Database – Tools Tools Opens the Tools management dialog box. Notes: Use speed and feed settings that are recommended by the tooling manufacturer. Always use the most accurate measurements possible.
Tools management buttons : Deletes the current tool. : Stores the new or edited parameters but does not save. : Saves the new or edited parameters and exits the dialog box.
Tools management buttons : Cancels any new tools or changes then exits. : Opens the Print tools… dialog box.
Print tools… dialog box A list of all the tools is shown. Any number from one to all may be selected to print. With the Print Tool List not checked a detailed report for each tool selected is printed.
Detailed Report
Print tools… dialog box With the Print Tool List checked a less detailed list is printed.
Tool List Report
Database – Tools: Drillers Drillers Used for defining core bits or other hole creating tools.
Select Drillers and New in the dialog box.
Driller General parameters Position: The actual machine tool changer location for this tool. Position 1: Saw. Positions 2-10: Utility Tools. Positions 11-17: Profile Set. Positions 18-25: Profile Set. Position 26: Pointer
Driller General parameters Speed max: The manufacturers recommended maximum speed in RPMs. For standard 3 and 4 axis machines always use Vertical.
Driller parameters Selected value: Shows the currently selected parameter field. Name: Enter the tool name – Be descriptive. Water: Always Yes (default).
Driller parameters Max Material: The maximum thickness of material this tool can cut. Tool cost: Actual cost of this tool. Meters: The expected tool life expressed in meters.
Driller parameters Compensation: The machine offset table location for this tool’s values. : Opens the Choose compensation dialog box for selecting a different compensation location.
Driller parameters Entry feed: The Approach distance and Slow I. feed rate. Feed: The working feed rate. Final Feed: The Slow E. feed rate for open holes.
Driller parameters Speed: The working speed for the tool in RPMs. Length: The length of the tool measured with holder and gage. Diameter: The tool diameter measured with calipers.
Database – Tools: Routers Routers Used for defining finger bits, shaped mills, and stubbing wheels.
Select Routers and New in the dialog box.
Router General parameters Position: The actual machine tool changer location for this tool. Speed max: The manufacturers recommended maximum speed in RPMs. For standard 3 and 4 axis machines always use Vertical.
Router parameters Selected value: Shows the currently selected parameter field. Name: Enter the tool name – Be descriptive. Water: Always Yes (default).
Router parameters Router type: Select the type that best fits the router shape. Various router types are predefined to allow specific parameters to be identified for each type.
Router parameters Max Material: The maximum thickness of material this tool can cut. Tool cost: Actual cost of this tool. Meters: The expected tool life expressed in meters.
Router parameters Compensation: The machine offset table location for this tool’s values. : Opens the Choose compensation dialog box for selecting a different compensation location.
Router parameters Over Material: The amount of material not removed radially. O. Longitudinal: The amount of material not removed vertically. Head Feed: The feed rate for vertical machining.
Router parameters Entry feed: The lead-in feed rate. Feed: The working feed rate. Final Feed: The lead-out feed rate.
Router parameters Speed: The working speed for the tool in RPMs. Length: The length of the tool measured with holder and gage. Diameter: The tool diameter measured with calipers.
Select Profile>Diamond and New in the dialog box.
Profile>Diamond General parameters Position: The actual machine tool changer location for this tool. Speed max: The manufacturers recommended maximum speed in RPMs. For standard 3 and 4 axis machines always use Vertical.
Profile>Diamond General parameters Draw: Activates a user supplied drawing for simulation purposes. Profiles number: For profile tools stacked on the same tool holder. Neither of these options is recommended.
Profile>Diamond parameters Selected value: Shows the currently selected parameter field. Name: Enter the tool name – Be descriptive. Water: Always Yes (default).
Profile>Diamond parameters Section: Select the Section shape that best represents the profile shape. Various profile sections are predefined to allow specific parameters to be identified for each type.
Profile>Diamond parameters Sect. Thickness: The thickness of the profile section of the tool. Tool cost: Actual cost of this tool. Meters: The expected tool life expressed in meters.
Profile>Diamond parameters Compensation: The machine offset table location for this tool’s values. : Opens the Choose compensation dialog box for selecting a different compensation location.
