CSC Report at StC Meeting Hoi An, Vietnam AFACT Meeting Dr. Eva Yi-Yuan Yueh, Chair 9 May 2013
2 Works Conducted by CSC, Survey for building up AFACT Repository
Collect typical questions which are frequently asked by practitioners when planning single window or trade facilitation Design a form indicating suggested major items whose information will be collected and translated by HoDs. Some definitions and explanations need to be supplemented for clarification NSW service framework, & system architecture, if developed Customs declaration processes and documents involved (the title of documents only) Title of regulation amended to cope with the operation of NSW List of MIGs developed for B2B, B2G and G2G data exchange based on the harmonized national dataset 3 Actions Building up Repository based on Conclusions of Kish Meeting
Survey for collecting information for the AFACT repository of single window and trade facilitation Disseminated an open-ended questionnaire to all AFACT HoDs on 25 September, 2012 Collected replies after 31 October, There were Japan, Korea, Chinese Taipei, Iran, and Singapore responded The repository will be continually built up by collecting responses from other AFACT members. Therefore, AFACT Secretariat needs to keep reminding members to reply and update For those members not yet planned or implemented SW, could provide information regarding practices of electronic customs declaration 4 Survey Status
5 most frequently asked questions(FAQs) when planning single window or trade facilitation, which involve problems encountered and imply the motivations A list of major legislation or amendment of existing regulations for SW implementation The characteristics of the national dataset after harmonizing with other int’l standards, e.g. WCO DM v3.0, UN/CEFACT CC10b, etc. The major and minor source of international standards to harmonize with your existing dataset of message How much is the percentage your national dataset fully compliant with the major source of international standard The most difficult part experienced in the process of data harmonization A list of locally published or under development of MIGs for SW message exchange, service framework & system architecture of SW, customs declaration processes and message involved, regulation of advanced cargo information report 5 Survey questions for building up AFACT repository
6 AFACT Repository 1.Most frequently asked questions(FAQ) 2.A list of major legislation or amendment 3.The characteristics of the national dataset 4.A list of published or under development of MIGs 5.Service framework and system architecture of SW 6.Customs declaration processes & message involved 7.Regulation of advanced cargo information report
1. FAQs Totally 15 questions collected from J, K, and CT: Japan: How much the cost will each gov’t agency need to cover to implement/operate the SW system? Korea: Each agency has implemented and operated individual systems in an efficient manner. What is the rationale behind the need for additionally implementing the Single Window system to replace the existing declaration form processing systems? Chinese Taipei: If the cost of operating Single Window services and maintaining its infrastructure cannot be balanced by charge from the users, how much annual budget needs to be allocated by the gov’t dept concerned in order to keep the SW running smoothly? 7 An example from each member.
2. New Regulations or Amendments 8 Japan: Customs authority amended the article 1 of "Act on Special Provisions for Customs Procedure by Means of Electronic Data Processing System“ Korea: Legal grounds for sharing information with other countries in reciprocal conditions were specified in accordance with Paragraph 3 (information exchange) of Article 255 of the Customs Act. Chinese Taipei: Chinese Taipei’s Customs authority amended the Article No. 10 of the Customs Act to provide legitimate base for SW operation. Iran: Iran: Article 9 of the new customs law states that the customs has to provide all the required facilities to ICT to perform its duties. Singapore: Singapore: Section 47(1) of the Electronic Transactions Act (ETA) provides that any government agency accepts the filing of documents in the form of electronic records. An example from each member.
3. Characteristics of the national dataset (1/3) Major Source of Int’l Stds to harmonize Japan: Some are based on UN/EDIFACT Korea: Despite the fact that the Korea Customs Administration has employed WCO DM as the standard for implementing Single Window, UN/CEFACT and some domestic standards are also being applied to items that do not exist in the DM Chinese Taipei: was the major source, whereas UN/CEFACT CC10a was the second one to map with Chinese Taipei: WCO Data Model V3.0 was the major source, whereas UN/CEFACT CC10a was the second one to map with Iran: Iran: WCO date model V3.2 has been selected for harmonizing trade data elements. 9
Percentage of National Dataset fully compliant Japan: Not available Korea: Comparing the WCO DM with 819 items of key forms used by the KCA found that 68.5% of the items identical with WCO DM, 6.5% were similar (some definitions, codes, etc. were similar), and 25% were unique (items only existing in our e-documents) Chinese Taipei: Totally 478 Data Elements for 51 messages, among which 314 mapped to WCO DE (66%) with remarks on some data elements for the local needs, 164 added by TW as required (34%) Iran: So far 100% of data elements of the trade documents i.e. Custom declaration, Commercial Invoice, Certificate of Origin, Cargo insurance policy have been harmonized with WCO data model Characteristics of the national dataset (2/3)
Difficulties Encountered in Harmonization Japan: Though using international standards, the actual details often vary depending on each country. To set the details took some effort Korea: There are a host of difficulties resulting from differences between the work processes suggested by the WCO DM and KCS, resulting differences in the structures of e- documents, some methods that are only available in Korea for processing data, codes, etc Chinese Taipei: The business process kept changing during the period because of BPR to meet the requirement of advanced shipment report and other changes to customs declaration regulations Iran: Stakeholders’ coordination was the most difficult part. The coordination was done by establishment of Iran National Committee for electronic facilitation of trade (NCEFT) Characteristics of the national dataset (3/3) An example from each member.
