1.Study design Cross sectional study. METHODOLOGY
2.Target population Students of Biomedical Science in UKM session 2011/ Study population Students of Biomedical Science of year 2, year 3 and year 4.
4.Sampling method Year-Systematic Random Sampling gender -Stratified and Systematic random sampling 5. Instrument Questionnaires
6.Sampling frame Name list of each batches Biomedical Science students 7. Sample unit Students Biomedical Science Department.
first year students of Biomedical Science in UKM session 2011/2012 Exclusion Criteria
Biomedical Sciences second, third and fourth year students who have already taken the Molecular Biology subject in UKM, session 2011/2012, 2010/2011 and 2009/2011 respectively. Inclusion Criteria
8.Sample size Confidence interval = 95% n = Sample size χ 2 at degree freedom of 1 = 3.84 N = Study Population size P = maximum variability (proportion) for the population Δ = minimum worthwhile difference
respond rate with 10% of sample size. 141 / ( ) = So, sample size = 160
YEAR OF STUDYNUMBER OF SAMPLE 2nd n = 28.18% X 160 = 45 3rd n = 35.45% X 160 = 57 4th n = 36.36% X 160 = 58 Number of sample for each year of study
Methodology and Materials The instrument is close- and open-ended questionnaire.
Demographic Profile basic information will be required from the subjects such as year, gender, amount of student population and grades of molecular biology for mid semester and final semester. The sample population consists of students of Biomedical Science students who have taken the subject called molecular biology at their second, third and fourth year. The grades of molecular biology will be classified into two categories: midterm exam grades and final exam grades. The grades will be converted into particular pointer based on the results obtained.
Teaching Methods affect the understanding of students about the topic and how much student concentrates on the topic being taught in class. The teaching methods can be teacher-centered method or learner-centered method. methods they have been done at second half semester, which are either presentations of topics, self learning package (SLP) or video or animation.
Among 14 hours of classes for the whole semester, 100% of classes were conducted via direct lecturing only whereas in second half semester, 75% of 8 hours of classes were conducted via learner- centered approach which is by student presentation and SLP. Therefore, the result of midterm examination will be theacademic result that reflects the effect of teaching method of teacher-centered approach and final examination results as academic result that reflect the effect of learner-centered approach on student academic achievements.
Learning Styles Learning styles can be divided into visual, aural, reading and tactile-learning style.
Perception of student on teaching methods subjects are going to provide their responses to two kinds of teaching methods being taught in the molecular biology lecture, which are teacher- centered approach and learner-centered approach. The responses are: Like/dislike/neutral
Statistical Analysis The data will be collected using questionnaire and will be analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 17.0.
Independent T-test is employed to compare the grades of students in molecular biology between genders.
Paired T-test is employed to compare the grades of students in molecular biology between teaching method of teacher-centered approach and teaching method of learner-centered approach. The result can be determined by comparing the mean of pointer of molecular biology between midterm examination and final examination.
One way ANOVA One-Way Independent ANOVA is employed to compare: 1.) Grades of students in molecular biology subject between four different learning styles (visual, aural, reading and tactile-learning style) 2.) Grades of students in molecular biology subject between different perception of students on teaching methods.
Define Variables Dependent variable student’s pointer of molecular biology of midterm examination and final examination. Independent variable different types of teaching methods. Learner-centered approached and teacher-centered approached are examples of the teaching methods. The covariates are student’s learning styles, student’s perceptions on teaching methods and gender.