CYP IAPT measure and data structures CYP IAPT Data Managers Training 28 Feb outcome-monitoring-as-part-of-iapt/
Plan A guide to the overall structure of the CYP data spec Timetable for data submissions The export specification
Assessment Treatment session 1 Treatment session 2 …Review
Assessment Both: Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) Revised Child Anxiety Questionnaire (RCADS)
Session-by-session Symptom tracking: – At least one measures from the resource pack – (If none apply, then use the “how are you doing” Impact measure) One of – Goals, or – General well-being (CORS) Feedback – CSRS, or – Feedback questionnaire
Example symptom measure: Panic
Data hierarchy Demographics Period of contact EventQuestionnaire EventQuestionnaire Period of contact EventQuestionnaire EventQuestionnaireEvent
The data specification Specifies what data should be collected What format it should take Ordered0No problem 1Minor problem requiring no action 2Mild problem but definitely present 3Moderately severe problem 4Severe to very severe problem 999Not known
Demographics NHS_IDNHS ID SERVICE_ALLOCATED_PATIENT_IDLocally service assigned patient ID, used if and only if NHS number is not available. Assumed to be unique at local level but not across global dataset. SERVICE_IDService identifier, e.g., a trust or specific service DOBThe date on which a PERSON was born or is officially deemed to have been born. GENDERGender ETHNICITYEthnicity
Period of Contact examples PERIOD_OF_CONTACT_STARTPeriod of contact start date CASE_CLOSURE_STATUSCase status PERIOD_OF_CONTACT_END_DATEPeriod of contact end date (case closure date) CASE_CLOSURE_REASONClosure reason
Event examples EVENT_DATEEvent/session date (e.g., therapy session, home- completed questionnaire, telephone follow-up). Date of event rather than of data entry. EVENT_TIMEEvent/session time EVENT_TYPEEvent/session type COMPLETION_POINTPoint in period of contact when event occurred APPT_ATTENDEDAttendance at appointment
Questionnaire examples PANIC_QUESTIONNAIR E_VERSION Panic Subscale of Revised Child Anxiety and Depression (PANIC) - questionnaire version PANIC_COMPLETED_B Y Panic Subscale of Revised Child Anxiety and Depression (PANIC) - completed by PANIC_01Panic score (RCADS) 1. When I have a problem, I get a funny feeling in my stomach PANIC_02Panic score (RCADS) 2. I suddenly feel as if I can't breathe when there is no reason for this PANIC_03Panic score (RCADS) 3. When I have a problem, my heart beats really fast PANIC_04Panic score (RCADS) 4. I suddenly start to tremble or shake when there is no reason for this PANIC_05Panic score (RCADS) 5. When I have a problem, I feel shaky PANIC_06Panic score (RCADS) 6. All of a sudden I feel really scared for no reason at all PANIC_07Panic score (RCADS) 7. I suddenly become dizzy or faint when there is no reason for this PANIC_08Panic score (RCADS) 8. My heart suddenly starts to beat too quickly for no reason PANIC_09Panic score (RCADS) 9. I worry that I will suddenly get a scared feeling when there is nothing to be afraid of
Windows for data submission QuarterDatesSubmission window Q1 2012January – March1–15 April 2012 Q (Q1 refresh) April – June1–15 July 2012 Q (Q2 refresh) July – September1–15 October 2012 Q (Q3 refresh) October – December1– 15 January 2013 Q (Q4 refresh) January – March1– 15 April 2013
Data to extract Records which have been either – Created, or – Amended during the submission period
File types Hierarchy File Prefix Data Submission File Type 1 DEM Demographic File 2 POC Period of Contact 3 EVENT Individual Contact File 4 QUES Questionnaire Files (one for each questionnaire)
Data hierarchy again for export Demographics Period of contact EventQuestionnaire EventQuestionnaire Period of contact EventQuestionnaire EventQuestionnaireEvent
Data hierarchy Questionnaire (QUEST) submissions also need an associated – Individual Contact (EVENT) file, – period of contact file (POC), and – Demographic (DEM) file. Individual Contact/Event record (EVENT) submissions need an associated – Period of contact file (POC), and – Demographic (DEM) file. Period of Contact (POC) submissions need an associated – Demographic (DEM) file. Each Demographic (DEM) record submitted will not have an associated parent as it is at the top of the file hierarchy.
Upload process
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Service IDs for submissions London (UCL/KCL) Manchester (Salford Cognitive Therapy Training Centre) Reading 101 Cambridge 201 North Pennine 301 Oxford 102 Hertfordshire 202 South Pennine 302 Buckinghamshire 103 Sussex 203 Manchester & Salford 303 Swindon 104 Greenwich 204 Derby 304 Wiltshire 105 Lambeth & Southwark 205 Barnsley 305 Bath & NE Somerset 106 Haringey 306 Bournemouth 107 South London & Maudsley 307 Dorset 108 Westminster 308 Poole 109 Wandsworth 309 Glouchestershire