G ROUP 1: F ACTORS AFFECTING ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE DURING PRE - CLINICAL AND CLINICAL YEARS : A UDIOLOGY AND S PEECH S CIENCES STUDENTS Members: Chee Khai ChingA123220Speech/3 Lim Ya QinA123889Speech/3 Goh Choon MayA123480Audio/3 Nurzila bt. OmarA122865Audio/3 Sakinah Che RossA124136Audio/3 Fatimah Sh. MohdA124189Speech/3 Tan Mon PingA123543Speech/3 Siti Sarah Omar A123703Audio/3
I NTRODUCTION There are internal and externals factors that can affect the academic performance of the students during pre-clinical and clinical years. Based on Norhidayah Ali et al (2009), there are some factors that influence students’ performance including demographic, active learning, student attendance, extracurricular activities, peers influences and course assessment Researcher found that students who attend classes regularly obtained greater CGPA compared to those who absent from class. T This is supported by the Marburger (2001) in his study that he concluded that students who missed class on a given date were significantly more likely to respond incorrectly to questions relation to material covered that day than were students who were present.
Students who are actively engage in learning process are observed to have significant positive correlation; have greater CGPA (Norhidayah Ali et al, 2009). According to Sansgiry, S.S, Bhosle, M, Sail, K, (2006), strategic of studying can contribute to the academic performance of the students. Stress can be one of the factors that affect academic performance. This is supported by El Mouzan et al (1991) as his studies showed that the older students poor performance were generally affected to financial problems and family responsibilities which may cause major stress or tension that affect academic performances.
R ESEARCH QUESTION Is there a relationship between clinical practice and academic performance? Is there a difference between academic performance of Audiology and Speech Sciences students during pre- clinical and clinical years? HYPOTHESIS 1. There is a relationship between clinical practice and academic performance of audiology and speech sciences students during clinical years. 2. There is a difference between academic performance of audiology and speech sciences students during pre-clinical and clinical years
G ENERAL O BJECTIVES 1. To determine the factor that most affecting academic performance during pre-clinical and clinical years for audiology and speech sciences students. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 1. To compare academic performance of audiology and speech sciences students during pre-clinical and clinical years. 2. To compare factors that affecting academic performance of audiology and speech sciences students during pre-clinical and clinical years.
M ETHODOLOGY Study design Cross-sectional study Questionnaires are distributed to the selected undergraduates from Audiology and Speech Sciences Department. o Target population All students in National University Malaysia (UKM) who have academic experience in pre- clinical and clinical years.
M ETHODOLOGY Sampling method: Convenient sampling o Sampling frame: Name list of all third year and fourth year Audiology and Speech Sciences students which can be obtained from Audiology and Speech Sciences Department.
M ETHODOLOGY Sample unit A student either third year or fourth year from Audiology and Speech Sciences Department who has academic experience during pre-clinical and clinical years. Sample size Total subject: 55 students (25: third year students, 30 students from fourth year students)
Inclusion criteria: All the third year and forth year audiology and speech sciences students are involved in this study. Exclusion criteria: Audiology and speech sciences students who are required to repeat academic study of semester or withdraw from the courses. Data Collection - The questionnaire will be distributed and it will be collected on the same week. Data Analysis - Using SPPSS 17
V ARIABLES Independent variables: Factors that affecting academic performance (Stress, time management, class attendance, personal issue and learning style) Dependent variables: Academic performance of audiology and speech sciences students during pre-clinical and clinical years.
O PERATIONAL DEFINITION Academic performance of pre-clinical years will be defined as average of PNGS from first year until second year first semester. Academic performance of clinical years will be defined as average of PNGS from second year second semester until third year first semester.
DecemberJanuary February Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7 Week 8 First Discussion : Outline of the research (Introduction, research question, objective, methodology and Gantt Chart) Survey and literature review Second Discussion : Draft proposal Submit draft proposal to Pn Haniza Preparation in refining the proposal and presentation slides Presentation of the proposal
2011 FebruaryMarch Week 8Week 9Week 10Week 11Week 12 Week 13Week 14 Presentation of the proposal 3rd Discussion : Develop Questionnaires Distribution of questionnaire to subjects Data collection 4th Discussion : Analysis of data using SPSS 5th Discussion : Interpretation of results Writing reports Compilation of reports Proof- reading of the reports Submission of reports