Final Exam Review
#1 Choose whether each sentence is declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory –Examples Please close the door. May I have some juice? The sun is shining. Watch out for the bus!
#2 Identify the complete subject of the sentence –Example: My older sister ran four miles
#3 Identify the complete predicate of the sentence –My older sister ran four miles
#4 Identify the simple subject of the sentence –Example The dog’s dish is blue.
#5 Identify the simple predicate –Example: The boys ran quickly.
# 6 Identify the compound subject of the sentence –Example: Ann and Sue are going to the concert
#7 Identify the compound predicate of the sentence –Example: The boys and girls like to run and jump on the sidewalk.
#8 Identify run-on, fragment, or correct sentences –Example: The boys run fast they went to the park. The boys. The dogs ran at the park.
#9 Contractions –Example She will = Can not=
#10 Abbreviations –Examples March= Friday= Doctor= August=
# 11 Identify the noun in the following sentences –Example The girl ran quickly.
# 12 Identify the proper noun in the following sentence –Example You attend DeSales Catholic School.
#13 Choose the correct plural form of each noun. –Example box= mouse= church= lobby= leaf=
#14 Choose the correct possessive of the noun –Examples: Teachers (all of their desks) A zoo (lions)
#15 Identify the action verb in each sentence –Example: The girls ran to the park
# 16 Identify the direct object –Example: The girls ran the bases The students sharpened their pencils
#17 Identify the linking verb in each sentence –The girls are going to the store
#18 Identify the helping verb in each –Example She has taken our food
#19 Choose past, present, or future. –Examples Joyce wrote the book. Rita cleans her room. I will study after lunch.
#20 Choose the word or words that best complete each sentence –Example: I always drive ______________ than my sister does. (careful)
#21 Identify the adjective in the following sentences. –Example: Many children play piano. The large dogs ate. The sweaters are quite colorful.
# 22 Er vs. est –Example: Of all the students, Raul is the ___________. (fast) John is _________ than Sue. (smart)
#23 Pronouns- use correctly –Example John gave ____________ the key. –They –She –Us –ours
#24 Identify the adverb –Examples They went quickly. We were inside the home. We will go early.
Review Please review the proper format for a business letter. Review your notes- we will practice more on Monday.