1. temptations 2. disciples 3. butterflies 4. journeys 5. bamboos 6. evangelists 7. heroes 8. leaves 9. giraffes 10. women 11. salmon 12. scissors 13. proceeds 14. measles 15. aeronautics 16. alumni 17. indices/indexes 18. curricula/ curriculums 19. analyses 20. editors-in-chief
Do you love pizza? Who among you know how to make one? For this day, we will watch a cooking show that will teach us how to prepare pizza.
As you watch the show, write down all the nouns that will be mentioned in your Listening NB. REMEMBER! A NOUN is a name of person, place, thing or idea.
Can you give me some of the nouns you have listed down? The nouns you have listed down can be categorized into two. Some of those nouns are nouns that are countable while some are considered to be uncountable.
Study the table below. teachersand tablesoil garbage cangas posterhair treesgrain bagwater
The nouns in the 1 st column are what we call count (countable) nouns or names of people, places, things that we can count. teacher table garbage can poster trees bag What do the nouns in the first column have in common?
Numerals like one, two and three or articles such as a and an are put before these nouns to indicate their numbers. Examples: 1.a book (pertaining to one book) 2.two villages 3.seven dwarves 4.twelve apostles 5.four pencils
Nouns such as gas, sand and soil cannot be counted. What do we call these kinds of nouns? Mass nouns (uncountable nouns) are names of uncountable things that we look at as one big mass. sand soil gas hair grain water How about the nouns in the 2 nd column?
Look at the nouns that you have listed from the cooking show. Group them as countable and mass nouns. COUNTABLE NOUNS MASS NOUNS
How much _______? = uncountable nouns Example: How much coffee do you drink? How many _______? = countable nouns Example: How many tables are in this room? Look at the following table:
Since we cannot say one gas, three sands, twelve soil, how do we count mass nouns? by putting them in measuring containers (like cup, tablespoons etc.) or by grouping them (a clump, a bunch etc.)! What can you use to measure nouns that are uncountable? For mass nouns, we use counters!
Noun counters are measuring devices we use to quantify mass nouns. Containers are forms of counters. Remember that the nouns you are counting do not take the plural form. The container does. Examples: a box of cereal six buckets of water
seven cans of Coke eight cartons of milk nine cups of coffee ten glasses of water eleven jars of honey a dozen packets of butter
It is the measurement that takes the plural form, not the noun itself. Examples: two liters of milk five kilos of butter
You can measure mass nouns using shapes or portions but once again, the measurement takes the plural form. Examples: two pinches of salt five slices of cake fourteen spoonfuls of sugar
Look at your list of mass nouns. Give appropriate noun counters for the mass nouns you have listed.
Let’s Practice! Give an appropriate counter for the following nouns. 1.bread 2.oil 3.meat 4.wine 5.rice 6.hair 7. powdered soap 8. salt and pepper 9. margarine 10. vinegar 11. tea 12. furniture.