Using Data for Continuous School Improvement
Goal 2 SLDS Grant Provide a statewide system of professional development training for data analysis that reaches every district. Tiered Training Delivery ✔ School District Staff School District Leadership ESUs and NDE Staff ✔ Statewide Data Cadre ✔
Statewide Data Cadre ESUs/ESUCC – Rhonda Jindra – ESU 1 – Mike Danahy – ESU 2 – Marilou Jasnoch – ESU 3 – Annette Weise – ESU 5 – Lenny VerMaas – ESU 6 – Denise O’Brien – ESU 10 – Melissa Engel – ESU 16 – Jeff McQuistan – ESU 17 NDE – Data, Research, Evaluation –Russ Masco –Matt Heusman –Rachael LaBounty –Kathy Vetter – Assessment –John Moon – Federal Programs –Beth Zillig – Special Education –Teresa Coontz – Curriculum –Cory Epler –Tricia Parker-Siemers – Accreditation and School Improvement –Don Loseke –Sue Anderson Higher Ed – Dick Meyer – UNK
Nebraska Data Literacies What do the data show? Data Comprehension Why might this be? Data Interpretation Did our response produce results? Evaluation How should we respond? Data Use
Data Literacies Format 1. a. i. Concept Indicators Literacy
Data Literacies Grant/Data_Literacies.pdf
Nebraska Data Literacies and Their Relationship to the Continuous School Improvement Process
Nebraska Data Literacies What do the data show? Data Comprehension Why might this be? Data Interpretation Did our response produce results? Evaluation How should we respond? Data Use
Data Use Curriculum Nebraska Data Literacies
Bernhardt, V.L. (2013) Data Analysis for Continuous School Improvement (Third Edition) New York, NY: Routledge
Page 14
Where are we now? How did we get to where we are? Where do we want to be? How are we going to get to where we want to be? Is what we are doing making a difference? Data Literacy 1 What do the data show? Data Literacy 2 Why might that be? Data Literacy 3 How should we respond? Data Literacy 4 Did our response produce results? Data Literacy 2 Why might that be? Page 14
Data Analysis for Continuous School Improvement Is About What You Are Evaluating Yourself Against
Data Literacy 1 What do the data show?
Data Literacy 2 Why might that be?
Data Literacy 2 Why might that be?
Data Literacy 3 How should we respond?
Data Literacy 4 Did our response produce results?
IMPORTANT NOTES Continuous School Improvement describes the work that schools do, linking the essential elementsContinuous School Improvement describes the work that schools do, linking the essential elements Continuous School Improvement is a process of evidence, engagement, and artifactsContinuous School Improvement is a process of evidence, engagement, and artifacts
A PROCESS OF EVIDENCE, ENGAGEMENT, AND ARTIFACTS Evidence: Data to inform and drive a logical progression of next steps. Engagement: Bringing staff together to inform improvement through the use of data, moving from personality driven to systemic and systematic. Artifacts: The documentation of your improvement efforts.
Four Types of Data
Data Literacy 1 What do the data show?
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Demographic Data
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Describe the context of the school and school district. Help us understand all other numbers. Are used for disaggregating other types of data. Describe our system and leadership. DEMOGRAPHICS ARE IMPORTANT DATA
Enrollment Gender Ethnicity / Race Attendance (Absences) Expulsions Suspensions DEMOGRAPHICS
Language Proficiency Indicators of Poverty Special Needs/Exceptionality IEP (Yes/No) Drop-Out/Graduation Rates Program Enrollment DEMOGRAPHICS (Continued)
School and Teaching Assignment Qualifications Years of Teaching/At this School Gender, Ethnicity Additional Professional Development STAFF DEMOGRAPHICS
NDE Data Profile – Reports in DRS
Data Profile Enrollment example
Data Profile-Enrollment by Ethnicity
Data Profile Ethnicity Not SPED/ SPED Example
Perceptual Data
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Help us understand what students, staff, and parents are perceiving about the learning environment. We cannot act differently from what we value, believe, perceive. PERCEPTIONS ARE IMPORTANT DATA
Student, Staff, Parent, Alumni Questionnaires Observations Focus Groups PERCEPTIONS INCLUDE
PERCEPTIONS What do you suppose students say is the #1 “thing” that has to be in place in order for them to learn?
Perceptual Data Surveys are available for students, parent, staff, for districts/schools that will work with their ESU staff developer to learn how to analyze the perceptual data Districts/schools complete a (revised) form Schools receive links to the surveys Schools and ESU staff developer will receive the perceptual survey data
Perceptual Data Request Form Return to ESU Staff Developer
Perceptual Data Ability to administer surveys will be available in future years as well NDEs capacity to manage the perceptual data surveys is developing The data belongs to the districts/schools
Student Learning Data
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Know what students are learning. Understand what we are teaching. Determine which students need extra help. STUDENT LEARNING ARE IMPORTANT DATA
STUDENT LEARNING DATA INCLUDE Diagnostic Assessments (Universal Screeners) Classroom Assessments Formative Assessments (Progress Monitoring) Summative Assessments (High Stakes Tests, End of Course) Defined: Pages 54-57
School Process Data
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Schools are perfectly designed to get the results they are getting now. If schools want different results, they must measure and then change their processes to create the results they really want. SCHOOL PROCESSES
Processes include… Actions, changes, functions that bring about a desired result Curriculum, instructional strategies, assessment, programs, interventions… The way we work.
Tell us about the way we work. Tell us how we get the results we are getting. Help us know if we have instructional coherence. SCHOOL PROCESSES ARE IMPORTANT DATA
SCHOOL PROCESSES DEFINITIONS INSTRUCTIONAL: The techniques and strategies that teachers use in the learning environment. ORGANIZATIONAL: Those structures the school puts in place to implement the vision.
ADMINISTRATIVE: Elements about schooling that we count, such as class sizes. CONTINUOUS SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT: The structures and elements that help schools continuously improve their systems. PROGRAMS: Programs are planned series of activities and processes, with specific goals. SCHOOL PROCESSES DEFINITIONS
Review implications across data. Look for commonalities. Create an aggregated list of implications for the school improvement plan. MERGE STRENGTHS, CHALLENGES, AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THE SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN After analyzing all four types of data
AGGREGATING IMPLICATIONS Intersections Presentation and interpretation/en gagement as a function of analysis. Page 17
Page 343
NDE Continuous School Improvement Workshops Sept – North Platte October 6-7 – Kearney October – Norfolk October Omaha Each school will receive a copy of Data Analysis for Continuous School Improvement
Fall CIP Workshops Agenda Why Data Analysis? -What would it take to ensure student learning at every grade level, in every subject area, and with every student group? -Strengths/Challenges/Implications protocol using Demographic Profile Data -Analyze District Data with DRS Reports