Learning Objective Chapter 7 Primary Data Collection: Survey Research CHAPTER seven Primary Data Collection: Survey Research Copyright © 2000 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Learning Objective Chapter 7 Primary Data Collection: Survey Research Learning Objectives 1. To understand the reasons for the popularity of surveys. 2. To learn the types of error in survey research. 3. To describe the types of surveys. 4. To gain insight into the factors that determine the choice of particular survey methods.
Learning Objective Chapter 7 Primary Data Collection: Survey Research Learning Objectives 5. To realize the importance of the marketing research interview. 6. To appreciate the differences between domestic and international survey research. 7. To discover the advantages and disadvantages of Internet survey research.
Learning Objective Chapter 7 Primary Data Collection: Survey Research REASONS FOR THE POPULARITY OF SURVEYS 1. The need to know why. likes - dislikes influences 2. The need to know how. the process before taking action time considerations 3. The need to know who. demographic or lifestyle to define market segments To learn about the reasons for the popularity of surveys.
Learning Objective Chapter 7 Primary Data Collection: Survey Research TYPES OF ERROR IN SURVEY RESEARCH Sampling Error random error because of chance variation the difference between the sample value and the true value of the population mean Systematic Error mistakes or problems in the research design flaws in the execution of the sample design Frame error: using an incomplete or inaccurate sampling frame To learn about the types of error in survey research.
Learning Objective Chapter 7 Primary Data Collection: Survey Research TYPES OF ERROR IN SURVEY RESEARCH Population specification error: an incorrect definition of the universe or population from which the sample is to be selected Selection error: use of incomplete or improper sampling procedures or when appropriate selection procedures are not properly followed. Measurement Error A variation between the information being sought and the information obtained To learn about the types of error in survey research.
Learning Objective Chapter 7 Primary Data Collection: Survey Research TYPES OF ERROR IN SURVEY RESEARCH Surrogate information error: a discrepancy between the information actually required and the information being sought Interviewer error: interactions between the interviewer and respondent may influence the answers given Measurement instrument bias: problems with the measurement instrument or questionnaire To learn about the types of error in survey research.
Learning Objective Chapter 7 Primary Data Collection: Survey Research TYPES OF ERROR IN SURVEY RESEARCH Processing error: mistakes in the transfer of information from survey documents to the computer Nonresponse bias: are those who did respond systematically different from those who did respond Response bias: a tendency for people to answer a particular question in a certain way deliberate falsification unconscious misrepresentation To learn about the types of error in survey research.
Learning Objective Chapter 7 Primary Data Collection: Survey Research TYPES OF SURVEYS Door-to-Door Interviewing consumers are interviewed in person in their homes Mall Intercept shoppers are intercepted in public areas Executive Interviewing interviewing business people at their offices concerns industrial products or services To describe the types of surveys.
Learning Objective Chapter 7 Primary Data Collection: Survey Research TYPES OF SURVEYS Telephone Interviewing inexpensive, potential for high-quality sample not visual, no demographic judgements, limited quantity and types of information Central Location Telephone Interviewing control, supervisors can monitor interviews Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing interviewer is seated in front of a computer multiple choice To describe the types of surveys.
Learning Objective Chapter 7 Primary Data Collection: Survey Research TYPES OF SURVEYS Self-Administered Interviewing no interviewer is involved Mail Surveys ad hoc: names and addresses selected, mailed questionnaire mail panels: precontracted and screened participants are sent questionnaires To describe the types of surveys.
Learning Objective Chapter 7 Primary Data Collection: Survey Research TYPES OF SURVEYS Internet Surveys Advantages: speed, electronic, low cost, tracking Disadvantages: Internet users are not representative of the population as a whole security/privacy issues unrestricted: anyone can complete the questionnaire fully self-selecting To discover the advantages and disadvantages of Internet survey research.
Learning Objective Chapter 7 Primary Data Collection: Survey Research TYPES OF SURVEYS Internet Samples Screened Internet Samples adjust for unrepresentitiveness of the self-selected respondents by imposing quotas based on some desired sample characteristics use a branching or skip pattern Recruited Internet Samples to target populations in surveys that require more control of the sample To realize the importance of the marketing research interviewer.
Learning Objective Chapter 7 Primary Data Collection: Survey Research FACTORS DETERMINING CHOICE OF PARTICULAR SURVEY METHODS Sampling Precision Required some projects require a high degree of sampling accuracy Budget Available budget and sample size The Need to Expose Respondents to Various Stimuli product concepts, components, advertising To realize the importance of the marketing research interviewer.
Learning Objective Chapter 7 Primary Data Collection: Survey Research FACTORS DETERMINING CHOICE OF PARTICULAR SURVEY METHODS Quality of Data Required: data quality may override cost considerations Length of Questionnaire: the amount of time it takes to complete the survey Necessity of Having Respondent Perform Certain Specialized Tasks Incidence Rate: percentage of people who fit the qualifications to be sampled Degree of Structure of the Questionnaire a set sequence or order To realize the importance of the marketing research interviewer.
Learning Objective Chapter 7 Primary Data Collection: Survey Research The End Copyright © 2000 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.