Go to Chandler Unified School District website Go to Departments Select Warehouse On the menu to the left select Record Retention 1. The first item is detailed information that goes with the “Student Transcripts and Archive” Power Point Presentation (this document) 2. The second item is “Student Transcripts and Archive” this is a Power Point Presentation on how and what to archive. 3. The third item is a complete listing of the Arizona State Library, Archive and Public Records in a excel spread sheet. 4. The forth item is an excel spread sheet that must be maintained by site or department on a shared file, in case any information is in need of retrieval. Also prior to pick up must be ed to Diana Messersmith. 5. The fifth item is a document from Frank Narducci office on how to purge student files prior to sending them to a new site or for digitizing.
1. The Arizona State Library, Archive and Public Records in a excel spread sheet, has several schedules they are listed in column A. 2. First you need to decide what type of record you need to archive, i.e. is it Student information, or Financial (payroll miss- punch log/sheets) 3. In column C is the Record Description look through the different descriptions of the type of record you are archiving. 4. When you find the correct one that relates to what you are archiving note the Item Number in Column B. 5. Then look at the retention period in Column E and Retention Period Calculation.
Administrative Audit Bond Records Copy Center and Mail Room Records Election Records Electronic Communications, Social Networking and Website Records Environmental Quality Management & Sustainability Equipment - Vehicle Services Facilities / Grounds Management Records Financial Records Food Service/Student Activities/ Auxiliary Operations Human Resources/Personnel Records Information Technology (IT) Records Law Enforcement Records Library Records Management Records Medical Records Public Health Records Purchasing /Procurement Records Student Records Warehouse/Supply Records
If you are archiving Payroll miss-punch log/sheets, the schedule to be used is Financial, Item number 14 D which is 4 year retention. The Retention Calculation is “After fiscal year created”. So if the miss-punched logs/sheets are created in fiscal year 12/13 the Shred Year would be =2017.
If you are archiving Child Abuse Reports the schedule to be used is Student, Item number 6 which is 2 year retention. The Retention Calculation is “After the students 18 th birthday”. So if the report is created in birth year 2000 the Shred Year would be =2020. So, you cannot file all the abuse reports for one year in the same box if the student’s birth years are different.
your request blank labels from Diana Messersmith. State if you need Yellow or Orange. State how many of each color that is needed Now you need to print your label 1. On the website under Record Retention on the menu on the left select Record Retention labels. 2. Select the schedule you used, a. in example “a” above it was Financial and the retention period is 4 years. Scroll down the page find Financial then click on 4 years. b. in example “b” above it was Student and the retention period is 2 years. Scroll down the page find Student then click on 2 years. You can print and write on the label or type in the information then print the label.
#1 abbreviate your site name or department #2 enter a unique number (do not use the numbers you used in prior years. #3 check off the box next to “Child Abuse Reports” #4 is optional but if you have 2 boxes of these reports you might put Students A – O on then on the next Students P – Z #5 you would put birth year 2000 #6 you would put 2020
1. Enter a request in School Dude, using “warehouse” as the craft and state how many boxes you have to be picked up. a. Reminder ***** Permanent Student Records will be picked up once a year on the second Wednesday of October. The reason for this is the files are sent out to be digitized. This will insure students that are going to college or trade school will have access to their transcripts. 2. Next is the Archive log, If you don’t have one at your site or department (which is required) it is available on the Chandler Unified School District website a. Go to Departments b. Select Warehouse c. On the menu to the left select Record Retention, the forth item is an excel spread sheet call “Archive Log”, down load the spread sheet and save it to a shared drive.
You will need information from the following documents to fill out the Archive Log. 1. School Dude Request 2. The AZ State Library, Archive and Public Record Schedule of Retention 3. The Archive Label
1. Can I use any box to archive my records? No you need to use an archive box because it does not collapse in the warehouse swampy environment. 2. Can I use yellow and orange copy paper instead of the labels? No because they do not stay attached in the warehouse swampy environment.
1. If you keep records at your site for the full term of the retention period and then send them to shred you still must fill out the proper documentation, if they are not reported that we shredded the records, the state will believe we still have them. 2. Remember sites with Golf carts must keep the daily inspection reports for 3 months retention period. 3. Just because something’s at your site may have been saved, does not necessarily make them archives! Please follow the state guidelines as to what constitutes an ‘archived record’! (This means: don’t empty files cabinets, desks drawers, etc.... into an archive box and send them, expecting the warehouse to sort.) If not done properly, boxes will be returned to your site or department for correction. 4. Copies of a record are not to be archived ONLY the original copy.
* We are here to support you and any questions you may have. * Please call or if you have any doubts. 1. Diana Messersmith – Brenda Ramos – Lana Berry –
Thank you for your help!