The Male Reproductive System By: Assad Ab & Pedro Araujo
Functions of the Male Reproductive System To Maintain, to transport, and to produce sperm (the male reproductive cell). To produce protective fluid (semen) To ejaculate sperm within female reproductive tract during sexual intercourse. To produce and secret male sex hormones that are responsible for maintaining the male reproductive system.
Diagram of the Male Reproductive System Side angle view
Diagram of the Male Reproductive System Front angle view
Structure & Functions Penis: This is the male organ used for urination and sexual intercourse. Parts: Glans (head of the penis): Covered with foreskin Corpus cavernous: Two columns of tissues that are filled by blood and causes an erection. Corpus Spongiosium: A column of sponge like tissue, that fills with blood during an erection, keeping the urethra open.
Scrotum: A loose pouch-like sac of skin that hands behind the penis Scrotum: A loose pouch-like sac of skin that hands behind the penis. It contains the testicles as well as many nerves and blood vessels. The scrotum has a protective function and acts as a climate control system for the testes.
Testicles (testes): They are oval shaped organs that lie in the scrotum. They are responsible for making testosterone – the primary male sex hormone. They generate sperm.
Epididymis: A long and entwined tube that lies on the backside of each testicle. Its functions are to transport and store the sperm cells that are produced in the testes. The epididymis also is responsible for bringing sperm into maturity, because the sperm emerging from the testes are incapable of fertilization. After sperm has been brought to maturity, they are transported to the vas deferens.
Vas Deferens: A long muscular tube that travels from the epididymis into the pelvic cavity (just behind the bladder). It’s function is to transport mature/fertile sperm to the urethra so that it is ejaculated. Seminal Vesicle: Are sacs that attach to the vas deferens near the base of the bladder. The produce fructose that provides sperm with a source of energy and hence its mobility.
Bladder: Is a muscular sac that keeps urine until it is released into the urethra. Prostate Gland: The prostate gland is part of the male organ located in the lower abdomen, below the bladder. The function of the prostate is to produce seminal fluid to dissolve the sperm produced by the testes
How does the Male Reproductive System Function? The entire male reproductive system is dependent on hormones, which are chemicals that regulate the activity of cells or organs. - AWESOME VIDEO GUYS! XD