent Writing: Take a stand. Do humans help or hurt panda survival? Support your opinion using details from the text. Selection: Nights of the Pufflings (HM) Determine whether humans harmed or helped the pufflings in this story? Write a paragraph using evidence from the story to support your answer. Students will then use their writing to support their claim in a class debate. Unit Culminating Task Every day endangered animals are dying. The Fresno Bee thinks humans are responsible, others disagree. Take a stand, do people impact animals in a positive or negative way? Write a letter to the Fresno Bee using evidence from the unit to support your opinion.

The Thinking Behind the Unit Human impact on the environment affects animals’ survival. Keeping in mind the standards, the big idea, the text, and the culminating tasks, What types of questions will get our students reading, writing, speaking grounded in evidence? How will our students process this information? Unit Culminating Task after text 3 Culminating Task after text 2 Culminating Task after text 1

Unit Planning  Identify the Big Idea  Write Unit Culminating Task  Identify Standards  Curriculum Guide  Identify Resources  Houghton Mifflin  Science textbook, readers  Social Studies textbook, biographies  Additional resources (internet, picture book, newspaper)

Unit Planning

Text Analysis Planning  Text Analysis  Read the text carefully  Check in with the Big Idea  Write culminating task and objective for the selection  Develop text dependent questions Various types Aligned to Instructional Period Standards

Planning Questions  Read Skillful Teacher pg  In your journal, write a connection you made between this article and text dependent questions. RP pg 9-11

Unit Planning

Planning Spelling and Grammar  Plan opportunities to reread for spelling and grammar  Text Dependent Questions (question 4 pg. 7)  Opportunities to reread and identify grammar and spelling skills within the text (pg. 9 and at end of every selection)  Application of grammar and spelling during responses(question 2 pg.26)  Grammar and spelling question stems ( RP pg 5) RP pg 5

Unit Planning

Unit Overview Review unit as a table group. As you Review, write connections, questions and ideas on sticky notes.  Group Discussion  What parts of the unit reflect the CCSS shifts?  What connections can you make between the unit and current and/or prior work?

Empower 45

Let’s Share out  Questions, Thoughts, Comments on this process?

Closure  FUSD Feedback form  Commitment form  Request for coaching support  Accountable Community  1 X 1 coaching support  Turn in Unit, include all members’ names. If you want more time to work on it it to by January 31,

Thank your for commitment! “Continuous improvement requires a commitment to learning.” D. Garvin

Engagement Strategies  (Talk Moves)  (Share Who Said That)  (Pick a Side)  (Stop Light Method)