Embedded Solutions (SES) Place: Hengelo Date : WHM DEMO
Introduction WHM – Wireless Health Monitoring Purpose: Remotely monitor health of patients Purpose of this presentation: Explanation of the proposed demo setup. Explanation of the current status of the demo setup.
Demo setup (target) SPO2 Sender Knoten Receiver Knoten Portal TEMP GateWay Ini File URL=IP_Address SensorId = 33.. SensorId = 33 SensorType=SPO2 V1=TimeStamp V2=Pulse V3=Oxygen Sensors … Knoten HW + SW Knoten HW+ SW Gateway (laptop + gateway sw) Wireless Radio Interface Wired Interface USB Serial Interface Server PC running Windows, Apache, PHP, SQLITE SensorId = 33 SensorType=Temperature V1=TimeStamp V2=TmpLast V3=TmpMean Internet connection
Demo setup currently in Hengelo SPO2 Send Knoten Rcv. Knoten Portal TEMP GateWay Simulated data No real sensors are used / available Sender knoten repeatedly transmits simulated data (SPO2, Temp) Receiver knoten passes data via USB/Serial to GateWay Gateway is laptop running gateway SW Sensor data is passed to external web site Portal shows patients, doctors and charts Running Demonstration. Not simulated.Simulated
Remarks on setup Sensors currently do not have a unique ‘id’. Knoten currently does not send its unique ‘id’. Q: Does knoten sensor have a 1-to-1 connection to receiver knoten or is it a broadcast connection? For the demo: Id is defined at gateway level. Consequences: Every gateway can have only one patient. If knoten interface is broadcast mode: Gateway’s must be far enough from each other to detect only their ‘own’ radio’s Every patient can have multiple sensors. If multiple sensors of the same type (e.g. two spo2 sensors) are attached to one patient then this will be seen as one sensor (portal can not distinguish these).
Portal WHM-Portal is a web based solution Users only require a web browser Portal is optimized for google chrome Screens are optimised for mobile usage on Nexus 7 tablet URL: Interface to add sensor data (from gateway) x=Sense&Id=33&SensorType=temperature&V1=37&V2=37.3 x=Sense&Id=33&SensorType=spo2&V1=37&V2=37.3 Login as doctor User: “bone cutter” Pass: “karnemelk” Login as supervisor User: “Supervisor” Pass: “Supervisor”
Portal main screen Note: Icons may be invisible due to insufficient user rights.
Doctors The doctors table holds the doctors.
Patients The doctors table holds the patients. Patients are linked to a doctor. Doctors only see their own patients. Supervisor sees all patients.
Sensors / Knoten The sensors table holds the patients. Sensors are linked to a patient. Doctors can only view sensors for their own patients.
Logfile The logfile option shows raw info received on the portal. This option is useful for debugging.
Chart The chart screen allows doctors to view sensor data charts. Only the doctor’s own patient+sensors can be selected. Charts can have multiple data series. Currently up to two lines are supported. X-Axis is time scale axis. 2 nd data line can optionally be mapped to 2 nd y-axis Line weight of lines can be defined by en-users Markers can be defined by end-users Last value displayed on top right of chart Amount of data points to be displayed can be controlled by end-users Scales of y-axis can be manually set or automatically determined Two horizontal marker lines can be added (e.g. for min and max boundaries)
Chart settings Chart settings screen
Summary WHM Portal is currently running and holds data of a number of sample doctors, patients and sensors. Knoten receiver receives actual data and correctly transmits data via gateway to portal. Knoten sender is now running a loop which generates simulation data. To do: Update receiver knoten SW to handle real sensor data instead of simulated data. Connect actual sensors to receiver knoten.