Urological History & Examination Dr. Abdelmoniem ElTraifi
History Personal Data ( Patient Demography) Name & File number ( Medical record number) Age Sex Religion Marital status Occupation Residence Date and Time Who gave the history?
Chief Complaint Main Complaint Complain Of ( C/O)
History of the presenting Symptom Elaborate the symptom. Elaborate the system involved. What had been done for the patient?
Common Urology Presentations
Pain Site Onset Character Severity Radiation Associated Symptoms Timing ( duration, course, pattern) Exacerbating & Relieving Factors
Pain Renal Ureteric
Other causes of pain, Radiculitis
Vesical Pain Prostatic pain Testicular Epididymal Back
Others related to stone pathology Passage of stone Previous Treatment for stones Haematuria Bronchial Asthma & Allergy Trauma LUTS
Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) Causes Males, according to age group Females, according to age group
Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) Voiding (Obstructive) Hesitancy Loss of force and decrease of caliber of the stream. Straining for voiding Interruption of the urinary stream Terminal dribbling. Retention: acute and chronic
Storage (Irritaive) Storage (Irritaive) Frequency Nocturia Urgency Urge incontinence
Post void Symptoms Post void Dribbling Sense of residual urine
LUTS other important Points History of DM Urological intervention CNS problems and symptoms Haematuria Previous urinary retention Burning Micturation and Febrile UTI Drugs intake Constipation
Incontinence True Stress Urge Paradox ( overflow, false) Enuresis
Dysuria ( Burning urination) Pneumaturia Cloudy urine Oligouria & Anuria Urethral Discharge Renal failure Symptoms
Age Residency. Duration. Occupation Painless or painful Timing of haematuria Amount of bleeding Clots and shape of clots Trauma Bleeding from other sites Associated Symptoms urinary and Systemic Bleeding disorders, SC, TB, Bilharzias & stone disease. Family History of Malignancy or hematological disorders. Drugs Colored food or drinks. SmokingHaematuria
Scrotal conditions, swellings Other genito-urinary masses Duration How noticed? Change Disappear Associated symptoms Increased by cough etc Heavy lifting Chronic cough, constipation, urinary symptoms. Other masses
Male Infertility Sexual Disorders
Systemic Review Fever, weight loss CNS Cardio, respiratory and vascular GI Locomotors
Past History Dm, Hypertension Bronchial Asthma Bleeding disorders & Sickle cell disease Transfusion TB, Syphilis, Bilharzias Passage of stones Blood transfusion Operations, Urological and non Urological, RTA
Family History Similar conditions DM, Hypertension Bleeding Disorders & Sickle cell disease
Social History & Habits Drug History and allergy
Examination Pallor, Jaundice Loss of weigh, over weight Cervical Lymph nodes
Abdominal Examination
Urinary Bladder
Scrotal masses Inspection Site Size Shape Skin Cough impulse Palpation Temp. Tenderness Consistency Others according to diagnosis
Genital Examination
Per- rectal Examination