4. Published or under development of MIGs Japan: All EDI based, e.g., CUSRES(Customs response message), CUSREP(Customs conveyance report message), CUSCAR(Customs cargo report message), etc. Korea: Totally 678 e-Documents used for customs declaration developed by various governmental agencies. Some are EDI- based, some XML-based, some two formats compatible Chinese Taipei 36 customs XML-based MIGs, all WCO DM 3.0 compatible and EDI-based MIGs mapped 36 customs XML-based MIGs, all WCO DM 3.0 compatible and EDI-based MIGs mapped 15 license/permission application MIGs, all WCO DM 3.0 compatible and EDI-based MIGs mapped 15 license/permission application MIGs, all WCO DM 3.0 compatible and EDI-based MIGs mapped Iran 2 Msgs for input and 4 Msgs for output, among which ENS/XNS for customs declaration are WCO std compatible 2 Msgs for input and 4 Msgs for output, among which ENS/XNS for customs declaration are WCO std compatible 12
5. Service framework and system architecture (1/7) 13 Japan
14 Korea UNI-PASS 5. Service framework and system architecture (2/7)
5. Service framework and system architecture (3/7) Korea KLNet
16 Chinese Taipei SW Framework 5. Service framework and system architecture (4/7)
17 Chinese Taipei Service of SW 5. Service framework and system architecture (5/7)
5. Service framework and system architecture (6/7) 18 Architecture of Iran SW system
5. Service framework and system architecture 5. Service framework and system architecture (7/7) 19 Architecture of SGP TradeXchange
6. Declaration Processes (1/5) 20 Japan: Naccs_Air
21 Japan: Naccs_Sea 6. Declaration Processes (2/5)
Korea: Export/import process and files Declaration Processes (3/5)
23 6. Declaration Processes (4/5) Chinese Taipei: part of clearance for export
24 AcceptDeclaration C1 Exam C2 C3 Classification& Valuation Summit Declaration Duty Collection Release ShipmentPick-up Payment Custom s Declaration Necessary customs declaration documents: C1: No document needed C2: Import declaration report with attachment of Bill of Lading, Invoice, packing list. P/L and other necessary license and/or permission documents may be submitted afterward, prior to shipment release C3: Amended import declaration report and other documents as in C2 Exam C1 Exemption from Documentation and Examination C2 Document Review C3 Document Review and Physical Examination prior to Valuation C4 Doc Review and Physical Valuation prior to Exam(Shipment release in wh) One example 6. Declaration Processes (5/5) Chinese Taipei: Import Cargo Clearance Process
Japan : The Advance Filing Rules will be implemented in March 2014 Which require a vessel operator or a NVOCC to electronically submit to the Customs info on maritime container cargoes to be loaded on a vessel intended to entry into a port in Japan, in principle no later than 24 hours before departure of the vessel from a port of loading Advance Cargo Info Report (1/5)
Korea Shipping Invoice Submission Scheme was implemented by the Customs Administration in 2012 Sea-freight import (Default)24H before loading cargo at its shipping port (Default)24H before loading cargo at its shipping port (Close-range regions)Prior to departure of the vessel (Close-range regions)Prior to departure of the vessel (Bulk cargo)4H before entry of the vessel (Bulk cargo)4H before entry of the vessel Sea-freight export (Default)same as import (Default)same as import (Close-range regions)Before loading cargo onto the vessel or 30 minutes before departure (Close-range regions)Before loading cargo onto the vessel or 30 minutes before departure (Bulk or transshipment)Prior to departure of the vessel (Bulk or transshipment)Prior to departure of the vessel (Export items to be declared on board) Within 24H after departure of the vessel (Export items to be declared on board) Within 24H after departure of the vessel Advance Cargo Info Report (2/5)
Korea Air-freight import (By default)4H before entry of the aircraft (By default)4H before entry of the aircraft (Close-range regions)Prior to departure of the aircraft from its shipping airport (Close-range regions)Prior to departure of the aircraft from its shipping airport (Express cargo)1H before entry of the aircraft (Express cargo)1H before entry of the aircraft Air-freight export Submission shall be finalized before loading cargo on to the aircraft or 30 minutes before its departure Submission shall be finalized before loading cargo on to the aircraft or 30 minutes before its departure Advance Cargo Info Report (3/5)
Chinese Taipei Sea-freight export manifest: The export manifest should be reported 24 hours before the shipment is loaded on the export vessel. The export manifest (message N ) should be submitted to the Single Window by the transportation carrier (or his service agent) through transmission of the VAN service provider, which will be accepted by the Customs and operated accordingly. Sea-freight export customs declaration: The shipper or his outsourced customs broker needs to submit the formal export customs declaration report (message N5203) through VAN to the Single Window 1 hour before the cargo/shipment arrives at the customs control zone, which will be received and handled by the Customs accordingly. The Customs Control Zone covers container yard and warehouse for the in-land and port shipment. Air-freight export manifest: The shipper or his outsourced customs broker needs to transmit the message of export manifest N5202 to the Customs via Single Window with VAN’s service 30 minutes before the aircraft departs. Air-freight export customs declaration: The shipper or his outsourced customs broker needs to submit the message of export declaration N5203 to the Customs via Single Window with VAN’s service 1 hour before the container/goods arrives in the control Zone Advance Cargo Info Report (4/5)
Singapore To facilitate faster customs clearance for the air transport community, an Advance Clearance for Courier and Express Shipment System (ACCESS) was developed, which enables pre-clearance for courier companies, allowing them to submit the pre-clearance shipment information for the air express and on-board-courier shipments to the Singapore Customs. 7. Advance Cargo Info Report (5/5)
1 Thank you!