Profile>Diamond parameters Over Material: The amount of material not removed radially. O. Longitudinal: The amount of material not removed vertically.
Profile>Diamond parameters Entry feed: The lead-in feed rate. Feed: The working feed rate. Final Feed: The lead-out feed rate.
Profile>Diamond parameters Speed: The working speed for the tool in RPMs. L1: The overall length measured with holder and gage. D1: The largest diameter measured with calipers. D1 L1
Profile>Diamond parameters Length: The working length measured with holder and gage. Diameter: The smallest working diameter measured with calipers.
Select Profile>Polishing and New in the dialog box.
Profile>Polishing General parameters Position: The actual machine tool changer location for this tool. Speed max: The manufacturers recommended maximum speed in RPMs. For standard 3 and 4 axis machines always use Vertical.
Profile>Polishing General parameters Draw: Activates a user supplied drawing for simulation purposes. Profiles number: For profile tools stacked on the same tool holder. Neither of these options is recommended.
Profile>Polishing parameters Selected value: Shows the currently selected parameter field. Name: Enter the tool name – Be descriptive. Water: Always Yes (default).
Profile>Polishing parameters Section: Select the Section shape that best represents the profile shape. Various profile sections are predefined to allow specific parameters to be identified for each type.
Profile>Polishing parameters Sect. Thickness: The thickness of the profile section of the tool. Tool cost: Actual cost of this tool. Meters: The expected tool life expressed in meters.
Profile>Polishing parameters Compensation: The machine offset table location for this tool’s values. : Opens the Choose compensation dialog box for selecting a different compensation (offset table) location.
Profile>Polishing parameters Wear: Radial wear factor. 2 nd Wear: Longitudinal wear factor.
Profile>Polishing parameters Entry feed: The lead-in feed rate. Feed: The working feed rate. Final Feed: The lead-out feed rate.
Profile>Polishing parameters Speed: The working speed for the tool in RPMs. L1: The overall length measured with holder and gage. D1: The largest diameter measured with calipers. D1 L1
Profile>Polishing parameters Length: The working length measured with holder and gage. Diameter: The smallest working diameter measured with calipers.
Select Saw blades and New in the dialog box.
Saw blades General parameters Position: The tool changer location for a saw must be metal reinforced. Speed max: The manufacturers recommended maximum speed in RPMs. For standard 3 and 4 axis machines always use Horizontal Rot1.
Conic Saw blades General parameters Conic saw blade: Check box for a conic saw Assembly type for the saw
Saw blades parameters Selected value: Shows the currently selected parameter field. Name: Enter the tool name – Be descriptive. Water: Always Yes (default).
Saw blades parameters Max Material: The maximum thickness of material the saw can cut. Tool cost: Actual cost of the blade. Meters: The expected blade life expressed in meters.
Saw blades parameters Compensation: The machine offset table location for this tool’s values. : Opens the Choose compensation dialog box for selecting a different compensation (offset table) location.
Saw blades parameters Over material: The amount of material not removed radially. Head feed: The vertical feed rate. Entry Feed: The lead-in feed rate. Feed: The working feed rate.
Saw blades parameters Speed: The working speed for the tool in RPMs. 1 st profile length: The overall length measured with holder and gage. Tool’s corner: The measure of the shape at the edge of the blade.
Saw blades parameters 1 st profile diameter: The measured blade diameter. Saw blade thickness: The measured blade thickness. Profile radius: The measured distance from the center to the blade.
Tool Import/Export Import and Export are used to swap existing tool definitions with other EasySTONE tool databases. Click on the green arrow in the lower right corner to activate the Import and Export buttons.
Tool Import To import tools from another tool database, the database needs to be selected using the Import dialog box.
Tool Import Any number of tools may be Imported from the chosen tool database. Use the control key along with a LMB click to select multiple tools to Import.
Tool Import The imported tools are copied into the current machine tool database. Positions and compensation values may need to be edited for conflicts or personal preferences.
Tool Export Any number of tools may be Exported from the current tool database. Use the control key along with an LMB click to select to Export more than one tool.
Tool Export Copies of the selected tools are Exported to a.tol file. Select the directory and create the file name using the Save as dialog box.