An Introduction Yun-han Chu ABS Workshop Hosted by KPI Bangkok, January 15-16, 2010
First systematic comparative survey of attitudes and values toward governance, democracy and reform, and citizen politics in Asia Standardized survey instruments designed around a common research framework Headquartered at Institute for Advanced Studies, National Taiwan University, and principally funded by Taiwan’s Ministry of Education Supplementary funding support from World Bank, Henry Luce Foundation, and national funding agencies throughout East Asia The survey network covers 13 East Asian countries and 5 South Asian countries. Together it gives voice to almost half of the world population,. The regional partner of Global Barometer Surveys Web address: A Comparative Survey of Democracy, Governance and Development
The First Phase East Asia Barometer 2000~2004
Established democracy Japan (n=1,418) New democracies Taiwan (n=1,415) Philippines (n=1,200) South Korea (n=1,500) Thailand (n=1,546) Mongolia (n=1,144) Partial democracy Hong Kong (n=811) Non-democracy China (n=3,183) Total n=12,218 Eight country-wide national sample surveys Face-to-face interviews conducted by local research teams About 150 items, about one hour to complete Country teams in the First Wave
Leading Questions in the First Wave Survey How consolidated are the new democracies in Asia? … compared to old democracy, partial democracy, and non-democracy Consolidation defined as attitudinal commitment to democracy and rejection of authoritarian alternatives (Diamond) What determines consolidation? Government performance? Culture? Socio-demographic characteristics of the population? Performance-based legitimacy rather than values-based legitimacy would be a sign of democratic fragility With repeated surveys: what causes changes in democratic legitimacy over time? Changes in social structure (modernization) Changes in regime performance Acculturation to democratic institutions
Socio-demographic variables Social capital Psychological involvement in politics Perceived citizen efficacy, system responsiveness Media participation and political knowledge Partisanship Policy priorities Participation in elections Electoral mobilization Other political participation Meanings of democracy Evaluations of past, present, and possible future regimes’ level of democracy Regime performance evaluations Perceived and observed corruption Trust in institutions Traditional social values Democratic values Beliefs in procedural norms of democracy Questionnaire Batteries
How East Asians View Democracy This rigorously designed study will surely become a classic in the field. Foreign Affairs, April-May 2009
The Second Phase 2005~2009
Second-Wave surveys in 18 Asian countries Add five South Asian countries (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka), coordinated through the Center for the Study of Developing Societies in New Delhi Add five Southeast Asian countries: Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia, Malaysia and Singapore 48% of world population, majority of developing world Diversity of cultures, religions, levels of development, as well as institutional systems Mostly same questions, some new questions Report the views of ordinary citizens who are least heard in policy circles and world opinion Project Enlargement
Quality of Democratic Governance Rule of law Controlling corruption Vertical accountability Horizontal accountability Transparency Participation Freedom Equal rights Competiveness Responsiveness Human Security Access to Public Service Citizenship Diffuse Regime Support Globalization Newly Designed Batteries
Leading Questions in the Second Wave What explain popular support for political regimes in Asia? Why level of support varies greatly among new democracies, partial democracies and non-democracies Regime support defined as generalized trust and belief about the superiority of the current system What determines level of support? Government performance in terms of economic conditions, responsiveness, human security and access to public service Quality of governance in terms of rule of law, accountability, transparency, freedom and rights, controlling corruption, Culture in terms of liberal democratic values and traditional social values Citizen politics in terms of participation and interest in politics Socio-demographic characteristics of the population
Survey Schedules and Sample Sizes of Second Wave AB LocationSurvey ScheduleValid Cases TaiwanJan 14-Feb Hong KongSep-Dec ThailandApr-Sep PhilippinesNov 25-Dec ChinaOct 15 – Dec MongoliaMay 25-Jun JapanFeb 23-Mar South KoreaSep IndonesiaNov VietnamNov 25-Dec SingaporeJul 15-Dec MalaysiaJul 14-Aug CambodiaApr 19-May
Asian Barometer releases its data after an embargo of 18 months Downloadable from our website Questionnaires Data request form Working Papers Conference Papers 280 requests for data from all over the world On-line data retrieval: In collaboration with ASEP/JDS based in Madrid 。 Dissemination
Regional Partner of Global Barometer Surveys Afrobarometer (18 countries) Latinobarómetro (18 countries) Arab Barometer (7 countries) Eurasia Barometer (6 countries)
Global Collaboration A member of Network of Democracy Research Institutes World Bank European Union IDEA International International Forum for Democratic Studies, NED Asia Foundation Center for Democracy, Development and Rule of Law, Stanford University Weatherhead East Asia Institute, Columbia University UNDP Oslo Governance Centre
The Third Wave The third-wave survey will be administered in 2010 and 2011 New Topics Diffuse Regime Support Regime Preference Popular Understanding of Democracy Regionalism