Personal Health Budgets Evaluation Baseline outcome questionnaire
Personal Health Budgets Evaluation Baseline Questionnaire Postal or web-based version will be made available Nine sections to the questionnaire Each question is a standardised measure that has been widely used in health and social care research
Personal Health Budgets Evaluation Outcome Measures Section 1: Subjective well-being Section 2: GHQ-12 Section 3: General health Section 4: Social Care Outcomes Section 5: EQ-5D
Personal Health Budgets Evaluation Dependency Level Section 6 in questionnaire Could have an impact on outcomes – e.g. Lower dependency = improved outcomes 11 activities of daily living Four responses – On own without help – On own with difficulty – Only with someone else – Not at all
Personal Health Budgets Evaluation Health and Social Care Services Health care service use – Hospital Episodes Statistics Social care service use – Section 7 – Outcome questionnaire – Data to be used in the cost effectiveness analysis
Personal Health Budgets Evaluation Equity Implications Section 8 & 9 in questionnaire Are there equity issues in terms of who is being offered a PHB? To explore question, we need information on – Socio-economic characteristics – Socio-demographic characteristics – Religion – Sexual orientation – Practical help received from family or friends
Personal Health Budgets Evaluation Data Protection Names and addresses are kept separately from the personal information collected on the questionnaire A unique ID will be used on the questionnaire For postal questionnaires, a pre-paid envelope will be sen t