e-SENS Electronic Simple European Networked Services Moving services forward
Goal cross-border access public services in Europe to improve the cross-border access of citizens and businesses to public services in Europe interoperable IT solutions by provision of interoperable IT solutions e-SENS - moving services forward
Participants Public administration, agencies, companies from 20 countries Austria Czech Republic Denmark Estonia France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Turkey
At a glance Project start: 1st April 2013 Project Coordinator: Ministry of Justice NRW, Germany Duration: 36 months Project budget: 27 m € EU financing: 13.5 m € Programme: Competitiveness and innovation framework programme (CIP), ICT policy support programme "Title" (You can change this in the menu "Insert-> Header and Footer")
Project Structure "Title" (You can change this in the menu "Insert-> Header and Footer")
Project background Digital Agenda for Europe Regulatory barriers should be eliminated to facilitate cross- border use of commercial and cultural digital content and services and to enable citizens and businesses to fully benefit from the European Single Market. Regulatory barriers should be eliminated to facilitate cross- border use of commercial and cultural digital content and services and to enable citizens and businesses to fully benefit from the European Single Market. Other important policies: European eGovernment Action Plan The European Interoperability Framework "Title" (You can change this in the menu "Insert-> Header and Footer")
Large Scale Pilots (LSP) Large Scale Pilots support Digital Agenda implementation in key areas. They archieve interoperability between existing national IT systems in different domains. e-SENS will build on existing solutions to further develop Digital Single Market "Title" (You can change this in the menu "Insert-> Header and Footer")
Re-using LSP solutions SPOCS “Simple Procedures Online for Cross-border Services” epSOS “European Patients Smart Open Services” STORK “Secure idenTity acrOss boRders linKed” PEPPOL “Pan European Public Procurement OnLine e-CODEX “e-Justice Communication via Online Data EXchange” All projects run with existing national back office systems
LSP family projects co-founded within CIP ICT – PSP enable seamless digital public services within various domains operate with existing national back-office systems aim at assuring interoperability of national e-government systems support implementation of the Digital Agenda for Europe The LSPs help to „build, connect and grow” in Europe e-SENS - moving services forward
LSPs All projects run with existing national back office systems PEPPOL (5/2008 – 8/2012) STORK (7/2008 – 3/2015) epSOS (7/2008 – 12/2013) SPOCS (7/2009 – 12/2012) e-CODEX (12/2010 – 2/2015) CIPCEF
Consolidate, improve, extend e-SENS -Consolidates -Consolidates the results of LSP projects -Improves -Improves solutions and develops generic modules -Extends -Extends their usage to more domains e-SENS - moving services forward
e-SENS tasks "Title" (You can change this in the menu "Insert-> Header and Footer") Stock taking Specifications of consolidated building blocks Testing and pilot enablementPilotingHandover
e-SENS competence clusters to facilitate electronic document exchange across borders e-Delivery & e- Interaction for cross-border understanding in public administration Semantics, Processes and Documents to enable signing and verification of any document and electronic identification and authentication Identity, Security and Trust to verify system compliance with standards and operability between systems Conformance and Interoperability Testing
e-SENS building blocks "Title" (You can change this in the menu "Insert-> Header and Footer") Building Block - re-usable component of business, IT, or architectural capability that can be combined with other building blocks to deliver architectures and solutions.
Consolidation is based on the LSP building blocks and domains use cases and requirements. e-SENS project checks the possibility of build a generic solution applicable for different domains. In the same time e-SENS has to ensure sustainability of this solution and conformity with standards. Building Blocks consolidation
European Interoperability Reference Architecture (EIRA) is a four-view (technical, semantic, organisational, legal) reference architecture for delivering digital public services (across borders and sectors). EIRA defines the required capabilities for promoting interoperability as a set of Architecture Building Blocks (ABBs). Solution Architecture Template (SAT) is a specification containing a sub-set of ABBs of the EIRA. It focuses on the most salient building blocks needed to build an interoperable solution addressing a particular interoperability need. A SAT consists of: a goal and description, a set of EIRA ABBs, a set of requirements & recommendations (linked to ABBs). European Interoperability Reference Architecture
"Title" (You can change this in the menu "Insert-> Header and Footer") e-Delivery and e-Interaction the process to take (store) and hand over (route and forward) business data and evidence asynchronously, securely and reliably e-Delivery an approach to exchange information between two parties which implies a requirement of a direct response (from user perspective) of another end entity via an open end-to-end communication link e -Interaction services that are mandated to generate, collect, maintain, make available and validate evidence concerning a claimed event or action in order to resolve disputes about the occurrence or non-occurrence of the event or action Non Repudiation
e-Delivery and e-Interaction ABB - Message Exchange Protocol ABB - Capability Lookup ABB - Addressing of Entities ABB - Service Location ABB - Backend Integration e-Delivery
A four-corner model of e-Delivery
"Title" (You can change this in the menu "Insert-> Header and Footer") e-Document, Process and Semantics any electronic document, structured or unstructured, which supports various formats and it supports functionality that fulfils a set of generic, domain or use case specific requirement e-Document provides methodology used to describe process in a matter suitable for cross organizational interoperability including aspects such as business rules, and capturing of requirements Process concepts and tools to make machine- understandable descriptions of data, programs, and infrastructure enabling computers to reflect on these artefacts Semantics
"Title" (You can change this in the menu "Insert-> Header and Footer") e-Document, Process and Semantics ABB - Document Provisioning ABB - Document Container (e-Container) ABB - Document Profiling ABB - Document Business Rules ABB - Document Routing e-Document ABB - Knowledge Management System ABB - Semantic Mapping Service ABB - Terminology Service Semantics
"Title" (You can change this in the menu "Insert-> Header and Footer") e-Document container
