外语系 纺织商务英语 Textile Business English. Module Eight Packing, Shipment & Insurance.


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第二章 商品的价格和贸易术语. 合同中价格条件的重要性  商品的价格是买卖双方交易磋商的主要内 容,是国际货物买卖合同中的主要交易条 件。  价格是国际货物买卖合同中的核心条款.
数 学 系 University of Science and Technology of China DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS 第 3 章 曲线拟合的最小二乘法 给出一组离散点,确定一个函数逼近原函数,插值是这样的一种手段。 在实际中,数据不可避免的会有误差,插值函数会将这些误差也包括在内。
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吉林大学远程教育课件 主讲人 : 杨凤杰学 时: 64 ( 第三十九讲 ) 离散数学. 例 设 S 是一个集合, ρ ( S )是 S 的幂集合,集合 的交( ∩ ),并(∪)是 ρ ( S )上的两个代数运算, 于是,( ρ ( S ), ∩ ,∪) 是一个格。而由例 知.
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国际经济法学 第二十一讲 主讲教师:何志鹏 总课时: 64 学时 第五部分 国际技术转让 基本概念.
流态化 概述 一、固体流态化:颗粒物料与流动的流体接触,使颗粒物料呈类 似于流体的状态。 二、流态化技术的应用:流化催化裂化、吸附、干燥、冷凝等。 三、流态化技术的优点:连续化操作;温度均匀,易调节和维持; 气、固间传质、传热速率高等。 四、本章基本内容: 1. 流态化基本概念 2. 流体力学特性 3.
化学系 3 班 何萍 物质的分离原理 世世界上任何物质,其存在形式几乎均以混合 物状态存在。分离过程就是将混合物分成两 种或多种性质不同的纯物质的过程。 分分子蒸馏技术是一种特殊的液-液分离技术。
第九章 正当行为.  第一节正当行为概述  一、正当行为的概念  正当行为,是指客观上造成一定损害结果, 形式上符合某些犯罪的客观要件,但实质 上既不具备社会危害性,也不具备刑事违 法性的行为。
关于《经营范围核定规范》的说明. 为深入贯彻《公司法》及《公司登记管理条 例》,落实总局推进登记工作规范化的要求, 以及我局 “ 四化 ” 建设的需要,进一步规范市 场主体的经营行为,规范市场主体经营范围 的登记管理,实现登记机关核定经营范围用 语标准化和解释性的统一,市局根据《公司 登记管理条例》及《企业经营范围登记管理.
吉林大学远程教育课件 主讲人 : 杨凤杰学 时: 64 ( 第五十三讲 ) 离散数学. 定义 设 G= ( V , T , S , P ) 是一个语法结构,由 G 产生的语言 (或者说 G 的语言)是由初始状态 S 演绎出来的所有终止符的集合, 记为 L ( G ) ={w  T *
第五部分 行政责任和行政救济 第一节 行政违法 一、行政违法的概念和特征 (一)行政违法的概念 (二)行政违法的特征 二、行政违法的构成要件 三、行政违法的分类.
(二)合理低价中标后施工过程中存在问题的对策 1 、针对建设单位自身原因的对策 ( 1 )做好招标前期的准备工作 1 )强化施工图设计深度 2 )招标文件编制要翔实、具体 ( 2 )采用科学、严谨的评标办法 ( 3 )仔细、认真、严密地签订合同 ( 4 )做好后续跟踪工作 ( 5 )设置足额的投标保证金.
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1 第 7 章 存储过程、触发器和程序包 在很多时候,都需要保存 PL/SQL 程序块,以便 随后可以重新使用。这也意味着,程序块需要一个名 称,这样需才可以调用或者引用它。命名的 PL/SQL 程序块可被独立编译并存储在数据库中,任何与数据 库相连接的应用程序都可以访问这些存储的 PL/SQL 程序块。
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SCI 数据库检索练习参考 本练习完全依照 SCI 数据库实际检索过程而 实现。 本练习完全依照 SCI 数据库实际检索过程而 实现。 练习中,选择了可以举一反三的题目,读 者可以根据题目进行另外的检索练习,如: 可将 “ 与 ” 运算检索改为 “ 或 ” 、 “ 非 ” 运算检索 等等。 练习中,选择了可以举一反三的题目,读.
§7.2 估计量的评价标准 上一节我们看到,对于总体 X 的同一个 未知参数,由于采用的估计方法不同,可 能会产生多个不同的估计量.这就提出一 个问题,当总体的一个参数存在不同的估 计量时,究竟采用哪一个好呢?或者说怎 样评价一个估计量的统计性能呢?下面给 出几个常用的评价准则. 一.无偏性.
Programme 7 Inspection and Insurance. Teaching objectives Learn how to talk about commercial inspection and negotiate clauses concerning insurance; Know.
Unit 2 Text A International Trade Theories. International trade takes place within the framework of agreements worked out by countries in the World Trade.
Presentation transcript:

外语系 纺织商务英语 Textile Business English

Module Eight Packing, Shipment & Insurance

Task 3 Insurance

1. C ategories of insurance 2. D ecide on how to buy cargo insurance 3. D iscuss insurance issues Learning Objectives

Lead-in—Group discussion 1. Why do we need to have the cargo insured? 2. Are insurance policies difficult to understand? Why? 3. Can insurance companies cover all of your losses in transit?

Useful expressions and patterns  I.would like to ask how to buy cargo insurance  2. Is there anything needed to take to the insurance company for compensation?  3. Are there any other clauses in marine policies?  4. You can lodge a claim against the carrier or the party concerned.  5. The insurance company will make the payment to the consignee and deal with the carrier.  6. All our export goods sold on CIF terms are insured with the PICC.  7. Could you cover the War Risk for us?  8. They can provide a broad range of marine insurance  9. In case there is a damage or loss, how about the claim?.  10. Now I know what to do about our loss of the consignment.

Listening Dialogue 1 Notes to the dialogue  1. cargo insurance 货物保险。  2. marine, land, aviation 水,陆,空运。  3. commodities 商品。  4. refrigerated cargo 冷冻货物, 冷藏货物  5. poultry 家禽  6. premium rate 保险费

Dialogue 2 Notes to the dialogue 1. CIF 到岸价 2. PICC 中国人民保险公司 3. FPA, WPA, All Risks and Extraneous Risks 一切险 额外险 4. WAR Risks 战争险 5. make a claim 要求索赔 6. prompt and equitable 迅速公正 Listening

Listen to dialogue 2 and complete the following blanks:  1. PICC can provide _____________ insurance, such as FPA and WPA.  2. _________ will pay the premium for War Risks.  3. The skirts will be covered ________ WPA and War Risks for _______ % of invoice value.  4. Claims of damage must by supported by _____________________.  5. PICC enjoys good reputation because they are always _____________ and _________________ in setting claims.

Listening Dialogue 3 Notes to the dialogue  spotty 有污点的。  in the case of 在 … 情况下。  minor/ major perils 小风险 / 大风险。  sinking, collision and fire 沉没、碰撞和火灾

Listening  Listen to dialogue 3 and fill the blanks with what you hear.  1. Generally speaking, under a CIF term, it covers only ___________ and, at 110% of the invoice value.  2. WPA policy covers you against ____________ loss in all cases, while FPA policy only covers you against _____________ loss in the case of minor perils.  3. All Risks is on the__________ kind of ____________ coverage, but it doesn’t really cover all risks.

Reading and Analyzing Cargo Insurance

Reading and Analyzing Brainstorming Question How to decide on insurance?

Cargo Insurance Cargo insurance (also called marine cargo insurance) covers physical damage, or loss of your goods whilst in transit by land, sea and air and offers considerable opportunities and cost advantages if managed correctly.

Cargo Insurance Many traders do not want to become involved in arranging this type of insurance because they feel they do not have sufficient knowledge. They see it as an unnecessary expense involving extra administration, and make the mistake of allowing suppliers or customers to control this vital area of business. This loss of control not only increases the difficulties of implementing an effective trade risk management strategy, but can also have far reaching effects on profitability.

Cargo Insurance Fortunately, this attitude is changing, with more and more companies following the lead of many of the 'blue-chip' manufacturing and trading giants of the UK economy who tend to take full control of this type of insurance.

Cargo Insurance When you are looking at the types of cargo insurance available, you may come across the term General Average. This is one of the oldest principles of cargo insurance and relates only to ocean and sea voyages but is still relevant in today's trading environment. General Average covers the situation where damage or loss of certain goods occurs so that the remaining cargo and the means of transport are saved. For example, goods may sustain water damage during fire fighting. In this situation, if General Average is declared, all the parties involved must contribute to covering the loss.

Cargo Insurance Cargo insurance is usually provided by the means of one of three Institute Cargo Clauses - A, B or C, plus War Clauses and Strikes Clauses. Simply put Cargo Clauses A provide the most cover with B and C giving less coverage which is reflected in reduced premiums for the lower cover (somewhat similar to car insurance cover with comprehensive, third party, fire and theft, and third party policies).

Cargo Insurance Also there is an Institute Cargo Clauses (Air) for movement by air, which is equivalent to the A clauses. Your insurance company or broker will be able to give details of exactly what cover is given by each clause so you can choose the most appropriate for your business needs and trading patterns.

New Words and Expressions  1.physical damage 有形损失  2. whilst conj. 时时, 同时  3. considerable adj. 相当大 ( 或多 ) 的, 值得考 虑的, 相当可观的  4. cost advantage 成本优势  5. sufficient adj 充分的  6. administration n. 管理, 经营, 行政部门  7. vital adj. 生死攸关的, 重大的

New Words and Expressions  8. implement vt. 贯彻, 执行  9. risk management 风险管理  10. blue-chip 独特的, 值钱的  11. trading giants n. 大型贸易公司  12. tend to 趋向  13. voyage n. 航海, 航行  14. come across 遇到,偶遇  15. Institute Cargo Clauses 协会货物保险  16. War Clauses and Strikes Clauses 战争条款和罢工条款  17. premium n. 保险费  18. third party, fire and theft 第三者责任、火灾盗窃险  19. equivalent adj. 相等的, 相当的, 同意义的

Notes to the Passage 1. Cargo insurance (also called marine cargo insurance) covers physical damage, or loss of your goods whilst in transit by land, sea and air and offers considerable opportunities and cost advantages if managed correctly.  货物保险 (也称作海运货物保险)承保海、陆、 空运中的有形损失和货物遗失,如果处理得当 的话,会给客户带来相当大的补偿机会和成本 优势。

Notes to the Passage 2 . This loss of control not only increases the difficulties of implementing an effective trade risk management strategy, but can also have far reaching effects on profitability. 管理不到位不仅会增加对有效交易执行风险管理的策略的难度,而且可能对 收益率产生严重影响。 far-reaching : Eg: Then came a new development that had far-reaching effects 后来发生了一个有深远影响的新情况。。 This war had far-reaching consequences in all the capitalist countries. 这次战争在所有资本主义国家都产生了深远的影响。 3. General Average covers the situation where damage or loss of certain goods occurs so that the remaining cargo and the means of transport are saved. For example, goods may sustain water damage during fire fighting. In this situation, if General Average is declared, all the parties involved must contribute to covering the loss. 共同海损包含为保护其余货物和运输工具而造成的货物损失或遗失。例如, 救火过程中货物可能进水,在这种情况下,如提出共同海损,所有人都必须 为损失承担责任。

Notes to the Passage  4. Cargo insurance is usually provided by the means of one of three Institute Cargo  Clauses - A, B or C, plus War Clauses and Strikes Clauses.  货物保险通常按照《协会货物保险》 A , B , C 条款,附加战争条 款和罢工条款的规定。  5. Simply put Cargo Clauses A provide the most cover with B and C giving less coverage which is reflected in reduced premiums for the lower cover (somewhat similar to car insurance cover with comprehensive, third party, fire and theft, and third party policies).  货物保险 A 中包含 B 和 C 的大部分内容,而 B 和 C 条款保险费用少, 涉保范围也小。(与车险中包含基本险,第三者责任、火灾盗窃险 和第三者强制责任保险有些类似)。

Group Discussion 1.Does All Risks cover all the losses? 2. What’s the difference between FPA and WPA? 3. Why do more and more traders see insurance as necessary expenditure?

Assignment Translate the following the passage Insurance companies are among the most important assets to a nation, for by selling their services abroad they are contributing to the balance of payments position by earning foreign currency. A nation what has to import much of what it needs must export as much as possible to pay for the imports. When the cost of the imports exceeds the income from the exports it is said to have “an adverse balance of trade”. But the deficit is often made up by money earned on services which are sold oversea—what are normally called “invisibles”, because they are not goods or commodities—and insurance is one of the most valuable sources of invisible earning to any nation.

Reference For more topic-related information, please refer to the following websites: (strongly recommended) china.html