IEC TC 88 PT 61400-5 IEC 61400-5 Ed.1: Wind Turbines – Part 5: Rotor Blades IEC TC 88 Meeting NREL-NWTC 11-12 March, 2010
Presentation Overview PT 61400-5 history Meetings and participation General timeline Technical scope/relevance Intended audience Committee issues TC 88 coordination Future work
PT 61400-5 History TC 88 Meeting – October, 2008 New work item proposal: 88/345/NP March 6th, 2009 NC Voting Open March 6th through June 12th, 2009 Results of voting circulated: 88/351/RNV August 28th, 2009 Work item approved New project team convened Team Leader: Mr. Wang Jianping (CN) Inaugural meeting: October, 2009 – Geneva, Switzerland
PT5 Meetings Meeting #1: October 14-15, 2009 IEC Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland Meeting #2: January 13-15, 2010 Gloria Plaza Hotel Beijing, China
PT5 Participation
PT5 Timeline
PT5 Technical Scope Blade design Environmental conditions Aerodynamic design Design loads Material requirements Structural design Blade manufacturing requirements Critical processes and quality control Tooling qualification and maintenance Manufacturing tolerances Calibrations Workshop and storage environment Final manufacturing inspection Manufacturing and QA records Test Methods Blade Handling Field Operation and Maintenance
Blade designers Turbine designers Blade manufacturers Field operators 61400-5 Intended Audience Blade designers Turbine designers Blade manufacturers Field operators
Manufacturing methods Style of work PT5 Committee Issues Agreement of scope Source documents Manufacturing methods Style of work
TC 88 Coordination 61400-1 61400-23 61400-24 Design criteria Blade testing Full scale structural Material – coupon level NDT Weight and balance Proof testing 61400-24 Lightning protection
PT5 Future Work Continue refining sections Based upon scope Develop detailed text for sections Produce CD Planned meetings: May, 2009: Aalborg, Denmark September, 2009: Hohhot (Huhehot), China