"Title" (You can change this in the menu "Insert-> Header and Footer") Identity, Security and Trust e-ID management system is primarily about authentication through digital identity (e-ID), i.e. to allow a legitimate user to securely identify through one or more identity attributes e-ID services to enable cross border recognition and validation of e- identification and signature - both signature-creation and signature-verification are addressed. e-Signatures technical means to establish trust in and between IT-Systems involved in cross-border / cross-solution electronic transactions Trust services set of tools and techniques aimed at following paths and footprints of e.g. users, transactions, and software agents Traceability service trusted by one or more entities to provide “attributes” associated to a digital identity (i.e. specific data characterising this identity that may be a natural or a legal person) Attribute provider
"Title" (You can change this in the menu "Insert-> Header and Footer") Identity, Security and Trust ABB – e-ID Quality Authentication Assurance ABB - e-ID SAML Profile e-ID ABB - eSignature Creation ABB - eSignature Mobile ABB - eSignature Standards ABB - eSignature Verification e-Signatures
"Title" (You can change this in the menu "Insert-> Header and Footer") Identity, Security and Trust ABB - Trust Network – Mutual Recognized Certificates ABB - Trust Network – PKI ABB - Trust Network – Trust Service Status List Trust services ABB - Auditing and Logging ABB - Timestamping Traceability ABB - Attribute Provider Format ABB - Attribute Provider Protocol Attribute provider
"Title" (You can change this in the menu "Insert-> Header and Footer") e-Identity
"Title" (You can change this in the menu "Insert-> Header and Footer") e-Signature
"Title" (You can change this in the menu "Insert-> Header and Footer") Conformance and Interoperability Testing provides means for conformance and interoperability testing for e-SENS WP5 and WP6 SBBs. the process to verify if a product is performed in compliance with e-SENS standards and all the systems perform exchange and use information properly. Conformance and Interoperability Testing
ABB – e-SENS Conformance and Interoperability TestBed (Minder) ABB – Content Validation Service ABB – Test Asset Metadata and Classification ABB – Global Test Asset Repository Conformance and Interoperability Testing
Piloting Integration of technical modules with national systems Testing technical solutions in real life scenarios Opportunity for business and citizens to deal with cross-border cases in public administration electronically
Selection of piloting use cases Building Blocks relevance to CEF priorities Use Case relevance to domain priorities for CEF Relevance to National Policies in the MS proposing the pilot RELEVANCE Consolidation of Building Blocks and their re-usability across piloting domains Maturity of Building Blocks Market Adoption Potential of BBs and take-up of Use Cases IMPACT Strong commitment of participants and Stakeholders Clear and realistic implementation plan Feasible gap to fill between current status and future intentions IMPLEMENTATION
Cross border cases for: e-health – easier access to health services while abroad e-justice – electronic issuing of a claim in a foreign court e-procurement – electronic bidding in other EU countries business lifecycle – online completion of formalities for company setup abroad Real life scenarios
e-Procurement primary use cases eTendering (notification and submission of tenders, access to tender documents) eCatalogues in the pre-award and post-award phase eQualifications and the Virtual Company Dossier eInvoicing, eOrdering in the post-award phase Electronic access to the structured document templates Submission of the tender electronically through a secure and reliable infrastructure for Delivery of documents. Signing tenders and declarations electronically using the means of electronic signing which are valid in own country
e-Health primary use cases ePrescription/Patient Summary eConfirmation of insurance entitlement eInvoicing during re-imbursement of healthcare provision costs Access to the patient summary and any related medical record information from wherever it is located in the host country by healthcare professionals. Secure identification of patients using the electronic identification credentials they have in their host country. Possibility to have electronic prescriptions issued by their own doctors in their country of origin filled at the pharmacies of the destination country.
e-Justice primary use cases Matrimonial matters and parental responsibility Maintenance Obligations European Account Preservation Order facilitation of the resolution of legal issues across national borders making easier either cross-border court-to- court or cross-border court-to-citizen communications involving electronic signing and secure transmission of electronic documents
Business Lifecycle primary use cases Registering a new business Registering a new activity Obtaining information about the necessary documents and qualifications Understanding which documents and qualifications from their own country are equivalent to the documents and qualifications required by the country of destinations. Package documents and electronic signing using the means of electronic signing which are valid in their own country, and having their electronic signatures verified by the administrations in the country of destination.
Piloting phase first wave of Pilots by April 2015 more pilots will start gradually. All pilots are expected to run until the end of March, 2016.
Who will benefit? easier travelling, leaving and working in EU less bureaucracy seamless communication with public offices EU citizens easier for companies to do business on their own in the EU Electronic fulfillment of legal requirements lower costs of running business new business opportunities on EU market EU business
Opportunities for Member States "Title" (You can change this in the menu "Insert-> Header and Footer") Modernization of public administration Increased efficiency and effectiveness of public services Enhanced satisfaction of public services users Saving of time while performing administrative tasks Improved transparency of public administration performance Cost-effective solutions
Opportunities for IT sector Business opportunities in the public sector Possibility to create new commercial products or add value basing on existing e-SENS solutions without license fees Stimulating demand for ICT based solutions in public administration Possibility to re-use solutions and include them to the business offer without “re-inventing the wheel” Possibility to influence and shape the technical building blocks, provide feedback and make proposals "Title" (You can change this in the menu "Insert-> Header and Footer")
Thank you! e-SENS is an EU co-funded project under the ICT PSP Facebook: Twitter: twitter.com/eSENS_EU LinkedIn: groups/EU-eSENS Contact us: Visit e-SENS: