Memory of Dr. Masaki Hirabaru Shigeki Goto Waseda University
A big boy and a small modem in 1986 Kyushu University NTT Lab
APNIC and JPNIC Confederation RIR IP addresses and AS numbers IANA ICANN APNICJPNICKRNICTWNICRIPE NCC European Friends A Proposal for APNIC experiments presented by Jun Murai (WIDE Project/JNIC) and Masaki Hirabaru (WIDE Project/JNIC) at the APCCIRN meeting in Waikiki, Honolulu. January 13, 1993 History of APNIC for APNIC experimentsAPCCIRN meeting
Arbor Peakflow IP Flow-Based Technology Akihiro Shimoda, Dark Flow, 2009 Virtual Dark IP (*) IEICE, Vol.J92-B, No.1, pp , January, 2009 Two students visited Ann Arbor, Michigan, in August 2008.
Visible routers in Visible network Presentation at CORE University Program at Beppu, CORE University Program Seminar Beppu City February 2009
Science makes everything visible. 6 Beppu Hell T-shirt
Cloud or stupid network Old smart network 7 Modern stupid network
The router is actually smart! routing and forwarding routing prefix, prefix age, link bandwidth, available bandwidth, i/f queue, corruption loss, congestion loss, L2 address, signal strength, retransmission counter... operation uptime, location, temperature, time zone, i/f description, CPU load, operator’s contact.... MIB, PerfSONAR by ikob, Dr Kobayashi
How to extract information PTP: retrieve every hop’s data by single packet with header growth SIRENS: one packet collects one router’s data, multiple packets are required to retrieve whole path © ikob, Dr Kobayashi
Visible route © ikob, Dr Kobayashi
Kwangju Busan 2.5G Fukuoka Korea 2.5G SONET KOREN Taegu Daejon 10G 1G (10G) 1G Seoul XP Genkai XP Kitakyushu Kashima 1G (10G) Fukuoka Japan 250km 1,000km 2.5G JGN II 9,000km 4,000km Los Angeles Chicago Washington DC MIT Haystack 10G 2.4G APII/JGNII Abilene Koganei 1G(10G) Indianapolis 100km bwctl server Experiment for High-Performance Scientific Data Transfer 10G Tokyo XP / JGN II I-NOC *Performance Measurement Point Directory perf server e-vlbi server JGNII 10G GEANT SWITCH 7,000km TransPAC Pittsburgh U of Tokyo A BWCTL account available for CMM including Korean researchers International collaboration to support for science applications U. Hawaii © Masaki Hirabaru, January 27, 2005
Traffic volume Application: P2P traffic engineering 12 heavy traffic with other AS numbers Wei Yuan, Goto Lab. BitTorrent
Traffic volume Traffic engineering 13 Wei Yuan, Goto Lab. within an AS number
Related topic Open flow, flow based routing A flow is a series of IP packets. flow = 14 hash table routing table flow data
NetFPGA-1G Hardware Xilinx Virtex-2 Pro FPGA PCI Host Interface SRAM DRAM 4 * Gigabit Ethernet ports
Open Flow Demo at SC movie by Jin Tanaka
No buffer memory for flow routers traditional routers: a parking lot model 17 flow router : connection model, non- delay queue
18 Anagran FR-1000 NetFPGA Caspian Networks NEC
Summary (Part 1) Visible routers and switches are important Application area — we need input from you Flow based routing — future internet? 19
Summary (Part 1) Visible routers and switches are important Application area — we need input from you Flow based routing — future internet? 20 Enjoy your stay at Beppu!
Second Great Depression ? US financial company JP manufacturing company Classification by Kazuo Mizuno Phrase used by Paul Robin Krugman
Loss or Growth? US Investment Bank JP Export Company Kazuo Mizuno, and Mitsubishi UFJ Securities, graph redrawn by S.Goto financial asset = market capitalization +bonds outstanding +money supply
Black–Scholes The Black–Scholes model is a mathematical model of the market for an equity, in which the equity's price is a stochastic process.stochastic process The Black–Scholes PDE is a partial differential equation which (in the model) must be satisfied by the price of a derivative on the equity.partial differential equation The Black–Scholes formula is the result obtained by solving the Black-Scholes PDE for European put and call options. European 23
Black–Scholes Merton and Scholes received the 1997 Nobel Prize in Economics for this and related work. Black was ineligible for the prize because of his death in 1995.Nobel Prize in Economics The price of the underlying instrument S t follows a Wiener process W t with constant drift μ and volatility σ, and the price changes are log-normally distributed:underlying instrumentWiener processconstantvolatilitylog-normally ブラック - ショールズ方程式 ブラック - ショールズモデルとは、 1 種類の配当のない株と 1 種類の債券の 2 つが 存在する証券市場のモデルで、時刻 t における株価 S t と債券価格 B t が配当株債券証券市場 dS t = S t (σdW t + μdt), B t = exp(rt), r,σ,μ は定数, W t は標準ブラウン運動, を満たすものをいう。ブラウン運動 dS t = μS t dt+ σS t dW t 24
Network Traffic Our diffusion equation is similar to that taken by Black and Scholes who modeled the option pricing behavior as a geometric Brownian motion. Yoshitaka Takahashi, A branching Poisson Process Input Finite-Capacity Queueing System for Telecommunication Networks, Waseda Commercial Review, vol.391, pp.105— 116, Dec
Fractal and Multifractal Benoit B. Mandelbrot, A Multifractal Walk Down Wall Street, Scientific American, February Benoit B. Mandelbrot and Richard L. Hudson, The (Mis)behaviour of Markets: A Fractal View of Risk, Ruin, and Reward, (In Japanese, Econophysics) 高安秀樹「経済物理学の発見」 光文社新書167,
Random Walk vs. Fractal A Multifractal Walk Down Wall Street 27 Burton G. Malkiel, Random Walk Down Wall Street: The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing Random Walk Down Wall Street: The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing
Fractal 28 Koch curve コッホ曲線
29 Tatsuya Mori, PhD Thesis, Waseda Universtiy, 2005 Network Traffic normal distribution (fGn model) Captured Packets Pr [X (t i ) = x] X (t i ) histogram asymmetric symmetric histogram X (t i ) titi titi
Naoki Arai and Shigeki Goto, Traffic Analysis Based on Autonomous System Numbers, IWS2000, Internet Workshp 2000 pp , February 16, Power Function (High volume AS numbers)
Lessons (Part 2) It is not possible to predict stock prices by the new theory. The old model underestimates the risk because it uses random walk, or normal distribution. Network traffic: 95% rule of SLA is reasonable? 31